During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama promised time after time 'a net spending cut' to make government smaller in order to cut the deficit. But the huge increase in government spending and debt, and the resulting higher future taxes will make America a poorer country. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the deficits that President Obama proposes for the years from 2011 through 2020 come to a staggering $126,000 per family of four. That is on top of the $35,000 per family already chalked up under the first two years of Obama's administration. But has all the new government been worth it? Are Americans happier because the government has determined where this money should be spent? The answer is clearly no. Obama's economic policies have raised unemployment, slowed economic growth, dramatically raised the national debt, squandered taxpayer money through poor investments, and further damaged the housing market. The economy will eventually grow, though slowly. The No Tax Pledge will explain why Obama's policies on spending, taxes, regulation have all worked to harm the recovery, increased unemployment, and depressed housing prices. This debate is part of a broader debate over Keynesian economics most notably involving Paul Krugman in the New York Times. The authors plan on dissecting these arguments and explaining why Keynesianism represents more a way of transferring wealth to desired political constituencies than it provides a legitimate economic theory for how the economy operates.
Gun rights advocate John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, rebuts recent antigun "factoids" with real statistics.
When it comes to the gun control debate, there are two kinds of data: data that's accurate, and data that left-wing billionaires, politicians, and media want you to believe is accurate. In The War on Guns, economist and gun-rights advocate John Lott turns a skeptical eye to well-funded antigun studies and stories that perpetuate false statistics to frighten Americans into giving up their guns.
Does the free market usually lead to unintended and negative consequences? Quite the opposite, says John Lott, who holds a Ph.D. in economics. In fact, says Lott, a wide range of fascinating and peculiar case studies prove the simple adage that if something is more costly, people will do less of it.