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It's Not Me, It's You: Break the Blame Cycle. Relationship Better.
Two therapists analyze their own relationship to help untangle the common and frustrating barriers many individuals face on the road to a happy, loving, rewarding partnership. Many of the clients who end up in our respective therapist offices thought they were doing relationships right—avoiding the white picket fence, focusing on careers and experiences over babies and legally-binding documents, choosing someone after they “found themselves” first. However, like clockwork, around their early to mid-thirties, these clients show up at our door. Why? For the first time, they realize that they dislike their relationship and are frustrated by their partner but know that another break-up won’t fix things. They recognize a pattern of relationship misery that has them finally looking in the mirror asking, how do you make a relationship last? It took us many relationships, our own inner self journey (which we’re still on), therapy, therapy school, and helping thousands of people with their relationships, to learn to have better ones ourselves. Vanessa woke up at 31, after ending an engagement and moving to Los Angeles. John thought he woke up at 35 after his divorce. But he didn’t truly wake up until he was pushing 40. In It’s Not Me, It’s You, John and Vanessa dissect their own relationship to help readers figure out theirs: what their relationships were like in the past, what traumas they carried into the new relationship, and how they work on growing together to foster a healthy and long-term bond. The surprising truth is falling in love is more about you than your partner. It’s more about challenge and growth than comfort and ease, and roots don’t grow from wishful thinking—they grow in the soil of communication, curiosity, patience, and understanding. It’s Not Me, It’s You is for anyone looking for real advice on relationships that takes both sides into account and discusses relationships with the honesty and clarity we all need. Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.
John Kim, Vanessa Bennett (Author), John Kim, Vanessa Bennett (Narrator)
Single On Purpose Sin pareja a propósito (Spanish edition): Redefínelo todo y conócete primero
El autor de Yo era un cabr*n amargado, The Angry Therapist, ahora te enseña cómo priorizar tu relación contigo mismo y vivir una vida más significativa, ya sea que estés solo, saliendo o con una pareja. Hay más en la vida que amar a alguien. Pero estar sin pareja puede parecer una sentencia de muerte. ¿Por qué estar solo = estar solo? ¿Y por qué dejamos de trabajar en nosotros mismos cuando estamos en una relación? Después de un divorcio doloroso, 'The Angry Therapist' John Kim se dio cuenta de que nunca había estado realmente solo. Se embarcó en un viaje para reconstruir su relación consigo mismo, pasando de estar solo y desconectado a estar solo y satisfecho. Kim ha continuado ayudando a miles de clientes a encontrar su propia manera única de liberarse de las expectativas y finalmente vivir su verdad. En el libro Sin pareja a proposito, Kim adopta su enfoque característico de 'autoayuda en un vaso de chupito' sin tonterías mientras comparte su propia historia de soltería y muestra a los lectores cómo ser dueños de su mierda, romper sus patrones y encontrar un sentido de sí mismo bien fundamentado. Dedicar tiempo a cultivar la relación contigo mismo no debería ser algo que solo hagas cuando tocas fondo, atraviesas una pérdida importante o tienes una crisis de un cuarto de vida. Todos, en algún momento, necesitamos ser solteros, a propósito.
John Kim (Author), Cesar Ramones (Narrator)
Single On Purpose: Redefine Everything. Find Yourself First.
The author of I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck, The Angry Therapist, now teaches you how to prioritize your relationship with yourself and live a more meaningful life, whether you’re alone, dating, or with a partner. There’s more to life than loving someone. But being single can feel like a death sentence. Why does being alone = being lonely? And why do we stop working on ourselves when we’re in a relationship? After a painful divorce, “The Angry Therapist” John Kim realized he had never truly been on his own. He went on a journey to rebuild his relationship with himself, going from alone and disconnected to alone and fulfilled. Kim has gone on to help thousands of clients find their own unique way to break free of expectations and finally live their truth. With Single on Purpose, Kim takes his signature no-BS “self-help in a shot glass” approach as he shares his own singlehood story and shows readers how to own their shit, break their patterns, and find a grounded sense of self. Spending time to cultivate your relationship with yourself shouldn’t be something you only do when you hit rock bottom, go through a major loss, or have a quarter-life crisis. All of us, at some point, need to be single—on purpose.
John Kim (Author), John Kim (Narrator)
I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck Yo era un c*brón amargado (SPA Ed): Cómo ser hombre y vivir una vida
El terapeuta enojado (The Angry Therapist) que ha ayudado a miles de hombres a encontrar más felicidad en sus relaciones y más propósito en sus vidas ahora comparte sus ideas con todos en esta poderosa guía: autoayuda en un recuento, que cubre temas esenciales, desde la vulnerabilidad y la postura hasta los entrenamientos y mujer. Después de pasar por un divorcio y buscar profundamente dentro de su alma, John Kim llegó a una asombrosa realización: era un c*abrón amagado y que era el único responsable de los problemas en su vida. Armado con esta nueva perspectiva, comenzó el blog The Angry Therapist, una admisión de que, mientras era un terapeuta y entrenador de vida autorizado, no era mejor que las personas que buscaban su consejo. En su primer escrito, 'My Fucking Feelings', escribió sobre las dificultades y las deficiencias que lo habían llevado a este punto. A medida que avanzaba su trabajo, catapultándolo al rol de guía poco convencional y poco convencional para miles de personas en todo el mundo, Kim evolucionó de comportarse como un niño a vivir como un hombre, y mostró a sus clientes cómo hacerlo también. En Yo era un c*brón amargado, Kim reflexiona en lo que debe y lo que no debe hacer para mejorar su condición de hombre, lo que define como hombre de acuerdo a su transparencia y fuerza de carácter, no por abdominales o la mejor oficina. Con su exclusivo enfoque, despreocupado y liviano que te hará reír y pensar. Kim te llevará a un viaje inusual y accidentado de autoexploración y descubrimiento. Compartirá su sabiduría e información, en asuntos de cómo por qué: Ser amable es para los niños, y ser amable es para los hombres. Hacer citas con hombres podría convertirte en un mejor amigo, amante y ser humano. Orinarse en la ducha es un signo de un problema mayor Discutir, juzgar y responder, 'No lo sé' te impide tener una relación saludable, una gran carrera y una vida feliz No somos hombres nacidos. Nacemos niños. La transición de la miseria a encontrar el sentido, es un proceso interno que requiere trabajo: reflexión, dolor, valor y, a veces, un renacimiento. Kim lo sabe porque él ha estado allí. La verdad es que los hombres no estaban destinados solo a pagar facturas y morir. Con este libro como guía, amarás mucho, caminarás alto y encontrarás una vida llena de propósito y pasión.
John Kim (Author), Jesus Molina (Narrator)
Tackling relationships, career, and family issues, John Kim, LMFT, thinks of himself as a life-style designer, not a therapist. His radical new approach, that he sometimes calls “self-help in a shot glass” is easy, real, and to the point. He helps people make changes to their lives so that personal growth happens organically, just by living. Let’s face it, therapy is a luxury. Few of us have the time or money to devote to going to an office every week. With anecdotes illustrating principles in action (in relatable and sometimes irreverent fashion) and stand-alone practices and exercises, Kim gives readers the tools and directions to focus on what's right with them instead of what's wrong. When John Kim was going through the end of a relationship, he began blogging as The Angry Therapist, documenting his personal journey post-divorce. Traditional therapists avoid transparency, but Kim preferred the language of 'me too' as opposed to 'you should.' He blogged about his own shortcomings, revelations, views on relationships, and the world. He spoke a different therapeutic language —open, raw, and at times subversive — and people responded. The Angry Therapist blog, that inspired this book, has been featured in The Atlantic Monthly and on NPR.
John Kim (Author), John Kim (Narrator)
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