Sole survivor of a ruined civilization, Joshua Penrose finds himself trapped into the one career he wanted to avoid, space pirate. Chased by the most powerful navy in space, Penrose plays a dangerous game, until the Queen of mighty Braeden escalates the scales too high. Joshua must not only survive himself, he believes he owes a future to all the spacemen and women who threw in with him when he first took his ship.
Second Contact, The Seeds of Orion chronicles is the second book of a series that sets out the spread of mankind and Orion's descendants into the galaxy. It takes the listener on a journey of the human race to new worlds. From populating one planet to expanding into the universe and as it has for thousands of years, doing what it had to do to survive.
When a lab experiment results in a group of scientists gaining extremely long life, they realize that if they stay on Earth, they\'ll soon become lab specimens. To escape this, they decide to travel to the stars. Unfortunately, the stars are already occupied.
Settled several generations before, Saragosa Prime has grown from a mining outpost to a populated planet. Time, Winner White decides, for democracy. Since Winner holds a controlling interest in the company that owns Saragosa Prime, his decision would seem to carry a lot of weight. But among the conglomerates that rule space, Winner's is one of the smallest, and none of the others care whether democracy takes hold--or even whether Winner is allowed to hold onto his company. When Zed Bartok invades, Winner is on his own to re-take the planet.