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Frankenstein, écrit par Mary Shelley et publié en 1818, est un roman gothique qui raconte l’histoire de Victor Frankenstein, un scientifique ambitieux qui crée un être vivant à partir de morceaux de cadavres. Son expérience tourne au drame lorsqu'il rejette la créature, la laissant seule et perdue. L’histoire explore des thèmes profonds tels que la quête du savoir, les conséquences de l'ambition démesurée, la solitude, et la responsabilité morale. Frankenstein est parfois considéré comme un des premiers exemples de science-fiction, mais outre le fantastique, l’autrice y aborde les questions de l'humanité et de la nature de l'âme. La créature, souvent perçue à tort comme un monstre, exprime une grande souffrance, ce qui en fait un personnage complexe et tragique...
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Jerome Pilette (Narrator)
Audiolibro narrado en castellano- Mary Shelley es quizás una de las escritoras británicas más leídas de todos los tiempos y sus novelas han sido capaces de cautivar a varias generaciones de fieles seguidores. Ciertas secciones de las novelas de Mary Shelley se interpretan como reescrituras encubiertas de su propia vida. Los historiadores frecuentemente consideran “Mathilda” (1819-1820) como autobiográfica, identificando a los tres personajes principales como versiones de Mary Shelley, William Godwin y Percy Shelley. Se ha convertido posiblemente en la novela más famosa de Mary Shelley después de “Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo”. Novela triste y dramática, paisajes con lluvia, desesperación, sueños, muerte, pasiones, soledad y la destrucción como consecuencia del perverso poder del deseo ilícito. Mathilda huérfana de madre tras el parto crecerá alejada de su progenitor, ya que este no puede soportar tener ante sus ojos a la criatura que ha provocado la pérdida de aquello que más amaba en el mundo, se criará con su tía y al cumplir 16 años se reencuentra con su padre; conoceremos si realmente existe una condena a la infelicidad de esta familia. ©2025/1472025 ™SelloNegro.esCultura ft. Proyectos®bseal voice. No se permite ni cede el uso de la portada ni de la voz, modulación, timbre del narrador; para ser utilizados para alimentar, entrenar, simular o acciones similares, en programas o proyectos de inteligencia artificial (IA), robótica o cualquier metodología que utilice o transforme la voz grabada originalmente por el narrador y/ o la imagen de portada. “El lobo se vestía con piel de cordero y el rebaño consentía el engaño” Mary Shelley 1797-1851
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), ®bseal voice (Narrator)
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born on the 30th August 1797 in Somers Town, London.Her mother, the famous feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft died when Mary was only 11 days old and she was raised by her father, the philosopher, novelist, journalist, and perpetually in debt, William Godwin.Though Mary received little formal education her father taught her a broad range of subjects and added to her bright and curious personality she easily absorbed a good and broad education.In July 1814, after conducting a secret affair with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who had earlier promised to pay off yet another round of her father’s business debts, the pair eloped to France. Within two months, penniless and pregnant they returned to England.Her husbands’ affairs caused her frequent heartbreak but despite all the travails, including the loss of her own child, Shelley’s recent inheritance gave them the opportunity to journey again to Europe.It was here that ‘Frankenstein’ was born and established Mary’s own name in literature.Her life hereafter was plagued with loss; the death of two further children and then her husband in a boating accident. Her writing continued through novels, travel pieces and biographies. Her short stories, some based in Europe, tackle difficult situations and genres as well the obstacles that women were burdened with in society. Her editorship of her late husband’s poetry was also widely praised. Mary’s radical politics continued to guide her journey throughout her life but, by 1840, illness had begun to haunt her years, depriving her of energy and vigour. Mary Shelley died on the 1st February 1851, at Chester Square, London of a suspected brain tumour. She was 53.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Mark Rice-Oxley (Narrator)
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born on the 30th August 1797 in Somers Town, London.Her mother, the famous feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft died when Mary was only 11 days old and she was raised by her father, the philosopher, novelist, journalist, and perpetually in debt, William Godwin.Though Mary received little formal education her father taught her a broad range of subjects and added to her bright and curious personality she easily absorbed a good and broad education.In July 1814, after conducting a secret affair with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who had earlier promised to pay off yet another round of her father’s business debts, the pair eloped to France. Within two months, penniless and pregnant they returned to England.Her husbands’ affairs caused her frequent heartbreak but despite all the travails, including the loss of her own child, Shelley’s recent inheritance gave them the opportunity to journey again to Europe.It was here that ‘Frankenstein’ was born and established Mary’s own name in literature.Her life hereafter was plagued with loss; the death of two further children and then her husband in a boating accident. Her writing continued through novels, travel pieces and biographies. Her short stories, some based in Europe, tackle difficult situations and genres as well the obstacles that women were burdened with in society. Her editorship of her late husband’s poetry was also widely praised. Mary’s radical politics continued to guide her journey throughout her life but, by 1840, illness had begun to haunt her years, depriving her of energy and vigour. Mary Shelley died on the 1st February 1851, at Chester Square, London of a suspected brain tumour. She was 53.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Robert Maskell (Narrator)
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born on the 30th August 1797 in Somers Town, London.Her mother, the famous feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft died when Mary was only 11 days old and she was raised by her father, the philosopher, novelist, journalist, and perpetually in debt, William Godwin.Though Mary received little formal education her father taught her a broad range of subjects and added to her bright and curious personality she easily absorbed a good and broad education.In July 1814, after conducting a secret affair with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who had earlier promised to pay off yet another round of her father’s business debts, the pair eloped to France. Within two months, penniless and pregnant they returned to England.Her husbands’ affairs caused her frequent heartbreak but despite all the travails, including the loss of her own child, Shelley’s recent inheritance gave them the opportunity to journey again to Europe.It was here that ‘Frankenstein’ was born and established Mary’s own name in literature.Her life hereafter was plagued with loss; the death of two further children and then her husband in a boating accident. Her writing continued through novels, travel pieces and biographies. Her short stories, some based in Europe, tackle difficult situations and genres as well the obstacles that women were burdened with in society. Her editorship of her late husband’s poetry was also widely praised. Mary’s radical politics continued to guide her journey throughout her life but, by 1840, illness had begun to haunt her years, depriving her of energy and vigour. Mary Shelley died on the 1st February 1851, at Chester Square, London of a suspected brain tumour. She was 53.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Ghizela Rowe (Narrator)
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born on the 30th August 1797 in Somers Town, London.Her mother, the famous feminist philosopher, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft died when Mary was only 11 days old and she was raised by her father, the philosopher, novelist, journalist, and perpetually in debt, William Godwin.Though Mary received little formal education her father taught her a broad range of subjects and added to her bright and curious personality she easily absorbed a good and broad education.In July 1814, after conducting a secret affair with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who had earlier promised to pay off yet another round of her father’s business debts, the pair eloped to France. Within two months, penniless and pregnant they returned to England.Her husbands’ affairs caused her frequent heartbreak but despite all the travails, including the loss of her own child, Shelley’s recent inheritance gave them the opportunity to journey again to Europe.It was here that ‘Frankenstein’ was born and established Mary’s own name in literature.Her life hereafter was plagued with loss; the death of two further children and then her husband in a boating accident. Her writing continued through novels, travel pieces and biographies. Her short stories, some based in Europe, tackle difficult situations and genres as well the obstacles that women were burdened with in society. Her editorship of her late husband’s poetry was also widely praised. Mary’s radical politics continued to guide her journey throughout her life but, by 1840, illness had begun to haunt her years, depriving her of energy and vigour. Mary Shelley died on the 1st February 1851, at Chester Square, London of a suspected brain tumour. She was 53.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Ghizela Rowe (Narrator)
Wonder Of Women - Suicide Stories
Let’s be clear. We are all equal under the law. However, even in these more modern times that is not an absolute and still remains a distant ambition for many. In the days when Britain ruled the waves and bestrode the world as its policeman and plunderer in chief it also subjugated half of its own people to second class status. Women were chattel and property. There were some exceptions based on wealth and birthright but for the overwhelming majority your lot was to fall in with the rules and do as you were told. Many did.But whilst male society sought to place obstacles in the path to equality, it could not deny their literary talents, which many times they circumvented by using male pseudonyms. However, the soaring sales of magazines and periodicals during the Victorian Age meant they had voracious appetites for literature, whatever the sex of its gender.Dozens of authors appeared to fill the need. Narratives had new ideas. Characters were emboldened by societal changes and the female voice taking responsibility.The women included here are talents that dazzle. Put them up against anyone and they rise to the top. Whether they remain with an avid readership today or faded to obscurity with the passing of the times their quality remains undimmed. 1 - Women of Wonder - Suicide - An Introduction2 - The Legacy by Virginia Woolf3 - The Voyage by Katherine Mansfield4 - Paul's Case by Willa Cather5 - Cohen of Trinity by Amy Levy6 - The Mourner by Mary Shelley7 - The Quadroons by Lydia Maria Child8 - An Outcast of the People by Bithia Mary Croker9 - Blessed Are the Meek by Mary Webb10 - When Spirits Steal by Philippa Forest11 - The Cold Embrace by Mary Elizabeth Braddon12 - The Oculist by Catherine Wells13 - Sokratics in the Strand by Amy Levy
Amy Levy, Bithia Mary Croker, Catherine Wells, Katherine Mansfield, Lydia Maria Child, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Mary Webb, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Philippa Forest, Virginia Woolf, Willa Cather (Author), David Shaw-Parker, Ghizela rowe, Laurel Lefkow (Narrator)
Wonder Of Women - The Weird Stories - Volume 2
Let’s be clear. We are all equal under the law. However, even in these more modern times that is not an absolute and still remains a distant ambition for many. In the days when Britain ruled the waves and bestrode the world as its policeman and plunderer in chief it also subjugated half of its own people to second class status. Women were chattel and property. There were some exceptions based on wealth and birthright but for the overwhelming majority your lot was to fall in with the rules and do as you were told. Many did.But whilst male society sought to place obstacles in the path to equality, it could not deny their literary talents, which many times they circumvented by using male pseudonyms. However, the soaring sales of magazines and periodicals during the Victorian Age meant they had voracious appetites for literature, whatever the sex of its gender.Dozens of authors appeared to fill the need. Narratives had new ideas. Characters were emboldened by societal changes and the female voice taking responsibility.The women included here are talents that dazzle. Put them up against anyone and they rise to the top. Whether they remain with an avid readership today or faded to obscurity with the passing of the times their quality remains undimmed. 1 - Women of Wonder - The Weird Stories - Volume 2 - An Introduction2 - The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman3 - Transformation by Mary Shelley4 - The Shadows on the Wall by Mary E Wilkins Freeman5 - The Blue Room by Lettice Galbraith6 - From the Dead by Edith Nesbit7 - The Death Mask by H D Everett writing as Theo Parker8 - The Last of Squire Ennismore by Charlotte Riddell9 - Sylvia by Bessie Kyffin Taylor10 - Whittington's Cat by Lady Eleanor Smith11 - Young Magic by Helen Simpson12 - No 5 Branch Line. The Engineer by Amelia Edwards13 - In Dark New England Days by Sarah Orne Jewett14 - A Wicked Voice - Part 1 by Vernon Lee15 - A Wicked Voice - Part 2 by Vernon Lee
Amelia B. Edwards, Bessie Kyffin Taylor, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Charlotte Riddell, Edith Nesbit, H D Everett writing as Theo Parker, Helen Simpson, Lady Eleanor Smith, Lettice Galbraith, Mary E Wilkins Freeman, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Sarah Orne Jewett, Vernon Lee (Author), George S. Irving, Laurel Lefkow, Liza Ross (Narrator)
Frankenstein Retold Inclusively
Frankenstein was written in the Romantic literary period. The literary trend of the early 1800s produced poems that described how nature elevated and blissed human minds. Most literary work at this time was written and published by men. In amongst these ecstatic reveries of nature, the 19 year old, Mary Shelley wedged the chilling story of Frankenstein into the literary landscape and our minds forever. Her story filled an empty space in humankind's collective consciousness. That empty space was waiting for this story of over-reaching scientific madness. This version of Frankenstein is a translation not an abridged telling. I have translated the Old Romantic era English into easy-to-read accessible English. • The same characters say the same things at the same times in the story. • Plot point for plot point the story stays the same. • The themes are all preserved. • The transcendent and brutal settings of the story are still on the pages. • References to poems and other literature are explained. • Supplementary information supports understanding of the text. This book is for • humans who like to read archetypal literature in easy-to-read language, • neuro-diverse readers, • young readers, • English second language speakers, • English literature students who need a study guide to unravel the original Frankenstein. • anyone (I think that's most of us) who finds old English inaccessible but would like to read Frankenstein. This accessible Frankenstein is part of Inclusive Books (Inc!Bs) journey to rewrite history inclusively.
Kath Shone, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Kath Shone (Narrator)
Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley about the young student of science Victor Frankenstein, who creates a grotesque but sentient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was eighteen, and the novel was published when she was twenty. The first edition was published anonymously in London in 1818. Shelley's name appears on the second edition, published in France in 1823.Shelley had travelled through Europe in 1814, journeying along the river Rhine in Germany with a stop in Gernsheim which is just 17 km (10 mi) away from Frankenstein Castle, where two centuries before an alchemist was engaged in experiments. Later, she travelled in the region of Geneva (Switzerland)—where much of the story takes place—and the topics of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her lover and future husband, Percy Shelley. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron, and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for days, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made; her dream later evolved into the story within the novel.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Roland K. Forbs (Narrator)
'The Last Man' is a novel written by Mary Shelley, the author best known for 'Frankenstein.' Published in 1826, 'The Last Man' is a work of science fiction and is considered one of the earliest examples of post-apocalyptic literature. The novel is set in the late 21st century and narrated by a character named Lionel Verney. It tells the story of a devastating global pandemic that wipes out most of the world's population. Lionel, seemingly the last surviving human, recounts the events leading up to the downfall of civilization and his experiences as the titular last man.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Jason Smith (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Mary Shelley Relatos Cortos: El mortal inmortal - La transformación
Audiolibro narrado en castellano. Mary Shelley (1797–1851) una de las escritoras más importantes e influyentes de la literatura británica del Siglo XIX, creadora del doctor y su monstruo “Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo” (1818) además de sus novelas escribió numerosos relatos de marcado carácter gótico. La presente edición reúne dos de sus relatos cortos; bajo un tumultuoso ambiente romántico con personajes sometidos a la influencia de fuertes pasiones que dan pie a sucesos sobrenaturales y extraordinarios. » “El mortal inmortal” – 1833 Pasiones desatadas y sentimientos arrebatados hacen que un hombre llamado Winzy pupilo del maestro alquimista Cornelius Agrippa beba un misterioso brebaje preparado por su mentor, dejándonos saber si se trata de una bendición o una maldición. El amor se corrompe con el tiempo y la muerte se convierte en el mayor de los anhelos, es la única manera de escapar de un destino infausto. » “La transformación” – 1830 Pactos diabólicos, noches tenebrosas, parajes sombríos, tormentas, crueldad humana y monstruos… Misteriosos temores de nuestra propia naturaleza humana destruyen los límites del mismo intelecto convirtiéndose en el tirano que mueve todos los actos de Guido el protagonista del relato, cuyo orgullo y vicios lo han alejado inevitablemente de la senda del bien. “No deseo que las mujeres tengan más poder que los hombres, sino que tengan más poder sobre sí mismas”. Mary Shelley (1797–1851)
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), ®bseal Voice (Narrator)
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