Faced with relentless technological aggression in the twenty-first century, how can Western nations fight back to protect national security and preserve international stability?
Before the cyber age, foreign interference in Western democratic politics played out in a comparatively narrow arena—limited to the realm of print and broadcast. The explosive expansion of cyberspace has radically altered this situation. The hacking activities of Russian military agents in the 2016 US presidential election and other major incidents demonstrate the magnitude of the contemporary problem and the sophistication of foreign adversaries’ offensive strategy. This is a struggle that the West is losing.
Lucas Kello delves into recent history to reveal the failures of present policy in preventing and punishing cyberattacks and other forms of technological aggression. Drawing upon case studies and interviews with decisionmakers, Kello develops a bold new solution: a concentrated and coordinated retaliation strategy to deter further antagonism. This book provides an approachable yet nuanced exploration of national security challenges in an era of intense technological rivalry.