From investment expert and long-time Forbes columnist Ken Fisher comes the Second Edition of The Only Three Questions That Count. Most investors know the only way to consistently beat the markets is by knowing things others don't. But how can investors consistently find unique information in an increasingly interconnected world? In this book, Ken Fisher shows investors how they can find more usable information and improve their investing success rate-by answering just three questions. Packed with more than 100 visuals and practical advice, The Only Three Questions That Count is an entertaining and educational guide to the markets. But it also provides a useable framework investors can use now and for the rest of their investing careers. CNBC's Mad Money host and money manager James J. Cramer says the book 'may be the single best thing you could do this year to make yourself a better investor. Steve Forbes says, 'Investors will find this brilliant book an eye-opening, capital-gains producing experience.' The key to improving investing results is daring to challenge yourself and whatever you believe to be true, and Ken Fisher explains how in his own inimitable style.
Profiles of some of America's richest people and how they got that way-and how you can too!
While we can't promise that this book will elevate you to the ranks of the super-rich, we can say that within its chapters you'll discover everything you need to know about how, exactly, many of America's most famous (and infamous) millionaires and billionaires acquired their fortunes. The big surprise is that all of the super-wealthy it profiles got where they are today by taking one of just ten possible roads-including starting a business, buying real estate, investing wisely, and marrying extremely well. Whether you aspire to shameful wealth or just a demure fortune, bestselling author and self-made billionaire Ken Fisher will show you how to walk in the footsteps of tycoons-all the way to the financial success you dream of and deserve.