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El doctor Perlmutter, autor del bestseller Cerebro de pan, recomienda sencillos ajustes alimentarios y de estilo de vida para ayudarte a perder peso, prevenir y revertir enfermedades al reducir tus niveles de ácido úrico: el gran riesgo para tu salud que hasta ahora desconocías. ¿Qué tienen en común la obesidad, la resistencia a la insulina, la diabetes, la hipertensión, el infarto y los trastornos neurológicos? Todos se pueden detonar por niveles elevados de ácido úrico. La evidencia científica es clara, pero la medicina tradicional ignora esta conexión y, por ello, los pacientes están en riesgo de desarrollar o exacerbar enfermedades que son un peligro para su vida. Baja el ácido expone la verdad letal sobre el ácido úrico y ofrece un plan de 21 días con consejos prácticos para equilibrar rápidamente tus niveles que incluye: -Cambios simples en la dieta para reducir la fructosa y los alimentos ricos en purinas que pueden elevar el ácido úrico. -Trucos naturales para bajar los niveles, como consumir cerezas amargas y café. -La identificación de medicamentos comunes que podrían aumentar el ácido úrico. Además, contiene 40 deliciosas recetas para toda la semana y cuestionarios de evaluación, fáciles de realizar en casa, para mantener equilibrado el nivel de ácido úrico y alcanzar la salud integral en tu día a día.
David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg (Author), Carlos Torres (Narrator)
El switch del metabolismo (Colección Vital)
¡Enciende y regula tu metabolismo con ayuno intermitente, ciclado de proteínas y keto! «El switch del metabolismo es un cambio de paradigma en la forma en la que pensamos sobre la salud y en cómo evitar el declive y la enfermedad. ¡Es un libro que debes leer!». Mark Hyman, autor de los bestseller La solución del azúcar en la sangre y Come grasa y adelgaza Dentro de cada uno de nosotros hay un mecanismo antiguo llamado autofagia que elimina los materiales tóxicos, inicia la quema de grasa y protege las células para que no se vuelvan disfuncionales o cancerosas. Y cuando se activa, no sólo retrasa el proceso de envejecimiento, sino que también puede optimizar la función biológica en su conjunto, ayudando a evitar todo tipo de enfermedades y proporcionándonos una vida saludable que nunca pensamos que fuera posible. Es simplemente girar el switch de nuestro cuerpo haciala vida plena. Pero ¿cómo dar ese giro?, ¿qué alimentos y qué tipos de ejercicio encienden la autofagia y cuáles la apagan? El ayuno es un gran aliado de este mecanismo, pero ¿con qué frecuencia y por cuánto tiempo debemos hacerlo? Las respuestas a éstas y más preguntas las podrán encontrar en El switch del metabolismo, un libro respaldado por datos científicos de vanguardia y una galería de pautas a seguir para obtener resultados duraderos.
James W. Clement, Kristin Loberg (Author), Ismael Verastegui (Narrator)
Más allá de tu cerebro: El método integral para sanar en mente, cuerpo y espíritu
Del autor de Cerebro de pan y Alimenta tu cerebro. La guía oficial del revolucionario enfoque médico que ha roto todos los paradigmas de salud y ha transformado la vida de millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Incluye un efectivo plan de alimentación de 14 días, exámenes de autodiagnóstico y programas especiales para niños y mujeres embarazadas o en lactancia. Por el autor de los grandes bestsellers Cerebro de pan y Alimenta tu cerebro, llega Más allá de tu cerebro: un programa práctico e integral para toda la familia que detalla cómo disminuir el riesgo de enfermedades cerebrales, bajar de peso, revertir condiciones crónicas -como el cáncer, el colesterol elevado o la diabetes- y rejuvenecer nuestras células por completo. Basado en los estudios científicos más recientes yesperanzadores, Más allá de tu cerebro condensa y expande la filosofía médica que el doctor David Perlmutter ha compartido en sus libros previos e introduce nueva información sobre los beneficios de comer más grasa, menos carbohidratos y nutrir el microbioma. Con recetas inéditas, consejos y trucos para sobrellevar los obstáculos más comunes que debemos enfrentar cuando modificamos nuestra dieta, rutinas de ejercicios, suplementos alimenticios recomendados y mucho más, este libro corona espléndidamente el ciclo de la obra del doctor Perlmutter y nos enseña a vivir felices y saludables para siempre. Otros especialistas han opinado: 'Este libro es el manifiesto de la nueva medicina: un mapa para vivir más, sentirte mejor y optimizar tu salud cerebral' -Dr. Mark Hyman, autor de Come grasa y adelgaza-
David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg (Author), Edson Matus (Narrator)
Hype: A Doctor's Guide to Medical Myths, Exaggerated Claims, and Bad Advice - How to Tell What's Rea
An engaging and informative look at the real science behind our most common beliefs and assumptions in the health sphere There is a lot of misinformation thrown around these days, especially online. Headlines tell us to do this, not that---all in the name of living longer, better, thinner, younger. In Hype, Dr. Nina Shapiro distinguishes between the falsehoods and the evidence-backed truth. In her work at Harvard and UCLA, with more than twenty years of experience in both clinical and academic medicine, she helps patients make important health decisions everyday. She's bringing those lessons to life here with a blend of science and personal stories to discuss her dramatic new definition of "a healthy life."Hype covers everything from exercise to supplements, diets to detoxes, alternative medicine to vaccines, and medical testing to media coverage. Shapiro tackles popular misconceptions such as toxic sugar and the importance of drinking eight glasses of water a day. She provides simple solutions anyone can implement, such as worrying less about buying products labeled organic or natural, and more about skipping vaccines, buying into weight-loss fads, and thinking you can treat cancer through diet alone. This book is as much for single individuals in the prime of their lives as it is for parents with young children and the elderly.Hype provides answers to many of our most pressing questions, such as: *Are online doctor ratings valuable and what conditions can you diagnose online? *What's the link between snoring and ADHD? *What does "Doctor Recommended" and "Clinically Proven" mean? *Do "superfoods" really exist?*Which vitamins can increase your risk for cancer? *Do vaccines introduce toxins into the body? *What's the best antiaging trick of the day that's not hype? *Can logging "ten thousand steps a day" really have an impact on your health? Never has there been a greater need for this reassuring and scientifically backed reality check.
Kristin Loberg, MD Nina Shapiro (Author), Eliza Foss, MD Nina Shapiro, Md Nina Shapiro (Narrator)
The Obesogen Effect: Why We Eat Less and Exercise More but Still Struggle to Lose Weight
An eye-opening account of the landmark research into the hidden chemicals that are endangering our health and keeping us fat Being overweight is not just the result of too many cheeseburgers or not enough exercise. According to leading-edge science, there are silent saboteurs in our daily lives that contribute greatly to our obesity epidemic: obesogens. These weight-inducing offenders, most of which are chemicals, disrupt our hormonal systems, alter how we create and store fat, and change how we respond to dietary choices. Because they are largely unregulated, obesogens lurk all around us-in food, furniture, plastic products such as water bottles and food storage containers, and other surprising exposure points. Even worse: research has shown that the effects of some obesogens can be passed on to future generations by irreversibly interfering with the expression of our genes. The good news is we can protect ourselves by becoming more informed consumers. In THE OBESOGEN EFFECT, Dr. Bruce Blumberg describes how obesogens work, reveals where they are found, and offers a practical three-step solution for reducing exposures. He explains why one size does not fit all in a weight loss program, what hides in our household goods, and how we should shop for items we buy every day-from vegetables and meats to canned soup as well as household cleaners, air fresheners, and personal care products. THE OBESOGEN EFFECT is an urgent call to action to protect your body, clean up your life, and set a straight course for better health.
Bruce Blumberg, Kristin Loberg (Author), Pete Larkin (Narrator)
The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan: Boost Brain Performance, Lose Weight, and Achieve Optimal Health
The official guide to Dr. David Perlmutter's revolutionary approach to vibrant health as described in his New York Times bestsellers Grain Brain, The Grain Brain Cookbook, and Brain Maker. With more than a million copies sold worldwide, Dr. Perlmutter's books have changed many lives. Now, he's created a practical, comprehensive program that lowers the risk for brain ailments while yielding other benefits, such as weight loss, relief from chronic conditions, and total body rejuvenation. Science-based and highly accessible, THE GRAIN BRAIN WHOLE LIFE PLAN expands upon the core advice from Dr. Perlmutter's previous works, and introduces new information about the advantages of eating more fat, fewer carbs, and nurturing the microbiome. Including original recipes, tips and tricks for common challenges, meal plans, and advice on everything from sleep hygiene to stress management, exercise, supplements, and more, THE GRAIN BRAIN WHOLE LIFE PLAN shows how to live happily and healthily ever after.
Kristin Loberg, MD Perlmutter (Author), Kristin Loberg, Peter Ganim (Narrator)
A Mind of Your Own: The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their
Depression is not a disease. It is a symptom. Recent years have seen a shocking increase in antidepressant use the world over, with 1 in 4 women starting their day with medication. These drugs have steadily become the panacea for everything from grief, irritability, panic attacks, to insomnia, PMS, and stress. But the truth is, what women really need cant be found at a pharmacy. According to Dr. Kelly Brogan, antidepressants not only overpromise and underdeliver, but their use may permanently disable the bodys self-healing potential. We need a new paradigm: The best way to heal the mind is to heal the whole body. In this groundbreaking, science-based and holistic approach, Dr. Brogan shatters the mythology conventional medicine has built around the causes and treatment of depression. Based on her expert interpretation of published medical findings, combined with years of experience from her clinical practice, Dr. Brogan illuminates the true cause of depression: it is not simply a chemical imbalance, but a lifestyle crisis that demands a reset. It is a signal that the interconnected systems in the body are out of balance - from blood sugar, to gut health, to thyroid function - and inflammation is at the root. A Mind of Your Own offers an achievable, step-by-step 30-day action plan, including powerful dietary interventions, targeted nutrient support, detoxification, sleep, and stress reframing techniques, women can use to heal their bodies, alleviate inflammation, and feel like themselves again without a single prescription. Bold, brave, and revolutionary, A Mind of Your Own takes readers on a journey of self-empowerment for radical transformation that goes far beyond symptom relief. ***Please contact member services for additional documents***
Kelly Brogan, M.D., Kristin Loberg, M.D. Kelly Brogan (Author), Cassandra Campbell (Narrator)
Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain–for Life
The bestselling author of Grain Brain uncovers the powerful role of gut bacteria in determining your brain's destiny. Debilitating brain disorders are on the rise-from children diagnosed with autism and ADHD to adults developing dementia at younger ages than ever before. But a medical revolution is underway that can solve this problem: Astonishing new research is revealing that the health of your brain is, to an extraordinary degree, dictated by the state of your microbiome - the vast population of organisms that live in your body and outnumber your own cells ten to one. What's taking place in your intestines today is determining your risk for any number of brain-related conditions. In BRAIN MAKER, Dr. Perlmutter explains the potent interplay between intestinal microbes and the brain, describing how the microbiome develops from birth and evolves based on lifestyle choices, how it can become "sick," and how nurturing gut health through a few easy strategies can alter your brain's destiny for the better. With simple dietary recommendations and a highly practical program of six steps to improving gut ecology, BRAIN MAKER opens the door to unprecedented brain health potential.
David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg (Author), Peter Ganim (Narrator)
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers
A #1 New York Times bestseller--the devastating truth about the effects of wheat, sugar, and carbs on the brain, with a 4-week plan to achieve optimum health. Renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, blows the lid off a topic that's been buried in medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. And not just unhealthy carbs, but even healthy ones like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more. Dr. Perlmutter explains what happens when the brain encounters common ingredients in your daily bread and fruit bowls, why your brain thrives on fat and cholesterol, and how you can spur the growth of new brain cells at any age. He offers an in-depth look at how we can take control of our "smart genes" through specific dietary choices and lifestyle habits, demonstrating how to remedy our most feared maladies without drugs. With a revolutionary 4-week plan, GRAIN BRAIN teaches us how we can reprogram our genetic destiny for the better. GRAIN BRAIN is a #1 New York Times bestseller and a finalist for a 2013 Books for a Better Life award. Please note that there are many references in this audiobook to information discussed in Chapter 10. Chapter 10 has been recorded in its entirety on this audiobook and all information contained in this chapter can be listened to in the recording.
David Perlmutter, Kristin Loberg (Author), Peter Ganim (Narrator)
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