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Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters
"An indispensable manual...Tranquility by Tuesday offers plenty of inspiration for a more serene life, and down-to-earth and evidence-backed advice for actually making it happen.' --Oliver Burkeman, New York Times bestselling author of Four Thousand Weeks For anyone who's sick of letting to-do lists dictate their time, Laura Vanderkam, the bestselling author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, shares nine strategies for reclaiming your hours Do you find yourself hoping that someday, life will be less hectic? One day, you say, you'll finally have time for the activities that you love - writing that book, completing that triathlon, traveling with friends. But if the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it's that life is unpredictable. If we're not careful, dull, unfulfilling tasks can quickly occupy our precious hours, derail our best-laid plans, and make life feel like a slog. In Tranquility by Tuesday, Laura Vanderkam explains that if you want something to happen, you need to design your life to make it happen. Work crises, childcare emergencies, and home repairs are inevitable, and the mundane tasks of life - cooking, cleaning, laundry - aren't going anywhere. To make time for what matters, you need a resilient schedule, not a perfect schedule. Based on a time diary study of over 150 people, Vanderkam shares nine strategies for building opportunities for joy, nourishment, and fulfillment into your week, such as: - Three times a week is a habit - One big adventure, one little adventure - Effortful before effortless This is more than a time management book about "how to do it all." It's a look at how real people changed their lives using Vanderkam's nine rules, and how you can do the same. It's about intentionally living the life that you want to live, and becoming an autonomous steward of life's possibilities.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
Cómo hace home office la gente exitosa
Estrategias para balancear tu vida y hacer que el trabajo en casa funcione a tu favor. Estrategias para mantener la productividad, la creatividad y el equilibrio mientras trabajas desde casa. ¿Cómo mantenerte enfocado en tu trabajo mientras estás sentado cerca del mismo lugar donde ves Netflix? ¿Cómo permanecer concentrado con tantas interrupciones? ¿Cómo seguir construyendo tu red de trabajo cuando pasas menos tiempo cara a cara? La clave es desprenderse de las viejas formas de trabajo y adoptar hábitos que se ajusten a tu nuevo entorno. Mucho antes de que las preocupaciones por la pandemia nos forzaran a realizar home office, algunas de las personas más exitosas impulsaron sus carreras con rutinas de trabajo desde el hogar cuidadosamente perfeccionadas. La experta en productividad y madre de cinco hijos Laura Vanderkam revela cómo convertir el 'estar encerrado' en la máxima ventaja profesional. Entre sus habilidades se incluyen: - Administrar por tarea, no por tiempo. Establece de 3 a 5 objetivos para cada día. -Tomar el ritmo correcto. Un día bien planeado incluye tiempo para trabajo enfocado, trabajo interactivo y descansos rejuvenecedores. -Enriquecer las conexiones. Construye redes más amplias y efectivas. Los tips y recomendaciones que aquí encontrarás te ayudarán a implementar rápidamente esta nueva forma de trabajo.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Gabriela Ramírez (Narrator)
La escuela de posibilidades de Juliet: Una breve historia acerca del poder de las prioridades
Una fábula encantadora que cambiará tu vida y te ayudará a repensar tu enfoque sobre el tiempo, las prioridades y las posibilidades. Riley Jenkins es una consultora ambiciosa y trabajadora de veintinueve años que está acostumbrada a toda una vida de evaluaciones casi perfectas, hasta que recibe una terrible evaluación de desempeño de su jefe. ¿Cómo es eso posible cuando Riley hace todo lo que sus clientes quieren, incluso responde a sus correos electrónicos las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, más rápido de lo que esperan? A pesar de sus horas de locura y atención a los detalles, Riley no puede producir el trabajo atento que sus clientes esperan, y ahora tiene treinta días para dar resultados y cerrar un trato importante, o la despiden. Mientras tanto, su vida personal también está al borde del desastre, y su novio y amigos cercanos pierden la paciencia con su falta crónica de disponibilidad. Lo último que Riley quiere, en un momentotan estresante como éste, es asistir a un retiro de liderazgo para mujeres de su empresa en un lugar llamado La escuela de posibilidades de Juliet. Sin embargo, en poco tiempo, Riley se encuentra intrigada por Juliet, la experta en estilo de vida que organiza el retiro. ¿Cómo es que una madre soltera de dos hijas dirige un negocio exitoso mientras actúa como si tuviera todo el tiempo del mundo? La respuesta puede estar en una de las frases de Juliet: 'Las expectativas son infinitas. El tiempo es finito. Siempre estás eligiendo. Elige bien.' Al final de esta historia, te unirás a Riley para repensar el equilibrio entre tu presente y tu futuro, entre las cosas que debes hacer y las cosas que quieres hacer. Al igual que Riley, puedes liberarte de sentirte abrumado y perseguir tus mayores posibilidades.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Gabriela Ramírez (Narrator)
Juliet's School of Possibilities: A Little Story About The Power of Priorities
A charming, life-changing fable that will help you rethink your whole approach to time, priorities, and possibilities. Riley Jenkins is in trouble. An ambitious, hardworking consultant in her late twenties, she's used to a lifetime of nearly perfect evaluations - until she gets a terrible performance review from her boss. How is that possible when Riley does everything her clients want - including answering emails 24/7 - faster than they expect it? That's precisely the problem: she's spread too thin. Despite her insane hours and attention to detail, Riley can't produce the thoughtful work her clients expect. Now she's been given thirty days to close a major deal, or she's out. Meanwhile, her personal life is also on the edge of disaster, with her boyfriend and close friends losing patience with her chronic unavailability. The last thing Riley wants, at a stressful time like this, is to attend a women's leadership retreat with some of her colleagues. But she can't get out of her commitment: a weekend in New Jersey at some silly-sounding place called Juliet's School of Possibilities. Yet before long, Riley is surprised to find herself intrigued by Juliet, the lifestyle maven who hosts the conference. How does a single mother of two run a successful business while acting as if she has all the time in the world? The answer may lie in one of Juliet's Zen-like comments: 'Expectations are infinite. Time is finite. You are always choosing. Choose well.' By the end of this story, you'll join Riley in rethinking the balance between your present and your future, between the things you have to do and the things you want to do. Like Riley, you can free yourself from feeling overwhelmed and pursue your highest possibilities.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
Qué hace la gente exitosa con su tiempo libre
¡Disfruta de la vida sin importar cuán ocupado estés! La mayoría de nosotros nos sentimos constantemente ajetreados, inseguros de cómo escapar de la sensación de opresión por tantas cosas que hacer. Piénsalo: ¿por qué no has corrido esos 10 km o leído ese libro en tu buró? Laura Vanderkam, autora del bestseller Qué hace la gente exitosa antes del desayuno, asegura que con los hábitos correctos puedes vivir de manera eficiente y efectiva y aun así percibir el tiempo de forma abundante. La autora establece 7 principios para aprovecharlo: 1. Atiende tu jardín. 2. Haz que la vida sea memorable. 3. No llenes el tiempo. 4. Permanece. 5. Invierte en tu felicidad. 6. Déjalo ir. 7. Vale la pena invertir tu tiempo en otros. Las estrategias en este libro no sólo te ayudarán a organizar tu vida sino que llevarán tu carrera, tus relaciones y tu felicidad al siguiente nivel.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Gabriela Ramírez, Gabrierla Ramírez (Narrator)
Qué hace la gente exitosa antes del desayuno
Guía que ayuda a aprovechar lo más posible las mañanas: es el momento perfecto para crear planes y organizarse. Incrementa tu potencial y liderazgo en los negocios y en tu vida, organizando tus metas durante la mañana. Tips y herramientas prácticas que utilizan las personas exitosas para aprovechar sus desayunos y lograr todo lo que se proponen. De la autora bestseller Laura Vanderkam. Las mañanas son la clave para tomar el control de tus horarios. Si las usas sabiamente, podrás construir hábitos que te permitan llevar una vida más feliz y más productiva. Sobre la base de anécdotas de la vida real e investigación científica que muestra por qué las primeras horas del día son tan importantes, Laura Vanderkam revela cómo las personas exitosas usan las mañanas para realizar las cosas que, a menudo, son imposibles de hacer más tarde en el día. En sólo 5 pasos aprenderás cómo sacarel máximo provecho a todas tus mañanas: -Usa en forma provechosa el tiempo. -Descubre en cada mañana el día perfecto. -Realiza una logística efectiva. -Crea hábitos positivos. -Trabaja con objetivos definidos y deadlines. Qué hace la gente exitosa antes del desayuno es una guía divertida y práctica que te inspirará a repensar tu rutina matutina y poner en marcha tu vida antes de que el día haya comenzado.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Gabriela Ramírez (Narrator)
Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done
'I well recall a conversation with an executive I hoped to interview about her astonishing productivity. I began our call with an assurance that I would not take much of her time. She laughed. 'Oh, I have all the time in the world,' she said.'Most of us feel constantly behind, unsure how to escape feeling oppressed by busyness. Laura Vanderkam, unlike other time-management gurus, believes that in order to get more done, we must first feel like we have all the time in the world. Think about it: why haven't you trained for that 5K or read War and Peace? Probably because you feel beaten down by all the time you don't seem to have.In this book, Vanderkam reveals the seven counter-intuitive principles the most time-free people have adopted. She teaches mindset shifts to help you feel calm on the busiest days and tools to help you get more done without feeling overwhelmed. You'll meet people such as... An elementary school principal who figured out how to spend more time mentoring teachers, and less time supervising the cafeteria An executive who builds lots of meeting-free space into his calendar, despite managing teams across multiple continents A CEO who does focused work in a Waffle House early in the morning, so he can keep an open door and a relaxed mindset all day An artist who overcame a creative block, and reached new heights of productivity, by being more gentle with herself, rather than more demanding The strategies in this book can help if your life feels out of control, but they can also help if you want to take your career, your relationships, and your personal happiness to the next level. Vanderkam has packed this book with insights from busy yet relaxed professionals, including 'time makeovers' of people who are learning how to use these tools. Off the Clock can inspire the rest of us to create lives that are not only productive, but enjoyable in the moment.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings-and
Laura Vanderkam has combined her three popular audiobooks into one comprehensive guide, with a new introduction. It will help listeners build habits that lead to happier, more productive lives, despite the pressures of their busy schedules. THrough interviews and anecdotes, she reveals... -What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast - to jump-start the day productively. -What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend - to recharge and prepare for a great week. -What the Most Successful People Do at Work - to accomplish more in less time.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time
From the bestselling author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, powerful insights from 1001 actual days in the lives of high-achieving women. Balancing work and family life is a constant struggle, especially for women with children and ambitious career goals. It's been the subject of countless books, articles, blog posts and tweets in the last few years, and passions run high in all directions. Now Laura Vanderkam, the acclaimed time management expert, comes at the having it all debate by asking a very practical question. Given that we all have the same 168 hours every week, how do people who do have it all women with thriving careers and families use those hours? When you study how such women fit together the pieces of their lives, like tiles in a mosaic, the results are surprising. If you work 40 hours and sleep 56 (i.e. 8 times 7) that leaves 72 hours for everything else. Vanderkam explains how her subjects use those everything else hours; why we work less and have more free time than we think; why it's a myth that successful women get too little sleep; and how women can have demanding jobs, spouses, and kids, and still enjoy a healthy amount of downtime. She shares the time-logs from 1001 days in the lives of women who make at least $100,000 a year and still make time for their families and friends, for sleep and exercise, and for leisure activities they love. Based on what she learned from the patterns in those time-logs, she provides a framework for anyone who wants to thrive at both work and life. Includes a Bonus PDF with charts and graphs.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: And Two Other Short Guides to Achieving More at
Three powerful mini audios about high productivity, now together in one audiobook Laura Vanderkam has combined her three popular mini auidobooks into one comprehensive guide, with a new introduction. It will help listeners build habits that lead to happier, more productive lives, despite the pressures of their busy schedules. Through interviews and anecdotes, she reveals . . . What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast-to jump-start the day productively. What the Most Successful People Do On the Weekend-to recharge and prepare for a great week. What the Most Successful People Do at Work-to accomplish more in less time.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
What the Most Successful People Do at Work: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Career
The third mini-audiobook by the acclaimed author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast reveals how a few simple changes can make you more productive and fulfilled in your career. In her bestselling mini-audiobook What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, Laura Vanderkam showed us how to take advantage of our often ignored morning hours to achieve our dreams. Then in the sequel, What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, she revealed why the key to a better week is a better weekend. Now, in the third mini-audiobook of this trilogy, What the Most Successful People Do at Work, Vanderkam shows us how to ignite our careers by taking control of our work days. For many of us the typical workday makes us feel like hamsters on the proverbial wheel. Plagued by crises and distractions, we work hard all day. But when we go home we're not much closer to reaching our goals. But it doesn't have to be that way. Vanderkam shows how successful people employ certain daily practices to make sure their work hours are invested, not squandered. Drawing on research and interviews with people as varied as children's book illustrator LeUyen Pham, productivity guru David Allen, fitness personality Chalene Johnson, and former race car driver Sarah Fisher, Vanderkam shows how to take control of your career by taking control of your 9-to-5.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend: A Short Guide to Making the Most of Your Days Off
Many of us breathe a grateful TGIF when Friday rolls around, envisioning a weekend full of both productivity and refreshment. Yet too often our precious weekends seem to disappear, eaten up by unproductive work or leisure that fails to energize us. Monday morning comes too fast, finding us still unrested, with too much still undone. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam, continuing her series on What the Most Successful People Do, shows how we can take control of our weekends to get necessary R&R, while also using our downtime as a springboard to a productive week. Drawing on real-life anecdotes and scientific research, Vanderkam explains why doing nothing can be more exhausting than doing something and why happy people make weekend plans in advance. She shares weekend tips gleaned from busy people such as politician and talk show host Mike Huckabee, former CEO Frank Baxter, and TV producer Aliza Rosen. She reveals the kind of weekend activities that make people happiest, explains why it's important to unplug for at least for a little while, and shares the secret of why Sunday night may be the most important part of any weekend. What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend is a fun, practical guide that will inspire you to rethink your weekends and start your workweek refreshed, renewed, and on track.
Laura Vanderkam (Author), Laura Vanderkam (Narrator)
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