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Enough!: Taking Back Your Life after Years of Abuse
If you are interested in this book, chances are you know that you are in an abusive relationship and want out. You may be looking for help to decide what to do next. You may be looking for information about what you can do about your situation. You may be ready to leave but are unsure how to go about it. You may not even be sure if you are being abused, but you have a feeling that something isn't quite right at home or with your significant other. This book aims to give you all the answers you need to decide if you are in an abusive relationship and what you should do if you are. This book will help you decide whether you are being abused, how the abuse can affect you and others around you, and what you can do to get out of an abusive situation. There are no easy answers to abuse. Oftentimes, people who are caught in the cycle of abuse may feel like they have no way out. They may feel like they don't deserve any better than what they currently have. They may feel like a complete failure for letting their life spiral so far out of control that they don't even know what to do next. They often blame themselves for the abuse, and therefore, because it is their fault, they can't even imagine that there is a way out. They may not be able to see a way out at all. You may feel that these words describe you perfectly. Feeling trapped is common. To make a change in an abusive relationship takes a lot of courage and a lot of strength, plus some help. But I am here to tell you that you deserve better than being abused. You deserve to be happy, to be treated well, and to pursue your dreams. You deserve to get out and rebuild your life. I will not promise quick or easy answers. What I will talk about is how you can start rebuilding your life beginning now. Take back your life, and you'll be so happy you did. "I found L. David Harris' book informative and sensitive and the writing style clear and very readable...Enough! is a book that is on your side. It offers comfort, practical advice, motivation, and the information victims need to begin to rescue themselves, build themselves up, and find the life they deserve."-Hilary Hawkes, author of Beyond Violet
L. David Harris (Author), Rebecca Roberts (Narrator)
Sex Cells: 7 Keys to Fulfilling Your Husband's Most Intimate Needs
A lack of sex can make the spark in marriage fizzle out and you will be left with the boring chores that most people complain of in their married life, which drive them apart. However, what most women don't realize is that they hold the key to preserving the happiness in their marriage. Often, women become so consumed with their roles as mothers, daughters, and working women that they start ignoring their husband's intimate needs, which only they can fulfill. Inadvertently, they end up pushing their husband away and he starts feeling dejected. This has a ripple effect, where everything in your married life is affected because of the lack of sex. So, as a woman, it is up to you to decide how you want to go about fulfilling your husband's most intimate need. And in this invaluable short read we will discuss 7 keys to fulfilling this basic need. Enjoy.
L. David Harris (Author), Kelly Morgan (Narrator)
This is the story of œAdam: My Literary Alter Ego. If you have read any of my secular books, you have seen repeated reference to this mystery character. Adam is a principle, more that an individual person. I am Adam. You will see various aspects of my life in the story. Adam is a confluence of a few great minds, writers and editors in their own right, whom I have been blessed to call upon to make some of my short reads a reality. The story of Adam, with all its simple intrigue, is one that touches on the lives of so many people around the world. It's a story that requires the reader to think, feel, laugh, cry, reevaluate, dream, succeed after failure, etc. It speaks to the heart of family matters, our need to find purpose in life, and make a lasting impact on the world around us. We have each been given a story to tell. And in each of our lives we have various and sundry vehicles by which to tell those stories. This Adam's story carries you through the life of a young man who was born in the sunny, beautiful Caribbean and migrated to the U.S. to find a better life. He found trials, challenges, love, fulfillment, joy, pain, family, and the determination to make this world a better place in the process. He found the need to simplify his life as he provided for his new family. Like you, this Adam had to come of age in order to find œhis story while he contributed to the lives of so many others, to help them develop their stories. Truth is; you too are Adam. Whether you are a man or woman, his story, in so many ways, is your story. Welcome into the world of Adam: My Literary Alter Ego. Don't be surprised if you learn more about yourself, than you do about him.
L. David Harris (Author), Rebecca Roberts (Narrator)
Stand Out: Leaders Are Trendsetters, Not Trend Followers
How exactly does one become a trendsetter? Through this book, we will explore what it means to be an industry leader and a trendsetter. From there, we will talk about various practices you can put into place right now to make sure you get the edge on your competition. Throughout the book, we will comb through the archives of industry giants and discover what makes the men and women behind some of the most successful companies and agencies in the world and what makes them so good at what they do. Leadership is not out of reach if you're willing to work for it. Success favors the bold, so on we go!
L. David Harris (Author), Talmadge Ragan (Narrator)
It's Handled! Helping Powerful Women Win at Home & in the Workplace
The world has changed dramatically over the last century, and with that change so has the treatment of women in society. Those changes have not been uniform across the world, but at least in Western society a revolution has occurred that has enabled women to not only survive but also thrive in the workplace and at home. For those of you out there who may be struggling, you may not feel like those changes are real to you, but as I will explain in this book, there are some amazing statistics that show how women are performing much better both in terms of hard dollars as well as perception in society with respect to equality. That being said, the next step is to figure out how to tap into that change and use it both for the benefit of improving your professional career as well as your personal and home life. It's Handled! Helping Powerful Women Win at Home & in the Workplace will help you do it with the simple principles outlined in the book. Enjoy!
L. David Harris (Author), Jennifer Yadav (Narrator)
Fresh Perspectives: Bible Stories Voiced by the Voiceless: Ground Beneath the Feet of the Adulterous
The Bible is chock full of stories and object lessons that we can apply to our daily lives. And, there are a great many incredible commentaries, storybooks, Bible study aids, and other resource material that help elucidate what has been written. However, there are few, if any, that give voice to the voiceless in these stories. For example, have you ever wondered how the story of Jesus' birth would have read if the manger where He was swaddled were given a voice with which to speak? How would it have described the scene of the very weary Mary, having been shuttled from place-to-place in need of rest, as she and Joseph were shown the only place available for the birth of Jesus? How would it have described the privilege it had to cradle the King of the universe in contrast with the water and animal feed it had been accustomed to containing? Would it have had an opinion concerning the fact that the most honored child was dishonored by being relegated to a place designated to shelter beasts? Fresh Perspectives: Bible Stories Voiced by the Voiceless, Volume 2 (Part of the Endless Book Series) is written from the perspective of the Ground Beneath the Feet of the Adulterous Woman written of in John 8:1-11. The Lord has much to say to all in the story of an adulteress, and the Ground can give us a fresh perspective.
L. David Harris (Author), L. David Harris (Narrator)
Get Noticed: Social Media Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Market Your Brand Without Being Annoying
Before social media, the Internet had its place in our lives, but it was more of an information source and a place to keep in touch with friends and family mainly via email and instant messaging. With the dawn of MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and many more social networks, Internet users are more connected and can share more of their lives than we ever thought possible. Social media has reached into and altered the world of online advertising forever. Companies are no longer limited to sidebar ads, banner ads, or the dreaded pop-up ads. Now, with social media, brands can be personalized and interact with their audiences one on one. Arguably, social media gives a face to normally faceless companies. In return, fans might feel they have a better opportunity to influence the company and improve its future endeavors. There's a lot to be gained for businesspeople and entrepreneurs through social media marketing. In this book you'll learn how to harness the power of the personalized platform.
L. David Harris (Author), L. David Harris (Narrator)
Move the Crowd: The Art of Influencing People Through Public Speaking
American comedian Jerry Seinfeld said there was once a survey conducted cataloguing the worst and deepest fears of a particular group of people. Number two on the list was the fear of death. Number one was public speaking. "That means a majority of people would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy," to paraphrase Seinfeld's joke. You may have picked this book up for a number of reasons. Maybe you're going to make a big speech at a wedding, family gathering, work meeting, or elsewhere. Maybe you just want a boost to your self-confidence and make yourself a more charismatic speaker. You could just be a really big fan of my work, perhaps. Regardless of what it is, thank you for choosing Move the Crowd: The Art of Influencing People Through Public Speaking. In this book, we'll get to the root of the problem that causes the fear of public speaking, increase your positive thinking, give you exercises to fine tune your voice and presence, and much more! By the time you finish this audiobook, you'll feel more at ease and comfortable speaking in front of small and large groups alike. There's nothing to fear speaking in front of people, and my hope as we go through the finer points of public speaking together is to ease those fears and bring out a more confident you. The hardest part of change is getting started, so let's not waste any more time!
L. David Harris (Author), L. David Harris (Narrator)
Making Money Hand Over Fist: How Generosity Expedites Wealth Creation
Todays 'free-market' philosophy of one-dollar-one-vote has all but eclipsed the traditional one-person-one-vote values of our grandparents' generations. Our democratic and humanitarian concepts of 'all for one, one for all' and 'we're all in this together' have all but vanished. It's not my intention to start a political discussion about the rights and wrongs of national or international fiscal policies. I do not wish to delve into the wheeler-dealing of money markets and the distribution of corporate wealth. Nope. That is not what this book is about. Nevertheless, I will challenge the statement that 'Greed is good.' And by so doing, explain how I believe we can all, on a very personal level, benefit from a philosophy that is quite the opposite. Indeed, I am going to show you how generosity expedites wealth creation. But to do that, first we need to understand what generosity is.
L. David Harris (Author), L. David Harris (Narrator)
Worth My Time? 7 Lessons Grown Women Need Non-Committal Men to Learn With the Quickness
I am a man! I suppose this is not news to you since you read my name on the cover of this book. However, what may be news to you or some of your friends is that we men often have a difficult time making commitments to those special women in our lives. That is why this book exists. It should serve as a wake up call to all unmarried men who have chosen to hang around women for long periods of time behaving like you are in a committed relationship, yet will not seal the deal. There is some virtue that drew you to that special woman in your life, and if you continue to see that value in her, why not commit all that you are, and all that you have to her. This book is my attempt to sound an alarm for my brothers to love these women or leave them alone. Do not trifle with their hearts any longer. They are awakening to the fact that some will never come around, and are wearied by hopes that have been repeatedly dashed to the ground. Nobody's saying you need to get married if you are not ready, but if she is, you have some real soul searching to do, and I hope this little book will help. The chapter titles are each power statements to represent the mindset of some women who are ready for a commitment, or to move on with their lives - NOW. Women are devoted creatures and might even play along for a while, hoping their man might see the light she is shining upon him. A mature man will open his eyes and peer into the light. He will let it penetrate his mind and heart. It will create the eternal bond, which will carry the happy couple to overwhelming happiness. The fact is that many women are patient to a fault. They convince themselves that they can work with guys who seem to be taking a bit longer to commit to marriage. So men, do not let this opportunity slip through your fingers due to a lack of courage or insecure feelings. Seize the moment your woman is granting you now and live a blissful life.
L. David Harris (Author), L. David Harris (Narrator)
PAUSE: Helping Busy Women Take Charge of Their Time
Women are more overwhelmed than ever. With expectations at home and at work mounting, with their own goals and desires in life, and demands coming at them from every corner of the world, women are feeling the pressure to be more and do more than ever before. They are told that they can have it all, and many women are striving for just that. That's where this book comes in. It contains a great wealth of knowledge, practical tips, and self-care ideas for women who want to be more productive, get more done, and have everything they want. In this book I interview one woman, a productivity expert, who gives her ideas and opinions of what women can do to become more productive in their lives. Also, it gives you some ideas about what women should not do.
L. David Harris (Author), L. David Harris, Sarah Pavelec (Narrator)
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