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'Entdecken Sie Ihren Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Sicherlich haben Sie schon gehört, wie einfach es ist, Erfolg zu haben. Man muss nur an sich glauben. Aber warum sind dann immer noch so viele Menschen erfolglos und unzufrieden? Roy Baumeister und John Tierney kennen die Antwort: Nicht positives Denken ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, sondern Disziplin. Wenn wir nach unseren persönlichen Stärken gefragt werden, dann nennen wir oft Ehrlichkeit, Güte, Humor, Kreativität, Mut und andere Tugenden – selbst Bescheidenheit. Aber Selbstdisziplin zählt nicht dazu. Dabei hängen viele unserer persönlichen und gesellschaftlichen Probleme mit mangelnder Selbstdisziplin zusammen: zwanghafter Konsum, Verschuldung, Gewalt, schlechte schulische Leistungen, mangelnde Produktivität am Arbeitsplatz, Alkohol- und Drogenmissbrauch, ungesunde Ernährung, mangelnde sportliche Betätigung, chronische Angst und so weiter und so fort. Disziplin beruht auf Willenskraft und lässt sich wie ein Muskel trainieren. Sie entscheidet über: • Glück und Zufriedenheit, • Karriere, • Gesundheit, • finanzielle Sicherheit. Erst daraus folgen Zuversicht und Selbstvertrauen. Sie brauchen also nur zwei Dinge, um erfolgreich zu sein: Disziplin und dieses Hörbuch. Roy Baumeister ist Francis Eppes Eminent Professor of Psychology an der Florida State University. Er ist einer der international bekanntesten Psychologen und Autor zahlreicher Bücher. John Tierney ist Autor und Wissenschaftsredakteur der New York Times Dieses Buch erschien im englischen Original unter dem Titel „Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength” © 2012 Campus Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main/New York © Willpower. Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength bei The Penguin Press, New York. Copyright © Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney, 2011 (P) 2018 ABP Verlag'
John Tierney, Roy Baumeister (Author), Olaf Renoldi (Narrator)
Die Macht des Schlechten - Den Negativ-Effekt beherrschen und gut leben (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Sozialpsychologe Roy F. Baumeister und Wissenschaftsjournalist John Tierney erklären die Gründe und zeigen, wie sich der Negativeffekt bezwingen und zum Vorteil wenden lässt. Warum ist man von einem Wort der Kritik erschüttert und braucht ein Vielfaches an Lob, um die schlechten Gefühle auszugleichen? Warum reicht ein einziger falscher Satz im Vorstellungsgespräch, um den Gesamteindruck zu trüben? Warum kann ein kleiner diplomatischer Fehltritt einen Konflikt zwischen Ländern entfachen? Oder eine unbedachte Bemerkung im persönlichen Umfeld so leicht als Affront missverstanden werden? Weil unsere Gehirne so verdrahtet sind, dass sie sich auf das Schlechte konzentrieren. Auf Basis zahlreicher aktueller psychologischer Studien entwickeln die Autoren eine einfache Faustregel: Es braucht vier gute Erlebnisse, um ein schlechtes Erlebnis wettzumachen.
John Tierney, Roy Baumeister (Author), Oliver Kube (Narrator)
Willpower: Rediscovering Our Greatest Strength
Brought to you by Penguin. Can you resist everything except temptation? In a hedonistic age full of distractions, it's hard to possess willpower - or in fact even understand why we should need it. Yet it's actually the most important factor in achieving success and a happy life, shown to be more significant than money, looks, background or intelligence. This book reveals the secrets of self-control. Here Roy Baumeister, one of the world's most esteemed and influential psychologists, and journalist John Tierney, turn this notion on its head. They show us that willpower is like a muscle that can be strengthened with practice and improved over time. The latest laboratory work shows that self-control has a physical basis to it and so is dramatically affected by simple things such as eating and sleeping - to the extent that a life-changing decision may go in different directions depending on whether it's made before or after lunch. Based on years of psychological research and filled with practical advice, this book will teach you how to gain from self-control without pain, and discover the very real power in willpower. The results are nothing short of life-changing.
John Tierney, Roy F. Baumeister (Author), Denis O'hare, John Tierney, Roy F. Baumeister (Narrator)
The Power of Bad: And How to Overcome It
Brought to you by Penguin. From the international bestselling authors of Willpower Why does a bad impression last longer than a good one? Why does losing money affect us more than gaining it? What makes phobias so hard to shake? The answer is the negativity bias - or in other words, the power of bad. As John Tierney and Roy F. Baumeister show, we are wired to react to bad over good. It makes sense in evolutionary terms, but in our modern world the lure of bad is, well, bad. It governs people's moods, drives marketing and dominates our news. It can explain everything from why wars start or couples divorce, to why we mess up job interviews or feud with neighbours. But there is good news. By using smart strategies from new science, we can train our brains to get better at spotting our own negativity bias, fighting back with our rational minds to manage the bad in our lives - and even using its power for positive results. Breaking bad's hold over us can help our own lives, at work and in our relationships. Properly understood, bad can be a good thing.
John Tierney, Roy F. Baumeister (Author), Paul Bellantoni (Narrator)
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
One of the world's most esteemed and influential psychologists, Roy F. Baumeister, teams with New York Times science writer John Tierney to reveal the secrets of self-control and how to master it. Pioneering research psychologist Roy F. Baumeister collaborates with New York Times science writer John Tierney to revolutionize our understanding of the most coveted human virtue: self-control. Drawing on cutting-edge research and the wisdom of real-life experts, Willpower shares lessons on how to focus our strength, resist temptation, and redirect our lives. It shows readers how to be realistic when setting goals, monitor their progress, and how to keep faith when they falter. By blending practical wisdom with the best of recent research science, Willpower makes it clear that whatever we seek-from happiness to good health to financial security-we won't reach our goals without first learning to harness self-control.
John Tierney, Roy F. Baumeister (Author), Denis O'hare, John Tierney (Narrator)
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
For years, our concept of the self and well-being has been dominated by the notion of self-esteem, while the old fashioned value of willpower has been disparaged by psychologists who argued that we're largely driven by unconscious forces beyond our control. In "Willpower" Baumeister and Tierney turn this misinformation on its head to reveal self-control as arguably the single most powerful indicator of success. Baumeister discovered that willpower actually has a physical basis to it: it is like a muscle that can be strengthened with practice, and fatigued from overuse. That's why eating and sleeping--and especially failing to do either of those--have such dramatic effects on self-control. Yet, while self-control is biologically rooted, we have the capacity to manipulate our nature. "Willpower" features personal stories from entrepreneurs, executives, parents and children who have managed to do just that. The characters range from Victorian explorers to modern homemakers, from college students pulling all nighters to entertainers. The practical lessons in self-control conditioning they provide are nothing short of life changing. Combining the best of modern social science with the practical wisdom of David Allen, Ben Franklin, and others, Baumeister and Tierney here share the definitive compendium of modern lessons in willpower.
John Tierney, Roy Baumeister (Author), Denis O'Hare (Narrator)
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