Una novela divertida, tierna y excéntrica al más puro estilo Pancol
Rose es una joven bióloga afincada en París y dedicada al estudio de la Lamprohiza splendidula, una variedad de libélula que promete aportar grandes avances en la investigación médica.
Aunque Rose es una excelente investigadoray sus trabajos sobre la química sexual de losinsectos y su reproducción son muy destacables,en el terreno personal se siente del todo desamparada. Últimamente parece tener problemas con las relaciones humanas en general y con Leo en particular, el investigador con el que lleva varios meses trabajando y de quien se ha enamorado perdidamente.
Y es que la vida no es como un laboratorio, y no serán su madre (escondida detrás de unas enormes gafas oscuras) ni su abuela (que habla con Dios y con los dedos de sus pies) quienes podrán ayudarla.
Esta es la historia de un bicho raro enamorado,dispuesto a superar cualquier barrera que la vida o su personalidad le impongan en el difícil camino del amor y de la felicidad.
La crítica ha dicho:
«Una historia bien trazada, narrada con inteligencia, generosidad y ambición».
Le Point
«Literatura que da esperanza».
Le Monde
Forty-something mother of two Josephine Cortes is at a crossroads. She has just moved to a posh new apartment in Paris after the success of the historical novel she ghostwrote for her sister, Iris. Still struggling with her divorce-the result of her husband running off to Kenya to start a crocodile farm with his mistress-she is now entangled too in a messy lie orchestrated by her sister. And just when things seem they can't get any more complicated, people start turning up dead in her neighborhood. As Josephine struggles to find her voice and her confidence amidst a messy web of relationships and a string of murders, she and those around her must learn to push on with determination, like headstrong little turtles learning to dance slowly in a world that's too violent and moving too fast.
Le Divorce meets The Elegance of the Hedgehog in this hilariously entertaining mega-bestseller from FranceWhen her chronically unemployed husband runs off to start a crocodile farm in Kenya with his mistress, Joséphine Cortès is left in an unhappy state of affairs. The mother of two confident, beautiful teenage Hortense and shy, babyish Zoé is forced to maintain a stable family life while making ends meet on her meager salary as a medieval history scholar. Meanwhile, Joséphine's charismatic sister Iris seems to have it all a wealthy husband, gorgeous looks, and a très chic Paris address but she dreams of bringing meaning back into her life. When Iris charms a famous publisher into offering her a lucrative deal for a twelfth-century romance, she offers her sister a deal of her own: Joséphine will write the novel and pocket all the proceeds, but the book will be published under Iris's name. All is well that is, until the book becomes the literary sensation of the season.