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The New Leviathans: Thoughts After Liberalism
Brought to you by Penguin. Ever since its publication in 1651, Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan has unsettled and challenged how we understand the World. Condemned and vilified by each new generation, Hobbes' cold political vision continues to see through any number of political and ethical vanities. In his wonderfully stimulating book The New Leviathans, John Gray allows us to understand the World of the 2020s with all its contradictions, moral horrors and disappointments through a new reading of Hobbes' classic work. The collapse of the USSR ushered in an era of near apoplectic triumphalism in the West: a genuine belief that a rational, liberal, well-managed future now awaited humankind and that tyranny, nationalism and unreason lay in the past. Since then, so many terrible events have occurred and so many poisonous ideas flourished, and yet still our liberal certainties treat them as aberrations which will somehow dissolve away. Hobbes would not be so confident. Filled with fascinating and challenging perceptions, The New Leviathans is a powerful meditation on historical and current folly. As a species we always seem to be struggling to face the reality of base and delusive human instincts. Might a more self-aware, realistic and disabused ethics help us all? ©2023 John Gray (P)2023 Penguin Audio
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Justin Avoth (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus
'Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus' es un libro escrito por John Gray que explora las diferencias en las formas de pensar, comunicarse y relacionarse entre hombres y mujeres. El libro ha sido un fenómeno cultural y un referente en la literatura de relaciones de pareja y de género. La premisa fundamental del libro es que hombres y mujeres son intrínsecamente diferentes, no solo biológicamente, sino también en términos de cómo perciben el mundo y se comunican. John Gray utiliza las metáforas de Marte y Venus para describir estas diferencias y argumenta que comprender y aceptar estas discrepancias es esencial para construir relaciones saludables y armoniosas. A lo largo de la obra, Gray explora diversos aspectos de las relaciones interpersonales, desde la comunicación hasta las necesidades emocionales y la forma en que hombres y mujeres abordan el estrés y los conflictos. 'Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus' proporciona consejos y estrategias prácticas para superar los desafíos comunes en las relaciones de pareja. Gray enfatiza la importancia de la empatía, la comprensión y la comunicación efectiva para evitar malentendidos y conflictos innecesarios. Además, ofrece pautas para mejorar la conexión emocional y crear un entorno de apoyo mutuo. Aunque el libro ha sido elogiado por su enfoque en las dinámicas de género y las relaciones interpersonales, también ha recibido críticas por simplificar en exceso las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, y por perpetuar estereotipos de género. En resumen, 'Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus' es una obra que ha tenido un impacto duradero en la cultura popular y en la comprensión de las relaciones de pareja. A través de sus metáforas evocadoras y consejos prácticos, John Gray invita a los lectores a explorar y apreciar las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, y a trabajar hacia relaciones más saludables y enriquecedoras.
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Arnulfo De La Fuente (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus
'Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus' de John Gray es un libro clásico de autoayuda que ha sido muy popular desde su publicación en 1992. El libro se enfoca en las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, y cómo estas diferencias pueden causar conflictos en las relaciones. El autor explica que hombres y mujeres tienen diferentes formas de pensar, comunicarse y manejar el estrés. Además, Gray argumenta que estas diferencias son innatas y están arraigadas en la biología y la evolución humana. El libro proporciona numerosos ejemplos de situaciones cotidianas en las que hombres y mujeres pueden sentirse frustrados y malinterpretados. El autor ofrece consejos prácticos sobre cómo reconocer y manejar estas diferencias, y cómo comunicarse mejor con la pareja. Aunque algunos críticos han cuestionado la validez de las afirmaciones de Gray sobre las diferencias de género, el libro ha sido muy influyente y ha ayudado a muchas parejas a mejorar su comunicación y comprensión mutua. 'Los Hombres son de Marte, Las Mujeres son de Venus' es un libro interesante y útil para aquellos que buscan mejorar sus relaciones y comprender mejor a su pareja. Narrado en Español Latino Neutro.
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Arnulfo De La Fuente (Narrator)
Feline Philosophy: Cats and the Meaning of Life
Brought to you by Penguin. 'When I play with my cat, how do I know she is not passing time with me rather than I with her?' Montaigne There is no real evidence that humans ever 'domesticated' cats. Rather, it seems that at some point cats saw the potential value to themselves of humans. John Gray's wonderful new book is an attempt to get to grips with the philosophical and moral issues around the uniquely strange relationship between ourselves and these remarkable animals. Feline Philosophy draws on centuries of philosophy, from Montaigne to Schopenhauer, to explore the complex and intimate links that have defined how we react to and behave with this most unlikely 'pet'. At the heart of the book is a sense of gratitude towards cats as perhaps the species that more than any other - in the essential loneliness of our position in the world - gives us a sense of our own animal nature. © John Gray 2020 (P) Penguin Audio 2020
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Neil Gardner (Narrator)
A Summary of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by relationship expert Dr. John Gray is a self-help guide to understanding the opposite sex so that romantic relationships can be more fulfilling, healthy, and loving. The key to lasting, successful partnerships is understanding and appreciating gender differences by recognizing that men and women operate so differently that they might as well be from different planets. Men and women think and communicate differently, and they have different emotional needs. Taking the time to figure out these differences can help both partners become more forgiving and understanding of behavior that seems foreign to them. Please note: This is a summary, analysis and review of the book and not the original book.
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Ronald Eastwood (Narrator)
Los hombres son de Marte, las mujeres son de Venus: La guía definitiva para entender a tu pareja
Este libro, en el que el Dr. John Gray recogió todos sus conocimientos y experiencia en el ámbito de las relaciones de pareja, se ha convertido ya en un clásico moderno, una guía de referencia que ha ayudado a millones de hombres y mujeres a tomar conciencia de sus diferencias, a comunicarse mejor y, en definitiva, a vivir su amor más plenamente. Hombres y mujeres parecen proceder de distintos planetas. Son biológicamente similares, usan las mismas palabras, comparten el mismo espacio geográfico; pero sus códigos de comportamiento, su idioma (lo que quieren expresar con sus palabras), sus valores existenciales... son distintos. Esta obra es tanto una guía para la comprensión de las actitudes y palabras del sexo opuesto como una propuesta para minimizar desde una perspectiva afectivamente positiva las consecuencias de los desencuentros. Un libro, pues, absolutamente necesario para quienes, viviendo en pareja o con deseos de hacerlo, quieren dar y obtener lo máximo de su amor.
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Mauricio Pérez, Mauricio Pérez Castillo (Narrator)
A Summary of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposit
Save time on the go with the compact format and concise summary Quark Notes provides. Explore key quotations from Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus without spending time listening to the entire book.
John Gray, John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Ronald Eastwood (Narrator)
Win from Within: Finding Yourself by Facing Yourself
Mega-Pastor and media personality John Gray uses powerful Biblical principles to help you become your best self -- the person God created you to be. In WIN FROM WITHIN, John Gray helps readers identify how best to handle the most difficult, challenging and yet necessary battle that we all face-our inner struggle to overcome the worst versions of ourselves. He offers biblical lessons to aid in combatting bad habits and limiting patterns so that the best version of ourselves emerges. WIN FROM WITHIN gives practical application to the story recorded in Genesis of Jacob wrestling with the man at the River Jabbok, and through it readers will learn how to become the persons they were created to be. The persons God intended each of us to be develops as we face our inner battles. With examples from his own life as well as his ministerial counseling, Gray provides a pathway to awakening. He includes strategies for confronting the past, how we have been labeled, who people have said we are, even who we think we are, so that we can win the battle and be who God intends us to be. Jacob spent much of his life running and hiding from himself. At a certain point we, like Jacob, cannot run from our true selves anymore. We must stop and face ourselves if we are to become great. WIN FROM WITHIN helps us conquer our inner darkness and overcome such hindrances as fear, shame and guilt. This powerfully biblical self-help guide will push us toward victory over our inner struggles. Winning will make us the persons we have always wanted to be, the persons we have dreamed about becoming, the persons God created us to be.
John Gray, John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), John Gray, John Gray, Ph.D. (Narrator)
For a generation now, public debate has been corroded by a narrow derision of religion in the name of an often very vaguely understood 'science'. John Gray's stimulating and extremely enjoyable new book describes the rich, complex world of the atheist tradition, a tradition which he sees as in many ways as rich as that of religion itself, as well as being deeply intertwined with what is so often crudely viewed as its 'opposite'. The result is a book that sheds an extraordinary and varied light on what it is to be human and on the thinkers, who have, at different times and places, battled to understand this issue.
John Gray, John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Guy Mott (Narrator)
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It
What is the boy crisis?It's a crisis of education. For the first time in American history, our sons will have less education than their dads. It's a crisis of mental health. As boys become young men, their suicide rates go from equal to girls to six times that of young women. It's a crisis of sexuality. Sex is a minefield for our sons. They're bombarded with mixed messages, afraid of being either too sensitive or not sensitive enough. It's a crisis of fathering. Boys with less-involved fathers are more likely to drop out of school, drink, do drugs, become delinquent, and end up in prison. It's a crisis of purpose. Boys' old senses of purposes, being a warrior, a leader, or a sole breadwinner, are fading. Many bright boys are experiencing a "purpose void," feeling alienated, withdrawn, and addicted to immediate gratification. Compounding this issue are addicting video games that lead to distraction and ADHD. So, what is The Boy Crisis? A comprehensive blueprint for what parents, teachers, and policy-makers can do to renew our sons' sense of purpose to help them become men, fathers, and leaders worthy of our respect. **Contact Customer Service for Additional Material**
Iii John Gray, Iii John W. Gray, John Gray, Ph.D., Phd Warren Farrell, Warren Farrell, Warren Farrell, Ph.D., Warren;Gray PhD Farrell PhD (Author), Iii John Gray, Iii John W. Gray, Phd Warren Farrell, Warren Farrell, Ph.D., Warren;Gray PhD Farrell PhD (Narrator)
Voorbij Mars en Venus: Handvatten voor relaties in moderne, complexe tijden
Nooit eerder was de liefde zo ingewikkeld, nooit eerder was John Gray zo goed - met voorwoord van Goedele Liekens Een kwart eeuw na het meesterwerk Mannen komen van mars, vrouwen komen van Venus zijn relaties enorm veranderd. Vrouwen zijn nauwelijks meer volledig financieel afhankelijk van mannen en moderne mannen schuwen een grote rol in de opvoeding en het huishouden niet. De grens tussen wat mannelijke en vrouwelijke eigenschappen zijn vervagen. Wat doet deze veranderende dynamien met onze communicatie? Wat gebeurt er met de aantrekkingskracht als we steeds meer op elkaar gaan lijken? En hoe herkennen singles hun zielsverwant in een gehaaste, veeleisende wereld vol opties? John Gray brengt met Voorbij Mars en Venus een nieuw standaardwerk voor hedendaagse relaties dat de komende decennia ons nieuwe handvatten geeft om elkaar niet alleen maar te horen maar vooral te begrijpen.
John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), Babette Van Veen (Narrator)
I Am Number 8: Overlooked and Undervalued, but Not Forgotten by God
If God can take David--the invisible eighth son of a forgotten family--and turn him into a king, just imagine what magnificent plans He has for redeeming your life. David was born a number 8--a hidden gem, often overlooked and undervalued by everyone except for God. For David, being a number 8 seemed like a curse until the day God transformed him from the unknown eighth son of Jesse into the much-honored king of Israel. When God sends out an invitation to greatness, His directions don't always make sense to us. You may feel like the most invisible, broken number 8 out there, but God sees your hidden value and is growing you for better things. David didn't know it, but his time as a simple shepherd with a dull future did not go unnoticed by God. In David's darkest moments, he was cultivating the kind of gifts, wisdom, and leadership he would need to become a king. Even when you're an underdog in the eyes of the world, God is working behind the scenes to develop you into a king or queen.
John Gray, John Gray, Ph.D. (Author), John Gray, John Gray, Ph.D. (Narrator)
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