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People Fuel: Fill Your Tank for Life, Love, and Leadership
Full of stories, clinical advice, and accessible takeaways, People Fuel outlines the twenty-two relational nutrients we all need to cultivate good relationships that provide energy, focus, and the support you need to succeed. We all need more energy, the vitality that helps us stay motivated, focused and productive in life. We know we receive energy from good nutrition, along with working out, adequate sleep and maintaining positivity. But there is another major source for the energy we need: having the right kinds of relationships with others. Not the ones that drain us, but the ones that refuel us. In his new audiobook, Dr. John Townsend, psychologist, leadership expert and coauthor of the New York Times bestselling Boundaries, shows you how we need the fuel of 'Relational Nutrients' from others, and, in turn we can then provide them to others. Our bodies require physical nutrients to stay healthy. If we don't take enough iron, we can develop anemia. Too little calcium can lead to bone disease. In the same way, John identifies the key Relational Nutrients that we need. As we experience these critical elements from others, we grow mentally and emotionally more sharp and healthy. And as we give these elements back, others benefit as well. Finally, Dr. Townsend details the specific types of people who can either be energy sources or energy drains, and gives concrete steps to help you cultivate relationships with those who will help you be all you were meant to be. The person who taught you how to have boundaries now helps you to experience the best from those people you have allowed into your boundaries. Reference charts, tables, and appendix available in the audiobook companion PDF download.
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Narrator)
Límites: Cuando decir 'sí', cuando decir 'no', tome el control de su vida
Escrito por Cloud y Townsend, autores de Límites para nuestros hijos, este libro cuenta con consejos bíblicos y prácticos para todo cristiano. ¿Está tu vida sin control? ¿siente que la gente te utiliza? ¿Le es difícil decir que no? ¿Está desilusionado con Dios por falta de respuesta a tus oraciones? Establecer límites claros es esencial para obtener un estilo de vida sano y balanceado. Un límite es un línea de propiedad personal que marca las cosas de las que somos responsables. En otras palabras, límites es lo que define quiénes somos, o quiénes no somos. Los límites afectan diferentes aspectos de nuestras vidas: Los límites físicos nos ayudan a determinar quién nos puede tocar y bajo qué circunstancia. Los límites mentales nos dan la libertad de tener ideas y opiniones propias. Los límites emocionales nos ayudan a tratar con nuestras propias emociones y a librarnos de las emociones dañinas y manipuladoras de otros. Los límites espirituales nos ayudan a distinguir entre la voluntad de Dios y la nuestra, y nos dan temor de Dios. Los doctores Henry Cloud y John Townsend ofrecen respuestas bíblicas a preguntas difíciles, a la vez que nos muestran cómo poner límites sanos con nuestros padres, nuestros cónyuges, nuestros hijos, nuestros amigos, nuestros compañeros de trabajo, y hasta con nosotros mismos.
Dr. John Townsend, Henry Cloud, John Townsend (Author), Alejandro De Mesa (Narrator)
Lidera con tu intuición: Cómo puedes alcanzar el éxito aprovechando el poder de tus valores, sentimi
Quienes somos interiormente puede determinar el éxito de liderazgo más que lo hacemos o lo que sabemos. En este libro el doctor Townsend explora el papel clave que juega el mundo interno del líder, sus emociones, su intuición, su creatividad, sus valores, su autoconciencia, su vida espiritual, y cómo estos se traducen en el éxito de una organización.
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Alejandro De Mesa, Alejandro Di Mesa (Narrator)
Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life
In this updated edition of the New York Times bestselling book, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have expanded their popular content to help readers develop clear boundaries as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Dr. John Townsend, Henry Cloud, John Townsend (Author), Henry Arnold, Henry O. Arnold (Narrator)
The Entitlement Cure : Finding Success in Doing Hard Things the Right Way
In a culture that encourages shortcuts and irresponsibility, this book provides principles and skills to help people become successful and to help others who are stuck in 'easy way' living.
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Narrator)
Our Mothers, Ourselves : How Understanding Your Mother's Influence Can Set You on a Path to a Better
In Our Mothers, Ourselves, Cloud and Townsend show how understanding how our mothers have profoundly influenced our lives can set us on a path toward wholeness and growth.
Dr. John Townsend, Henry Cloud, John Townsend (Author), Henry Cloud (Narrator)
How to Be a Best Friend Forever: Making and Keeping Lifetime Relationships
Our world has diluted the meaning of friendship, but the reality is, there’s nothing like the sustaining strength of true-blue, forever friends. Still, many people are convinced that they’ll never find such lifelong connections—or that they don’t need them. In this encouraging audio book, best-selling author and psychologist John Townsend delivers hope and help for making these relationships a reality—and for making them even better if you’ve already got a “bestie.” His eight principles for building the very best kind of friendship, along with his shared experiences within his own friendships (including mistakes he’s made), will move every listener to aspire to deeper connections and to stay the course when challenges arise. Townsend’s simple but profound concepts are sure to transform listeners’ relationships and keep them from missing out on one of life’s greatest and most essential joys: the joy of having a best friend. ***Please Contact Member Services for Additional Documents***
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Narrator)
How do you know you're ready to trust again ... and what does it take to be ready? Painful relationships violate our trust, causing us to close our hearts. But to experience the freedom and love God designed us for, we eventually have to take another risk. In this breakthrough book, bestselling author Dr. John Townsend takes you beyond the pain of the past to discover how to re-enter a life of intimate relationships. Whether you're trying to restore a current relationship or begin a new one, Townsend gives practical tools for establishing trust and finding the intimacy you long for. Beyond Boundaries will help you reinstate closeness with someone who broke your trust; discern when true change has occurred; reestablish appropriate connections in strained relationships; create a safe environment that helps you trust; and restore former relationships to a healthy dynamic. You can move past relational pain to trust again. Beyond Boundaries will show you how.
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Narrator)
Leadership Beyond Reason: How Great Leaders Succeed by Harnessing the Power of Their Values, Feeling
"As someone who is involved in influencing others toward excellence and inspiration, you need to be the best you can be for yourself, your mission, and those you lead." —Dr. John Townsend. Leaders at the forefront of society - executives, business owners, managers, and influencers - are constantly pressured to respond to the available research, analysis, and other linear sources of information in order to make critical decisions. But if you rely only on external data and fail to harness the power of your own subjective experience, you lose access to a great value toward your goals and outcomes. A human behavioral expert and leadership consultant, Dr. John Townsend says there are priceless resources within every leader that are all too often neglected and ignored. Leadership Beyond Reason clarifies the leader’s internal world and teaches you how to draw on your intuition, emotions, creativity, spiritual life, and values. These principles will help you stand out from the rest in a world growing weary of paint-by-the-numbers leaders. Whether you are increasing your skill set or looking for a new way to address your organization’s needs, Dr. Townsend’s insight and advice will train you to take advantage of the ability to look inward as well as outward and achieve great results.
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Narrator)
Hard times make us look for God. Everyone has problems. But if we could solve all our difficulties ourselves, would we ever search for God? Psychologist John Townsend says "It is actually the very unfixability of our problems and our powerlessness to bring right results that keep us asking, 'Where is God?' With a compelling narrative, Townsend offers new insights into the pursuit for God's help and presence. Designed to give readers hope and meaning, he divides the discussion into three parts: * Why does a loving God allow us to experience difficulties? * How is God active in the middle of our hard times? * How can I find God? With powerful stories and practical applications, Where Is God? assures readers that even when it feels as though God is absent it is his nature to be in relationship, to connect with, love, and guide us. And when we seek him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, he shows up in ways that transform us forever.
Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Author), Dr. John Townsend, John Townsend (Narrator)
Rules for Romance That Can Help You Find the Love of Your Life Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries--boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in Dating could revolutionize the way you handle relationships. Even if you're doing well, the insights you'll gain from this much-needed book can help you fine-tune or even completely readjust important areas of your dating life. Written by the authors of the bestselling book Boundaries, Boundaries in Dating is your road map to the kind of enjoyable, rewarding dating that can take you from weekends alone to a lifetime with the soul mate you've longed for.
Dr. John Townsend, Henry Cloud, John Townsend (Author), Jonathan Petersen, Jonathan Peterson, Zondervan Publishing (Narrator)
12 'Christian' Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy
Not everything believed a biblical truth is truly biblical. The authors debunk 12 commonly accepted beliefs that cause bondage rather than liberty. They explain how nuggets of truth become cornerstones for error when wrongly understood, and they help build solid scriptural foundations that produce emotional freedom. Now with discussion guide.
Dr. John Townsend, Henry Cloud, John Townsend (Author), Jonathan Petersen, Jonathan Peterson, Zondervan Publishing (Narrator)
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