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Psicología integral: Conciencia, espiritu, psicología, terapia
Como líder en psicología transpersonal, Ken Wilber presenta el primer modelo verdaderamente integrador de la conciencia espiritual oriental y la psicología del desarrollo occidental. El objetivo de una psicología integral es honrar y abarcar todos los aspectos legítimos de la conciencia humana bajo un mismo techo. Basándose en cientos de fuentes, orientales y occidentales, antiguas y modernas, Wilber crea un modelo psicológico que incluye corrientes de desarrollo, estados de conciencia y del yo, y sigue el curso de cada uno empezando por el subconsciente, el autoconsciente, hasta llegar al superconsciente. Este volumen incluye temas que correlacionan más de cien escuelas psicológicas y espirituales de todo el mundo, incluidas la Cábala, Vedanta, Plotino, Teresa de Ávila, Aurobindo, Teosofía y teóricos modernos como Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson,Jane Loevinger, Lawrence Kohlberg, Carol Gilligan, Erich Neumann y Jean Gebser. La psicología integral es el sistema psicológico más ambicioso de Wilber hasta la fecha y ya se considera un estudio histórico en el desarrollo humano.
Ken Wilber (Author), Victor Manuel Espinoza (Narrator)
La empresa consciente Conscious Business
El bestseller de Fred Kofman "La empresa consciente" es el resultado de más de quince años de trabajo con directivos de grandes compañías como Chrysler, Cisco, Citibank, General Motors, Google, Microsoft, Shell, Unilever, Yahoo! y muchas más en Latinoamérica y el resto del mundo. Desde supervisores hasta altos ejecutivos y directores de empresas comprobaron en la práctica la efectividad de las estrategias innovadoras que propone Fred Kofman, con el objetivo de alcanzar un liderazgo honesto: Ser más que hacer, es el camino hacia la excelencia.En este camino hacia la consciencia en una empresa, Fred instruye acerca de:* Responsabilidad incondicional, para convertirse en protagonistas de sus propias vidas.* Integridad esencial, para generar valor a través de valores, alcanzando el éxito más allá del éxito.* Humildad, para tener mentalidad de aprendiz.* Comunicación auténtica, para escuchar, indagar y expresarse de manera consciente. * Compromiso impecable, para construir relaciones de cooperación.* Colaboración constructiva, para negociaciones productivas.* Maestría emocional, para aprender a gestionar sus emociones y las de los demás. La filosofía de "La empresa consciente", explica Fred Kofman, ayuda a los líderes a intensificar la luz de la consciencia para él mismo, para la organización a la que pertenece y para el mundo entero. Fred Kofman's bestseller "Conscious Business" is the result of more than fifteen years of work with leaders of large companies, such as Chrysler, Cisco, Citibank, General Motors, Google, Microsoft, Shell, Unilever, Yahoo! and many more in Latin America and the rest of the world.From supervisors to senior executives and company directors confirmed the effectiveness of the innovative strategies proposed by Fred Kofman, while aiming at achieving honest leadership: that being more than doing is the path to excellence. On this path to consciousness in a company, Fred instructs about:* Unconditional responsibility, to become protagonists of our own lives.* Essential integrity, to generate value through values, reaching success beyond success. * Humility, to have a learner's mentality. * Authentic communication, to listen, inquire and express oneself in a conscious way. * Impeccable commitment, to build cooperative relationships. * Constructive collaboration for productive negotiations. * Emotional mastery, to learn to manage one's emotions and those of others. The philosophy of "Conscious Business", explains Fred Kofman, helps the leaders to intensify the light of consciousness for themselves, for the organization to which they belong and for the whole world.
Fred Kofman, Ken Wilber, Peter Senge (Author), Fred Kofman, Pablo Carter (Narrator)
A Brief History of Everything: Shambhala
A Brief History of Everything is an altogether friendly and accessible account of men and women's place in a universe of sex, soul, and spirit, written by an author of whom New York Times reporter Tony Schwartz says: 'No one has described the path to wisdom better than Ken Wilber.'Wilber examines the course of evolution as the unfolding manifestation of Spirit, from matter to life to mind, including the higher stages of spiritual development where Spirit becomes conscious of itself. In each of these domains, there are recurring patterns, and by looking closely at them, we can learn much about the predicament of our world--and the direction we must take if 'global transformation' is to become a reality.Wilber offers a series of striking and original views on many topics of current interest and controversy, including the gender wars, modern liberation movements, multiculturalism, ecology and environmental ethics, and the conflict between this-worldly and otherworldly approaches to spirituality. The result is an extraordinary and exhilarating ride through the Kosmos in the company of one of the great thinkers of our time.
Ken Wilber (Author), Steve Grad, Willow Pearson (Narrator)
But as fields of knowledge become increasingly specialized, it gets harder and harder to see how disparate strands of understanding could possibly integrate into a unified whole. How do science and religion fit together? Is one right and the other wrong? Or are they both telling us truths about different aspects of a single reality? Is there a theory large enough to embrace it all?
Ken Wilber (Author), Craig Hamilton (Narrator)
In our quest for for meaning, we have turned first and foremost to the great wisdom traditions of the world. Yet, in modern times, these great traditions, and the very notion of spirituality itself, have come under fierce attack by some of our most respected intellectual institutions.
Ken Wilber (Author), Craig Hamilton (Narrator)
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