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Un crucero de glamour en un transatlántico de lujo se vuelve letal en la última novela de Mary Higgins Clark, la reina del suspense. Solo desea huir de la humillante escena del arresto de su prometido la víspera de su boda. Celia Kilbride, experta en joyas, acepta un puesto de trabajo en el transatlántico Queen Charlotte para escapar de la atención pública. Allí conoce a Lady Emily Haywood, de ochenta y seis años, dueña de un collar de esmeraldas de incalculable valor que desea donar a un museo tras el crucero. Pero el tercer día de travesía encuentran a Lady Emily muerta y el collar ha desaparecido. La lista de sospechosos no hace más que crecer. Celia se dispone a encontrar al asesino sin darse cuenta de que se ha puesto en peligro mortal antes de que el crucero llegue a su fin. Reseñas: «Una lectura ágil, con una trama bien trabajada que no se pierde en un final superfluo y que, sobre todo, cuenta con ladosis exacta de giros y sorpresas para que nos mantengamos enganchados.» Revista Kritica «Mary Higgins Clark usa el humor, demuestra su talento para recrear escenas de manera casi cinematográfica y su documentación previa, en este caso, en el sector de la alta joyería.» Laura Galdeano, Libertad Digital «Me dio un susto de muerte.» The Guardian «La reina de la alta tensión.» The New Yorker En los blogs... «La autora nunca defrauda a sus seguidores y en esta novela vuelve a conseguir captar el interés del lector con una trama bien urdida que se desarrolla en un escenario sugerente, que invita a que la intriga y el suspense se desarrollen de forma trepidante.» Blog Me gustan los libros «Este libro es puro estilo Mary Higgins Clark, nos pone en duda, los pasajeros hacen que pensemos de uno en otro quién ha sido, nos narra muy bien la vida a bordo del crucero, cómo se forman amistades o enemistades.» Blog Estoy entre páginas «Es una novela sencilla (que no simple), con mucha agilidad, con un vocabulario más que correcto, mérito también de la traductora, y una capacidad de atrapar al lector entre sus páginas envidiable.» Blog Atardeceres bajo un árbol
Mary Higgins Clark (Author), Jane Santos (Narrator)
La extraordinaria nueva novela de Mary Higgins Clark. Vuelve la reina del suspense. La periodista Gina Kane recibe un correo electrónico de una tal «CRyan» describiendo la «terrible experiencia» que vivió mientras trabajaba en la famosa cadena de noticias REL News. «Y no me pasó solo a mí», afirma. Gina intenta ponerse en contacto con Ryan, pero, cuando esta no responde a sus mensajes, descubre que la joven ha muerto en un trágico (y extraño) accidente. Michael Carter, un abogado que trabaja para REL News, se encuentra en una situación muy incómoda: varias empleadas han sufrido acoso sexual por parte del presentador estrella de la cadena, y ahora Carter tiene que comprar su silencio. Es una estrategia arriesgada, pero, si juega bien sus cartas, podría acabar haciéndose rico. Con la fecha de salida a Bolsa de la empresa cada vez más cerca, los intentos de Carter de impedir que el escándalo se haga público son solo comparables a la férrea determinación de Gina Kane de conseguir que todo salga a la luz. Sin embargo, tras la aparición de nuevas víctimas, no tardará en darse cuenta de que alguien está dispuesto a casi cualquier cosa para mantener la verdad en las sombras... La crítica ha dicho... «Mary Higgins Clark siempre sabe cómo asustarnos y mantenernos intrigados.» The New York Times «La reina de la alta tensión.» The New Yorker «Mary Higgins Clark juega con la historia como la maestra que es. Sin defectos.» Daily Mirror «Puede que los asesinatos y el caos sean el hilo conductor de sus novelas, pero en el corazón de cada una de ellas siempre hay un personaje que recuerda a la autora: una heroína que torna las dificultades a su favor y mantiene a los lectores al borde de sus sillas.» Sunday Morning
Mary Higgins Clark (Author), Jane Santos (Narrator)
Una fiesta. Un asesinato. Sin testigos. El cadáver de Kerry Dowling, de dieciocho años, aparece en el fondo de la piscina. Ninguno de los invitados a la fiesta que dio, aprovechando la ausencia de sus padres, ha visto absolutamente nada. Sin embargo, la ausencia de testigos no significa que falten sospechosos, y la policía no tarda en centrarse en el novio de Kerry, con el que discutió en mitad de la celebración; o en su vecino, que se enfadó por no ser invitado (y todos saben lo difícil que es para Jamie relacionarse con los demás y contener las emociones). Se trata de una comunidad en la que todo el mundo se conoce y conocía a Kerry muy bien: su ex, sus amigos, sus profesores, sus vecinos... e incluso su asesino. Mientras la policía sigue investigando, aparentemente dando vueltas en círculos, la familia y los amigos de la víctima esperan a que se haga justicia. Todos salvo la hermana mayor de Kerry, que decide tomar cartas en el asunto y ayudar a los investigadores. Pero lo que la intrépida Aline no sabe es que resolver el asesinato de su hermana pondrá su propia vida en peligro... Críticas: «La reina de la alta tensión.» The New Yorker «Siempre sabe cómo mantenernos intrigados.» The New York Times «Sin defectos.» Daily Mirror «Lectura ideal para los amantes del género policiaco. La recomiendo sin duda puesto que engancha desde el principio y se lee en un suspiro (a mí me duró sólo un día).» Blog Mati caza libros «Novela trepidante, sin pretensiones, donde lo que prima es el crimen y la investigación. Lectura adictiva.» Blog La devoradora de letras
Mary Higgins Clark (Author), Jane Santos (Narrator)
In the latest thrilling collaboration from #1 New York Times bestselling author and "Queen of Suspense" Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke, television producer Laurie Moran must solve the kidnapping of her fiancée's nephew—just days before her wedding. Television producer Laurie Moran and her fiancée, Alex Buckley, the former host of her investigative television show, are just days away from their mid-summer wedding, when things take a dark turn. Alex's seven-year-old nephew, Johnny, vanishes from the beach. A search party begins and witnesses recall Johnny playing in the water and collecting shells behind the beach shack, but no one remembers seeing him after the morning. As the sun sets, Johnny's skim board washes up to shore, and everyone realizes that he could be anywhere, even under water. A ticking clock, a sinister stalker, and fresh romance combine in this exhilarating follow up to the bestselling You Don't Own Me—another riveting page-turner from the "Queen of Suspense" Mary Higgins Clark and her dazzling partner-in-crime Alafair Burke.
Alafair Burke, Mary Higgins Clark (Author), January Lavoy (Narrator)
Piece of My Heart: The thrilling new novel from the Queens of Suspense
The extraordinary new novel from Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke Television producer Laurie Moran has spent her career solving cold cases on-screen. But her next case takes place away from the glare of the spotlights . . . and the missing person is a member of her growing family. Laurie is just days away from her midsummer wedding when her fiancé's nephew, seven-year-old Johnny, vanishes from the beach. Witnesses spotted Johnny playing in the water and collecting shells, but no one remembers seeing him after the morning. Perhaps he got distracted and wandered off. When Johnny's bodyboard washes up to shore, everyone realises that the worst could have happened. The answers to Johnny's disappearance lie in a family's long-buried past . . . and the clock is ticking. Piece of My Heart is another riveting page-turner from the Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark and her dazzling partner-in-crime, Alafair Burke. *** Praise for Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke *** 'I adore Mary Higgins Clark' Karin Slaughter 'Clark plays out her story like the pro that she is . . . flawless' Daily Mirror 'Should come with a warning: start in the evening and you'll be reading late into the night' USA Today
Alafair Burke, Mary Higgins Clark (Author), January Lavoy (Narrator)
Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry
AN ELECTRIFYING NEW THRILLER FROM 'QUEEN OF SUSPENSE' MARY HIGGINS CLARK . . . When investigative journalist Gina Kane receives an email from a 'CRyan' describing her 'terrible experience' while working at REL, a high-profile television news network, including the comment 'and I'm not the only one,' Gina knows she has to pursue the story. But when Ryan goes silent, Gina is shocked to discover the young woman has died tragically in a Jet Ski accident while on holiday. Meanwhile, REL counsel Michael Carter finds himself in a tricky spot. Several female employees have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. Carter approaches the CEO, offering to persuade the victims to accept settlements in exchange for their silence. It's a risky endeavor, but it could well make him rich. As more allegations emerge and the company's IPO draws near, Carter's attempts to keep the story from making headlines are matched only by Gina Kane's determination to uncover the truth. Was Ryan's death truly an accident? And when another accuser turns up dead, Gina realizes someone-or some people-will go to depraved lengths to keep the story from seeing the light. The novels of Mary Higgins Clark are perfect for fans of Sabine Durant, Shari Lapena and everyone who loves a good mystery... *** Praise for Mary Higgins Clark *** 'I adore Mary Higgins Clark' Karin Slaughter 'Trust Mary Higgins Clark to know what frightens us to death' New York Times 'Clark plays out her story like the pro that she is . . . flawless' Daily Mirror 'Should come with a warning: start in the evening and you'll be reading late into the night' USA Today
Mary Higgins Clark (Author), January Lavoy (Narrator)
The extraordinary new novel from the grande dame of suspense, Mary Higgins Clark, and Alafair Burke. Mary Higgins Clark published her first suspense thriller in 1974, and has been writing ever since. Each of her 51 books has been a bestseller and all of her novels remain in print, with her debut, Where are the Children, now in its seventy-fifth printing. In 2014, Clark joined forces with novelist Alafair Burke to begin the Under Suspicion series, about television producer Laurie Moran and her crew tracking down and solving unsolvable cold-cases. Laurie and her team have uncovered the worst of humanity over the years, from the murder of a rich woman at the Met Gala ball to the gunning-down of Laurie's own husband. And now Laurie and her crew will be faced with their most difficult case yet... The novels of Mary Higgins Clark are perfect for fans of Sabine Durant, Shari Lapena and everyone who loves a good mystery... *** Praise for Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke *** 'I adore Mary Higgins Clark' Karin Slaughter 'Trust Mary Higgins Clark to know what frightens us to death' New York Times 'Clark plays out her story like the pro that she is . . . flawless' Daily Mirror 'Should come with a warning: start in the evening and you'll be reading late into the night' USA Today
Alafair Burke, Mary Higgins Clark (Author), January Lavoy (Narrator)
A new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author and "Queen of Suspense" Mary Higgins Clark. After a party when her parents are away, eighteen-year-old Kerry Dowling is found fully dressed at the bottom of the family pool. The immediate suspect is her boyfriend who had a bitter argument with her at the party. Then there is a twenty-year-old neighbor who was angry because she didn't invite him to the party. Or is there someone else who has not yet been seen on the radar? Kerry's older sister Aline, a twenty-eight-year-old guidance counselor, is determined to assist the Prosecutor's Office in learning the truth. She does not realize that now she is putting her own life in danger...
Mary Higgins Clark (Author), January LaVoy (Narrator)
The extraordinary new thriller from the Queen of Suspense and global bestseller, Mary Higgins Clark. Eighteen-year-old Kerry Dowling is found fully dressed at the bottom of the family pool. She threw a party the night before, while her parents were away; her house was full of people. But no one saw anything. The police immediately suspect her boyfriend, with whom she had a bitter argument at the party. But other people had a grudge against Kerry, too, including her twenty-year-old neighbour. Everyone knows he wanted to come to the party. Everyone knows how angry he was that Kerry didn't invite him. As the police flail about for answers, Kerry's older sister Aline decides to take matters into her own hands. But by trying to solve her sister's murder, Aline may be putting her own life in danger...
Mary Higgins Clark (Author), January LaVoy (Narrator)
It Occurs to Me That I Am America: New Stories and Art
Edited by Jonathan Santlofer Foreword by Jonathan Santlofer Introduction by Viet Thanh Nguyen In time for the one-year anniversary of the Trump Inauguration and the Women's March, this provocative, unprecedented anthology features original short stories from thirty bestselling and award-winning authors-including Alice Walker, Richard Russo, Walter Mosley, Joyce Carol Oates, Alice Hoffman, Neil Gaiman, Michael Cunningham, Mary Higgins Clark, and Lee Child-with an introduction by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Viet Thanh Nguyen. When Donald Trump claimed victory last November, the US literary world erupted in indignation. Many of America's leading writers and artists openly resist the current administration's dogma and earliest policy moves, and they're not about to go gently into that good night. In It Occurs to Me That I Am America: New Stories and Art, more than thirty of the most acclaimed modern writers consider the fundamental ideals of a free, just, and compassionate democracy-through fiction. Featuring artwork by some of today's best known artists, cartoonists, and graphic novelists-including Art Spiegelman, Roz Chast, Marilyn Minter, and Eric Fischl-who cover political, social, and cultural issues, this anthology is a beautiful, enduring collection that will resonate with anyone concerned with the contest for our American soul. **Contact Customer Service for Additional Material**
Joyce Carol Oates, Lee Child, Mary Higgins Clark, Neil Gaiman, Richard Russo (Author), Candace Thaxton, Christian Barillas, Francois Chau, Kyla Garcia, Parry Shen (Narrator)
The unmissable thriller from the Grande Dame of Suspense, MARY HIGGINS CLARK, and New York Times bestselling author ALAFAIR BURKE. The Met Gala ball: the world's most glamorous fundraising party, an incredible night where the rich and famous wear extraordinary designer gowns and rub shoulders in New York's famous Metropolitan Museum of Art. People would kill for an invitation. Three years ago, Virginia Wakeling, a member of the Met's board of trustees and one of the museum's most generous donors, was found dead in the snow outside the building. Police soon discovered that she'd been thrown from the roof during the Met Gala, but no one has ever been arrested for her murder. Although suspicion has always hovered around Virginia's much younger boyfriend, there are a bevy of suspects. Laurie Moran decides to investigate Virginia's death for her successful cold-cases television show, Under Suspicion. But the more she pries into Virginia's murder, the closer Laurie comes to discovering just how dangerous an invitation to the Met Gala can be… Praise for Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke 'The grande dame of American thriller writing' Los Angeles Times Book Review 'Clark and Burke's collaboration is as smooth as rum and coke, with just enough kick to make the reader thirsty for another' Publishers Weekly on All Dressed in White
Alafair Burke, Mary Higgins Clark (Author), Heather Lind (Narrator)
"Queen of Suspense" Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke are back with their fourth book in the New York Times bestselling Under Suspicion series; Every Breath You Take follows television producer's Laurie Moran investigation of the unsolved Met Gala murder-in which a wealthy widow was pushed to her death from the famous museum's rooftop. Laurie Moran's professional life is a success-her television show Under Suspicion is a hit, both in the ratings and its record of solving cold cases. But her romantic break from former host Alex Buckley has left her with on-air talent she can't stand-Ryan Nichols-and a sense of loneliness, despite her loving family. Now Ryan has suggested a new case. Three years ago, Virginia Wakeling, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and one of the museum's most generous donors, was found in the snow, after being thrown from the museum's roof on the night of its most celebrated fundraiser, the Met Gala. The leading suspect then and now is her much younger boyfriend and personal trainer, Ivan Gray. Ivan runs a trendy, successful boutique gym called Punch-a business funded in no small part by the late Virginia-which happens to be the gym Ryan frequents. Laurie's skepticism about the case is upended by a tip from her father's NYPD connection, and soon Laurie realizes there are a bevy of suspects-including Virginia's trusted inner circle. As the Under Suspicion crew pries into the lives of a super wealthy real estate family with secrets to hide, danger mounts for several witnesses-and for Laurie.
Alafair Burke, Mary Higgins Clark (Author), Heather Lind (Narrator)
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