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[German] - Being Human: Wie unser Körper Weltgeschichte schrieb
Wie konnte die Bluterkrankheit die russische Zarenfamilie zu Fall bringen? Und wie hat Skorbut die Mafia hervorgebracht? Wir sind ohne Zweifel ein Wunder der Evolution. Unsere außergewöhnlichen körperlichen Eigenschaften und unsere Innovationen haben unsere Zivilisationen geschaffen. Aber wir sind auch zutiefst fehlerbehaftet. Unsere Körper brechen, ersticken und versagen, ob wir nun Könige oder Bauern sind. Krankheiten durchkreuzen unsere kühnsten Pläne, unsere Psyche ist die Ursache für schreckliche Entscheidungen in Krieg und Frieden. Diese faszinierende Widersprüchlichkeit ist die Essenz des Menschseins: die Summe unserer Schwächen und unserer Stärken, zwischen denen sich die Historie bewegt. Nun betrachtet Lewis Dartnell zum ersten Mal unsere Geschichte durch die Linse dieser einzigartigen, zerbrechlichen Natur und erforscht, wie unsere Biologie unsere Beziehungen, unsere Gesellschaften, unsere Wirtschaft formte – und wie sie weiterhin unser Sein bestimmt. Lewis Dartnell »hält dem Vergleich mit Yuval Hararis Sapiens stand ... Ein spannendes Stück großer Geschichte.« Sunday Times über »Ursprünge«
Lewis Dartnell (Author), Heiko Grauel (Narrator)
The Being Human: How our biology shaped world history
Brought to you by Penguin. We are a wonder of evolution. Powerful yet dextrous, instinctive yet thoughtful, we are expert communicators and innovators. Our exceptional abilities have created the civilisation we know today. But we're also deeply flawed. Our bodies break, choke and fail, whether we're kings or peasants. Diseases thwart our boldest plans. Our psychological biases have been at the root of terrible decisions in both war and peacetime. This extraordinary contradiction is the essence of what it means to be human - the sum total of our frailties and our faculties. And history has played out in the balance between them. Now, for the first time, Lewis Dartnell tells our story through the lens of this unique, capricious and fragile nature. He explores how our biology has shaped our relationships, our societies, our economies and our wars, and how it continues to challenge and define our progress. Being Human is history made flesh. It will change the way you see the world. ©2023 Lewis Dartnell (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Lewis Dartnell (Author), John Sackville (Narrator)
Orígenes: Cómo la historia de la Tierra determina la historia de la humanidad
¿Por qué? ¿Pero por qué? ¿Y por qué? La historia humana como nunca antes te la habían contado. Cuando se habla de algo tan inabarcable como la historia de la humanidad solemos poner el foco en cosas muy concretas. Nos gusta enumerar los líderes que marcaron la diferencia, señalar ciertos fenómenos como la migración o describir las consecuencias de las guerras más decisivas. Pero, ¿qué pasaría si cambiáramos el enfoque y pusiéramos a la Tierra en el centro de nuestras averiguaciones? Este libro es lo que pasaría. Para Lewis Dartnell la única manera de comprender nuestra historia consiste en explicar cómo nuestro planeta, desde el inicio de los tiempos, ha determinado nuestro destino. Toda especie está condicionada por su entorno. Es algo ineludible: las fuerzas geológicas ocasionaron nuestra evolución en África oriental; los terrenos montañosos característicos de Grecia favorecieron el nacimiento de la democracia en las antiguas polis, y el Himalaya guarda una relación con la formación de las islas Británicas que muchos ignoramos. La historia de estas fuerzas es, en definitiva, la historia de la humanidad. Reseñas: «Orígenes es uno de esos escasos libros que saben resolver los misterios con el simple y sublime uso de la lucidez. Dartnell entiende de geología, geografía, antropología, física, química, biología, astronomía e historia; un logro en sí mismo. Pero lo que le hace realmente especial es la forma en la que enlaza estas disciplinas de manera clara, lógica y entretenida. [...] Un libro excelente.» The Times «Una historia sublime y bien encadenada. La curiosidad y entusiasmo de Dartnell son contagiosos y arrastran al lector de una página a otra, sintetizando geología, oceanografía, meteorología, geografía, paleontología, arqueología e historia política de una manera que recuerda al clásico libro de Jared Diamond Armas, gérmenes y acero.» Nature «Dartnell es un excelente guía para recorrer los desalentadores eones de nuestro tiempo. Nunca la historia geológica ha parecido tan necesaria.» The Guardian «Una tesis grandiosa y apasionante impulsada por el placer que producen los pequeños detalles. Esta sensacional visión de cómo la geografía nos dio forma puede tranquilamente compararse con el Sapiens de Harari.» The Sunday Times «Lewis Dartnell puede haber encontrado el modo más lógico de explicar por qué debemos desarrollar una conciencia ecológica.» Rafa de Miguel, El País
Lewis Dartnell (Author), José García (Narrator)
Origins: How The Earth Made Us
Random House presents the audiobook edition of Origins by Lewis Dartnell, read by John Sackville. When we talk about human history, we focus on great leaders, mass migration and decisive wars. But how has the Earth itself determined our destiny? How has our planet made us? As a species we are shaped by our environment. Geological forces drove our evolution in East Africa; mountainous terrain led to the development of democracy in Greece; and today voting behaviour in the United States follows the bed of an ancient sea. The human story is the story of these forces, from plate tectonics and climate change, to atmospheric circulation and ocean currents. How are the Himalayas linked to the orbit of the Earth, and to the formation of the British Isles? By taking us billions of years into our planet's past, Professor Lewis Dartnell tells us the ultimate origin story. When we reach the point where history becomes science we see a vast web of connections that underwrites our modern world and helps us face the challenges of the future. From the cultivation of the first crops to the founding of modern states, Origins reveals the Earth's awesome impact on the shape of human civilizations.
Lewis Dartnell (Author), John Sackville (Narrator)
The Knowledge: How to Rebuild our World from Scratch
Maybe it was a viral pandemic, or an asteroid strike, or perhaps nuclear war. Whatever the cause, the world as we know it has ended and you and the other survivors must start again. What key knowledge would you need to start rebuilding civilisation from scratch? Once you've scavenged what you can, how do you begin producing the essentials? How do you grow food, generate power, prepare medicines, or get metal out of rocks? Could you avert another Dark Ages or take shortcuts to accelerate redevelopment? Living in the modern world, we have become disconnected from the basic processes that support our lives, as well as the beautiful fundamentals of science that enable you to relearn things for yourself. The Knowledge is a journey of discovery, a book which explains everything you need to know about everything. This is a quickstart guide for rebooting civilisation which will transform your understanding of the world - and help you prepare for when it's no longer here...
Lewis Dartnell (Author), John Lee (Narrator)
The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch
From Lewis Dartnell, a brilliantly original guide to the fundamentals of science and how it built our modern world as well as a thought experiment about the very idea of scientific knowledge itself. How would you go about rebuilding a technological society from scratch? If our technological society collapsed tomorrow, perhaps from a viral pandemic or catastrophic asteroid impact, what would be the one book you would want to press into the hands of the postapocalyptic survivors? What crucial knowledge would they need to survive in the immediate aftermath and to rebuild civilization as quickly as possible—a guide for rebooting the world? Human knowledge is collective, distributed across the population. It has built on itself for centuries, becoming vast and increasingly specialized. Most of us are ignorant about the fundamental principles of the civilization that supports us, happily utilizing the latest—or even the most basic—technology without having the slightest idea of why it works or how it came to be. If you had to go back to absolute basics, like some sort of postcataclysmic Robinson Crusoe, would you know how to re-create an internal combustion engine, put together a microscope, get metals out of rock, accurately tell time, weave fibers into clothing, or even how to produce food for yourself? Regarded as one of the brightest young scientists of his generation, Lewis Dartnell proposes that the key to preserving civilization in an apocalyptic scenario is to provide a quickstart guide, adapted to cataclysmic circumstances. The Knowledge describes many of the modern technologies we employ, but first it explains the fundamentals upon which they are built. Every piece of technology rests on an enormous support network of other technologies, all interlinked and mutually dependent. You can't hope to build a radio, for example, without understanding how to acquire the raw materials it requires, as well as generate the electricity needed to run it. But Dartnell doesn't just provide specific information for starting over; he also reveals the greatest invention of them all—the phenomenal knowledge-generating machine that is the scientific method itself. This would allow survivors to learn technological advances not explicitly explored in The Knowledge as well as things we have yet to discover. The Knowledge is a brilliantly original guide to the fundamentals of science and how it built our modern world as well as a thought experiment about the very idea of scientific knowledge itself.
Lewis Dartnell (Author), John Lee (Narrator)
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