He was unbeatable. Out in front and unbeatable. It was the most wonderful feeling, and all he wanted to do was keep going.
Raiko is a runner, and he's come a long way since he arrived with his mother from their war-torn homeland.
The memory of his father spurs him on. He runs for his father, and in his mind he even runs with him. He runs for Jay, his best friend and personal trainer. He runs for his mother, and for the small town that has made them both feel so welcome. And he dreams that one day he will run for the country that has become his new home.
A young refugee's tale that will touch your heart.
A compelling story of friendship, family, courage and determination.
When an orphan stumbles into Matt's life, the trouble really begins.
This is the tale of one boy's determination, a family's struggle to stay together, and a foal that touches all their lives.
'Right from the start, Elvis refused to be ignored. He pushed his way into our lives and made himself part of our family. Sometimes I think he was even more important than the rest of us.'
Spud the pet. Spud the companion. Spud the work dog. Spud the wild dog. Spud the mother. Spud the hunted.
This dramatic and compelling tale of a blue heeler dog will touch the hearts of all readers.
The little town of Edenville is special to Luke and his mother. With the help of big biker Tiny, they have at last found somewhere free from the domestic trouble that has stalked them for far too long.
But it's the fire season, the bush is ready to explode, and there's smoke just over the hills. This little piece of paradise is in the path of a monster that could destroy everyone and everything.
John Heffernan's award-winning novel not only captures the ferocity of Australian bush fires, but the sheer courage and determination of those who stand and fight them.
'Ordinary people doing extraordinary things spurred me to write this story.'