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[French] - Croire Dieu sur parole
La Parole de Dieu est-elle vraiment la vérité? Quelle est son utilité pour nos vies? Sommes-nous réellement capables de la comprendre? Kevin DeYoung a une bonne nouvelle pour vous : la Bible a le pouvoir de changer votre vie. L’auteur démontre son infaillibilité, la nécessité de s’en imprégner, de la connaître, l’aimer et la mettre en pratique au quotidien. Ce livre accessible à tous ravivera votre désir de mieux connaître Dieu à travers sa Parole. Alors, débarrassez-vous de tout préjugé et régalez-vous de la vérité! David Platt recommande ce livre: 'A la lecture de Croire Dieu sur Parole, ma confiance dans la Parole de Dieu a été renforcée, ma soumission à sa Parole est plus profonde et mon amour pour sa Parole est plus intense. Pour toutes ces raisons je ne peux pas assez vous conseiller la lecture de ce livre.'
Kevin DeYoung (Author), Alain Jean-Théodore (Narrator)
The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation
5 Christlike Ways to Inspire the Next Generation for Christ Church leaders are continuously concerned they might lose the next generation of faithful believers. They've scoured for practical and effective ways to disciple young Christians, often resorting to adopting new and exciting programs, emotional appeals, or mere moralism. However helpful these attempts are, they all too often lack one critical element—Christ. In this concise booklet, bestselling author Kevin DeYoung presents 5 Christlike ways to effectively communicate the Christian faith and practice with the next generation. DeYoung reminds leaders that they won't ultimately impact young hearts with cleverness, humor, or good looks but by walking with Jesus and following his ways—grab them with passion, win them with love, hold them with holiness, challenge them with truth, and amaze them with God. - How to Reach the Next Generation of Christians: Unpacks 5 practical and biblically sound points to lead the next generation to Christ - Useful for Church Leaders: Pastors, youth workers, campus staff, and anyone else who wants to pass the faith on to the next generation - Written by Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung: Author of Just Do Something; Impossible Christianity; and The Biggest Story - Concise Repack: This portion was originally published within Don't Call It a Comeback by Kevin DeYoung, ed.
Kevin DeYoung (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
[German] - Die größte Geschichte: Wie der Schlangenzertreter uns in den Garten Eden zurückbringt
Die Bibel ist ein Buch voller spannender Geschichten, über die Kinder immer wieder staunen. Aber es muss noch einen Schritt weitergehen – die Kinder sollen auch sehen, wie all diese Geschichten mit der übergreifenden Botschaft der Bibel zusammenhängen, nämlich Gottes großartigem Plan, sein rebellisches Volk zu erlösen. In Die größte Geschichte führt Kevin DeYoung, Bestsellerautor und selbst Vater von neun Kindern, 4–12-Jährige auf eine spannende Reise durch die Bibel, indem er den Bogen vom Garten Eden über Christi Tod am Kreuz bis hin zum neuen Himmel und der neuen Erde spannt. Zusammen mit den Illustrationen des preisgekrönten Künstlers Don Clark begeistert diese Nacherzählung der Kernbotschaft der Bibel sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene und zeigt, dass Gottes Verheißungen noch größer und besser sind, als wir denken. Besonderes Highlight: Eines der ausdrucksstarken Motive findet sich als großes Poster im aufgeklappten Schutzumschlag.
Kevin DeYoung (Author), Julia Schulz (Narrator)
Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
Bestselling Author Rosaria Butterfield Confronts 5 Cultural Lies She Once Believed Modern culture is increasingly outspoken against a biblical understanding of what it means to be a woman. Even some Christians, swayed by the LGBTQ+ movement, have rejected God’s word on issues of sexuality and gender in favor of popular opinion. In light of these pressures, it’s more important than ever to help women see the truth about who God created them to be. In this powerful book, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront 5 common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today. Written in the style of a memoir, this book explores Butterfield’s personal battle with these lies—interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology—to help readers see the beauty in biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood. Culturally Relevant: Confronts controversial topics including transgenderism, homosexuality, feminism, spirituality, and modesty from a Bible-centered perspective Written for Christian Women: Inspires women to preserve godly values around womanhood, marriage, and motherhood in their lives, and offers guidance as they shepherd the next generation By Rosaria Butterfield: Bestselling author of The Gospel Comes with a House Key (100,000+ copies sold) and The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert (100,000+ copies sold) Filled with Personal Stories: Rosaria speaks from her own experience as a formerly militant anti-Christian and outspoken feminist, in order to teach and encourage other Christians
Kevin DeYoung, Rosaria Butterfield (Author), Rosaria Butterfield (Narrator)
Impossible Christianity: Why Following Jesus Does Not Mean You Have to Change the World, Be an Exper
Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung Offers Hope for Those Who Feel Like Christianity Has Become Hopelessly Crushing and Complex The apostle Paul described the Christian life as a race, but to many believers it feels more like a punishing obstacle course. Fearing they’ll never be able to do enough or give enough or be enough, they see themselves as spiritual failures. But Scripture offers good news: even in ordinary life, Christians can be faithful, fruitful, and pleasing to God. Impossible Christianity reassures readers that they don’t need to feel a collective sense of guilt for sins in the past and solve every societal problem in the present. Through biblical wisdom and engaging personal stories, Kevin DeYoung challenges the misconception that we need 40 hours in the day just to be good Christians. By reflecting on what Jesus actually taught about Christian discipleship, readers will be newly encouraged to pursue single-minded devotion to God and find lasting joy in a life of sincere and simple obedience. By Bestselling Writer Kevin DeYoung: Author of books including The Biggest Story; Just Do Something; and Crazy Busy Applicable: Written in a conversational tone, this book addresses Christian life issues including guilt, corporate responsibility, personal disciplines, assurance of salvation, and righteousness Offers Strength for Weary Christians: Helps believers answer the question, Can we please God and live a happy life in this anxious age?
Kevin DeYoung (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
Do Not Be True to Yourself: Countercultural Advice for the Rest of Your Life
Countercultural Yet Biblical Advice for High School and College Students, Ideal for Graduation and Birthday Gifts Most speeches addressed to high school and college students follow a similar theme: march to the beat of your own drum. This may sound encouraging on the surface, but Scripture exhorts believers to submit their lives to the will of God, not their own desires. Christian students need gospel-centered truth to guide them on their journey toward independence. In this collection of inspiring sermons and graduation speeches, Kevin DeYoung delivers a motivational, biblical call to young people: serve God faithfully—and if necessary, counter-culturally—in the next season of your life. Do Not Be True to Yourself includes practical advice for cultivating a Christ-centered worldview in every area of adult life, including relationships, work, church participation, and spiritual growth, making it a transformational resource for mentoring students. Written by Kevin DeYoung: Pastor and bestselling author shares relevant wisdom from past commencement speeches and sermons Concise, Engaging Chapters of Counter-Cultural Advice: Christ-centered guidance that includes developing spiritual habits, prioritizing church attendance, fighting sexual sin, and temptation, and making godly decisions. Includes Reading Guide: DeYoung suggests 12 classic Christian books every person should read, from writers including John Calvin, G. K. Chesterton, and R. C. Sproul Perfect for graduation gifts, birthdays, or small group discussion
Kevin DeYoung (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
The Lord's Prayer: Learning from Jesus on What, Why, and How to Pray
In The Lord’s Prayer, Kevin DeYoung closely examines God’s model for prayer, giving readers a deeper understanding of its content and meaning, and how it works in the lives of God’s people.
Kevin DeYoung, Kevin Deyoung (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
Vie de Fou: Un (tout) petit livre au sujet d'un (très) grand problème
Qui n'a pas déjà été trop occupé ? C'est une réalité qui nous rattrape tous à un moment ou à un autre de notre vie. Nous n'avons qu'à consulter notre emploi du temps pour constater à quel point nous avons de la difficulté à mener une vie équilibrée. Pourtant, un rythme de vie complètement fou n'est pas ce que Dieu désirait pour nous lorsqu'il a envoyé son Fils pour que nous goûtions pleinement à la vie. Imprégné de l'humour caractéristique et de la sincérité rafraîchissante de l'auteur à succès Kevin DeYoung, Vie de fou présente des principes bibliques qui nous aident à mieux comprendre les problèmes liés à l'affairement. Il propose des conseils pertinents pour discerner nos priorités et amener de vrais changements dans nos vies. Ce tout petit livre au sujet d'un très grand problème vous aidera à briser l'habitude d'être toujours trop occupé.
Kevin DeYoung, Kevin Deyoung (Author), Fernando Gasse (Narrator)
Men and Women in the Church: A Short, Biblical, Practical Introduction
Kevin DeYoung (PhD, University of Leicester) is the senior pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, and assistant professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte. He serves as board chairman of the Gospel Coalition and blogs at DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed. He is the author of several books, including Just Do Something; Crazy Busy; and The Biggest Story. Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children.
Kevin DeYoung, Kevin Deyoung (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will
OVER 250,000 COPIES SOLD! Why won’t God reveal his special will for my life already? Because he doesn’t intend to... So says Kevin DeYoung in this punchy book about making decisions the godly way. Many of us are listening for the still small voice to tell us what’s next instead of listening to the clear voice in Scripture telling us what’s now. God does have a will for your life, but it is the same as everyone else’s: Seek first the kingdom of God. And quit floundering. With pastoral wisdom and tasteful wit, DeYoung debunks unbiblical ways of understanding God’s will and constructs a simple but biblical alternative: live like Christ. He exposes the frustrations of our waiting games and unfolds the freedom of finding God’s will in Scripture and then simply doing it. This book is a call to put down our Magic 8-Balls and pick up God’s Word. It’s a call to get wisdom, follow Christ, be holy, and live freely. To just do something.
Kevin DeYoung, Kevin Deyoung (Author), David Markus (Narrator)
Men and Women in the Church: A Short, Biblical, Practical Introduction
A Biblical Primer on Men and Women in the Church There is much at stake in God making humanity male and female. Created for one another yet distinct from each other, a man and a woman are not interchangeable—they are designed to function according to a divine fittedness. But when this design is misunderstood, ignored, or abused, there are dire consequences. Men and women—in marriage especially, but in the rest of life as well—complement one another. And this biblical truth has enduring, cosmic significance. From start to finish, the biblical storyline—and the design of creation itself—depends upon the distinction between male and female. Men and Women in the Church is about the divinely designed complementarity of men and women as it applies to life in general and especially ministry in the church.
Kevin DeYoung (Author), Tom Parks (Narrator)
Sums up the victory of the cross in four words and explores what that means for us. Freedom, forgiveness, justice, and purpose. We long for them in our lives and in the world. The cross delivers them! Yet sometimes we are so familiar with the cross that it loses its impact on us. We forget that Jesus' death on the cross and his resurrection are the most important events in human history and our lives. The cross is the fulfillment of God's salvation plan, promised from the dawn of time. It is central to the Bible, central to our faith, and central to the meaning and purpose of our lives. This foundational book by Kevin DeYoung, Richard Coekin, and Yannick Christos-Wahab looks at passages from both the Old and New Testaments to sum up the victory of the cross in four words-freedom, forgiveness, justice, and purpose-and what that means for us personally. Marvel at the cross afresh and be moved to love and serve the Lord Jesus with renewed zeal and joy. This short yet profound book is a very useful discipleship tool. It can be read individually, in pairs, or in small groups.
Kevin DeYoung, Kevin Deyoung, Richard Coekin, Yannick Christos-Wahab (Author), Adam Verner, Antony Ferguson, Simon Bubb (Narrator)
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