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[Romanian] - Să alergi sau să mori
In 2014, Kilian Jornet a fost desemnat Adventurer of the Year de cititorii revistei National Geographic A urcat pe munte de mic. La zece ani strabatuse Pirineii de la un capat la altul. In prezent, Kilian Jornet este campion mondial la skyrunning, una dintre cele mai dure probe fizice din lume. A urcat si a coborit muntele Kilimanjaro mai repede decit oricine altcineva. A doborit recordul mondial in competitii ca Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, Transpirenaica, Tahoe Rim Trail. Redefinind posibilul, Kilian Jornet forteaza in permanenta limitele, uimindu-si concurentii cu conditia fizica si abilitatile sale. Jurnalul sau, in care ne vorbeste despre pasiunea pentru sport, despre frumusetea peisajelor montane si despre cursele dramatice fortate pina la epuizare, este un adevarat manifest al spiritului liber. 'Sa alergi sau sa mori este jurnalul unui campion, o filosofie de viata si o lectie pentru noi toti.' (La Vanguardia) Din cuprins: Adrenalina numarului de concurs • Competitia nu e totul • Orasul vintului • Intre ape • Triumful simturilor • Sa alergi departe pentru a te regasi • Ai cucerit muntele numai atunci cind ai reusit sa cobori • La ce ma gindesc cind ma gindesc sa alerg?
Kilian Jornet (Author), Mircea Trofin (Narrator)
[Romanian] - Frontiera invizibilă
In 2014, Kilian Jornet a fost desemnat Adventurer of the Year de cititorii revistei National Geographic Dupa succesul international al volumului sau Sa alergi sau sa mori, Kilian Jornet revine cu o noua carte, insufletitoare, profunda, sincera, in care isi impartaseste atractia pentru cele mai spectaculoase culmi si cele mai nebunesti provocari. Dincolo de povestirile palpitante din expeditiile intreprinse pe cei mai inalti masivi din lume, sportivul iberic realizeaza si o adevarata introspectie asupra propriilor trairi, scotind in evidenta nevoia de singuratate, predilectia pentru risc si situatii periculoase ori pasiunea sa pentru munte. Cu un stil surprinzator si vorbindu-ne despre realitatea uneori extrem de dura a performantelor sale, Jornet exprima si mai bine complexitatea propriei personalitati. O carte intensa si plina de emotie, asteptata de un public numeros.
Kilian Jornet (Author), Andrei Stan (Narrator)
Above the Clouds: How I Carved My Own Path to the Top of the World
The most accomplished mountain runner of all time contemplates his record-breaking climb of Mount Everest in this profound and free-flowing memoir—an intellectual and spiritual journey that moves from the earth’s highest peak to the soul’s deepest reaches. What drives a person to the edge of one of the most difficult and revered mountains in the world? How much is one willing to sacrifice and suffer to pursue an authentic and bold life? The most accomplished mountain runner of all time, Kilian Jornet ponders these questions as he contemplates his record-breaking climb of Mount Everest, exploring the mountain’s changing nature over four seasons and his own existence. As he recounts a life spent studying, tending, and ascending the greatest peaks on earth, Jornet ruminates on what he has found in nature—simplicity, freedom, and spiritual joy—and offers a poetic yet clearheaded assessment of his relationship to the mountain . . . at times his opponent, at others, his greatest muse. In this sweeping, soulful journey—the flip side of stories like Into Thin Air—Jornet illuminates with beauty and brilliance what it means to be an athlete, a competitor, and a human facing the greatest life challenges—for him, the mountain he yearns to climb and honour.
Kilian Jornet (Author), Steven Brand (Narrator)
Above the Clouds: How I Carved My Own Path to the Top of the World
'Kilian Jornet is the most dominating endurance athlete of his generation.'—NEW YORK TIMES 'Inspiring and humbling'— ALEX HONNOLD The most accomplished mountain runner of all time contemplates his record-breaking climbs of Mount Everest in this profound memoir—an intellectual and spiritual journey that moves from the earth’s highest peak to the soul’s deepest reaches. Kilian Jornet has broken nearly every mountaineering record in the world and twice been named National Geographic Adventurer of the Year. In 2018 he summitted Mount Everest twice in one week—without the help of bottled oxygen or ropes. As he recounts a life spent studying and ascending the greatest peaks on earth, Jornet ruminates on what he has found in nature—simplicity, freedom, and spiritual joy—and offers a poetic yet clearheaded assessment of his relationship to the mountain . . . at times his opponent, at others, his greatest inspiration.
Kilian Jornet (Author), Steven Brand (Narrator)
Training for the Uphill Athlete: A Manual for Mountain Runners and Ski Mountaineers
Dovetailing on the success of Training for the New Alpinism and Patagonia's own emphasis on all mountain use, Training for the Uphill Athlete translates theory into methodology to allow you to write your own training plans and coach yourself to endurance goals. Steve House, one of the best mountaineers, and his coach Scott Johnston, an Olympic-level cross country ski coach, along with Kilian Jornet, hands-down best endurance athlete at this time, present training principles for the multisport mountain athlete who regularly participates in a mix of distance running, ski mountaineering, and other endurance sports that require optimum fitness and customized strength. This is an authoritative but accessible training manual for athletes and coaches who feel most alive in the mountains or pushing the uphill ascent. Distance running, ski mountaineering, skimo, and skyrunning are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and are often undertaken by the same person during a single year. This book collects the scientifically backed and athlete-tested wisdom and experience of three of the best uphill athletes and coaches and extrapolates both to educate outdoor athletes of all stripes to perform their best.
Kilian Jornet, Scott Johnston, Steve House (Author), Roger Wayne (Narrator)
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