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[Spanish] - Esta canción (no) es para ti
Laura Nowlin vuelve con una nueva novela para enamorarte. La música es lo segundo más importante del mundo. Ramona se enamoró de Sam a primera vista. Es una de las pocas constantes en su vida, y su amistad es demasiado importante como para arriesgarla por un beso. Sam está enamorado de Ramona, pero nunca esperaría que sus sentimientos fuesen correspondidos. Aun así, son el complemento perfecto del otro, como amigos y como grupo musical. Y entonces aparece Tom. Tom también es músico, y es la pieza que faltaba en su banda. Pronto se convierten en un trío inquebrantable. Pero Ramona se está enamorando de Tom, y sigue sintiendo algo por Sam. ¿Cómo podrá ser fiel a sí misma sin perder las relaciones que hacen que su corazón cante? Lo más importante es el amor. Esta canción (no) es para ti es una novela que te emocionará, perfecta para fans de: *Novelas románticas con final feliz *Personajes LGTBQ+ y relaciones poliamorosas *Las novelas de John Green, Joana Marcus o Stephen Chbosky
Laura Nowlin (Author), Alberto Santillán, Carolina Ayala, Humberto Amor (Narrator)
[Romanian] - Dacă ar fi fost cu mine
Dacă ar fi fost cu mine, totul ar fi fost diferit... În copilărie, Autumn și Finn erau nedespărțiți. Apoi ceva s-a schimbat. Sau poate s-au schimbat ei. Acum fac tot posibilul să se evite. Autumn are un iubit, Jamie, și un grup de prieteni apropiați. Finn a devenit acel băiat din școală în preajma căruia toți elevii își doresc să se afle. Totuși, în rarele momente când se întâlnesc, Autumn e cuprinsă de senzații ciudate, care nu-i mai dau pace. Începe să se întrebe dacă lucrurile ar fi putut să stea și altfel. Oare ar trebui să fie împreună? Pe măsură ce timpul trece, Autumn își dă seama că e posibil să aibă doar o singură șansă de a îndrepta lucrurile înainte să fie prea târziu. „O poveste de dragoste minunată și autentică, în care personaje complexe se confruntă cu probleme complexe: familii monoparentale, divorț, influența grupului, sex și sarcină la vârsta adolescenței. Laura Nowlin ne oferă o poveste reală, cu ritm alert și fără accese melodramatice.' – Booklist
Laura Nowlin (Author), Irena Stoenescu (Narrator)
[French] - If he had been with me
S'il avait été avec moi, tout aurait été différent ... Autumn et Finn se connaissent depuis leur naissance. Ils étaient inséparables. Mais quelque chose a changé. Ils ont changé. Aujourd'hui, ils font de leur mieux pour s'ignorer. Autumn sort avec son petit ami, Jamie, et traîne avec sa bande. Finn est devenu le mec populaire que tout le monde veut fréquenter. Pourtant, Autumn a un pincement au coeur chaque fois qu'elle croise Finn. Les choses auraient pu être différentes. Si seulement...
Laura Nowlin (Author), Jacqueline Berces (Narrator)
'Music is the second most important thing,' I say. That was something my mother would always say. We've stopped saying it out loud, but I think it all the same. The most important thing is love. From the author of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling If He Had Been With Me comes a captivating novel about navigating-and protecting-the loves and friendships that sustain us. Ramona fell for Sam the moment she met him. It was like she had known him forever. He's one of the few constants in her life, and their friendship is just too important to risk for a kiss. Though she really wants to kiss him . . . Sam loves Ramona, but he would never expect her to feel the same way-she's too quirky and cool for someone like him. Still, they complement each other perfectly, both as best friends and as a band. Then they meet Tom. Tom makes music too, and he's the band's missing piece. The three quickly become inseparable. Except Ramona's falling in love with Tom. But she hasn't fallen out of love with Sam either. How can she be true to her feelings and herself without losing the very relationships that make her heart sing?
Laura Nowlin (Author), Hannah Carmona (Narrator)
An intensely emotional and gripping companion novel to Laura Nowlin's USA Today and New York Times bestselling novel If He Had Been With Me about the love that both breaks and heals us. Perfect for fans of Colleen Hoover and Jenny Han. If only I'd told her that I loved her years ago, then I wouldn't be here now. Finn has always loved Autumn. She's not just the girl next door or his mother's best friend's daughter, she is his everything. But she's not his girlfriend. That's Sylvie, and Finn would never hurt her, so there's no way Autumn could know how he truly feels. Jack, Finn's best friend, isn't so sure. He's seen Finn and Autumn together. How could she not know? And how is he supposed to support and protect Finn when heartache seems inevitable? Autumn surrounds herself with books and wants to write her own destiny-but one doesn't always get a new chapter and fate can be cruel to those in love. Told through three different perspectives, If Only I Had Told Her is a love story brimming with truth, tragedy, and the unexpected bonds that heal us.
Laura Nowlin (Author), Gina Rogers, Tyler Darby (Narrator)
An achingly authentic and raw portrait of love, regret, and the life-altering impact of the relationships we hold closest to us, this YA bestseller is perfect for fans of Kasie West, All the Bright Places, and Dear Evan Hansen. If he had been with me, everything would have been different . . . Autumn and Finn used to be inseparable. But then something changed. Or they changed. Now, they do their best to ignore each other. Autumn has her boyfriend, Jamie, and her close-knit group of friends. And Finn has become that boy at school, the one everyone wants to be around. That still doesn't stop the way Autumn feels every time she and Finn cross paths, and the growing, nagging thought that maybe things could have been different. Maybe they should be together. But come August, things will change forever. And as time passes, Autumn will be forced to confront how else life might have been different if they had never parted ways . . .
Laura Nowlin (Author), Gina Rogers (Narrator)
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