A terrifying legend narrated to us by those who lived through the horror events in Upper Egypt in 1903. Let us discover a type of evil spirit that serves man for his thirst for blood. Where did ZABBAKH come from, what does it do, and why does it kill people without mercy? All of this we will know in an interesting, exciting, and imaginative horror novel.
A terrifying legend narrated to us by those who lived through the horror events in Upper Egypt in 1903. Let us discover a type of evil spirit that serves man for his thirst for blood. Where did ZABBAKH come from, what does it do, and why does it kill people without mercy? All of this we will know in an interesting, exciting, and imaginative horror novel.
One decision changes a young man's life, brings him happiness, and opens the doors to everything he desires, but events lead him further than he could imagine.
Harankash and Mantash is a fictional novel whose events take place in a faraway imaginary village. A strange weather phenomenon occurs in this village, transporting two children to a new city. They grow ten years older and become young men. The people of the city refuse their presence because of a crime committed by their grandfather. Wonderful adventures occur, and their goal is to return to the village again. Will they succeed?