Do you know how to intend? In The Miracle of Intent author, K P Weaver will share insights, strategies and personal stories that will help you manifest your heart's desire! In a time when a lot of people search outward for answers to inward issues there is no better time to reconnect with the natural-born instinct we all have to choose our destiny. Are you ready to make your dreams come true?
Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite
The Magic of Mindfulness is a nonfiction motivational self-help book written by K P Weaver. Weaver is an advanced mindfulness practitioner who has founded her own publishing company and is a public speaker and author. She's accomplished all this while raising a family of six small kids at the same time. Her secret is based on the concept of allowing the magic to assist you through being mindful, practicing gratitude and keeping your focus on your goals. She has organized her material into seven sections, each of which is followed by an exercise to allow the reader to fully absorb and be able to utilize the material covered. McDermott also shares her own life story, beginning with her move from her native Northern Ireland to Australia while pregnant. She uses her story to illustrate key concepts and offers the reader ample opportunities to share their story as well.
K P Weaver's nonfiction motivational self-help book, The Magic of Mindfulness, is a well-written and appealing call to action that shows how one's attitude and approach to life can make all the difference. Weaver's own story is inspirational and is the clearest recommendation for her approach, but her presentation of the seven precepts is also first-rate. Weaver's writing style is smooth and conversational, making it feel as though she's the reader's own personal coach, and her assignments work quite well in helping the reader feel ownership of the material covered. I'm still amazed that the mother of six could have written over twenty books, founded a publishing company and done as much as she has. Her system is obviously working. The Magic of Mindfulness is most highly recommended.