Seit seinem Weltbestseller 'Megatrends', der in 57 Ländern veröffentlicht wurde, steht die Zukunft im Mittelpunkt von John Naisbitts Arbeit als Autor und Redner. Aber was hat es eigentlich mit seinen verblüffend exakten Zukunftsprognosen auf sich? Der Beststellerautor plaudert aus dem Nähkästchen und stellt uns seine erstaunlichen 'Mindsets', seine Denkmuster vor. Dabei verrät er uns auch, wie wir selbst von ihnen Gebrauch machen können und damit ganz entscheidend unsere Zukunft beeinflussen können - beruflich ebenso wie privat.-
In his seminal works Megatrends and Megatrends 2000, John Naisbitt proved himself one of the most far-sighted and accurate observers of our fast-changing world.
Mind Set! goes beyond that, Mind Set! discloses the secret of forecasting. John Naisbitt gives away the keys to the kingdom, opening the door to the insights that let him understand today's world and see the opportunities of tomorrow. He selected his most effective tools, 11 Mind Sets, and applies them by guiding the reader through the five forces that will dominate the next decades of the 21st century.
Ilustrated by stories about Galileo and Einstein to today's icons and rebels in business, science, and sports, Mind Set! opens your eyes to see beyond media headlines, political slogans, and personal opinions, to select and judge what will form the pictures of the future.
Read by Eric Conger
America's #1 trend forecaster reveals the global transformation that affects the future for us all!
The most momentous global development of the 1990s.
The #1 bestselling author of Megatrends and Megatrends 2000 now offers a glimpse of your future that begins on the other side of the globe -- where the once isolated nations of Asia are networking into an economic colossus that will soon become a dominant force in the rest of the world.
While many Americans continue to focus on Europe, the eyes on the East see a different future -- a time, five years away, when the gross national product of Asia will double Europe's, representing a third of the entire world economy. Describing the dramatic changes now underway in a rapidly modernizing Asia, John Naisbitt identifies the eight significant megatrends that characterize the region's unprecedented transformation, and that will have a profound influence on the way Asia and the West do business with each other for decades to come.
A look into the future from the world's most authoritative trend forecaster, Megatrends Asia is your guide to the global shift of the world's economic, political and cultural center of gravity that will have enormous consequences for us all.