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Pray Bold: Dare to Ask and Believe Big
America's pastor Joel Osteen reminds us that praying has no power without believing. At any given moment, God is ready to jump into our lives and act on our circumstances. But we spend so much time overwhelmed by the demands of daily life that we forget the amazing power we have access to as children of God. Our lives are dull and our situations don't change because we are not asking God for the bold desires that are in our hearts. Instead of praying that God will help you survive the day of work at a dead-end job, pray that God will open the doors for you to have your dream job at your dream company. Instead of praying that God will keep you and your spouse from getting a divorce, pray that God will light the way to making your marriage happy and thriving again. There is a clear pathway between what we think, what we ask for, and what God does. Transform your life by starting a new way of thinking, asking boldly, and believing big!
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen, TBD (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Eres más fuerte de lo que piensas: Libera el poder que te lleva más allá de lo que te li
¡Libera el poder inerte dentro de ti! Fuiste diseñado con la capacidad y la fuerza interior para llegar al siguiente nivel, la fuerza para mantenerte firme y superar la oposición, la fuerza para aprender nuevas habilidades y creer cosas mayores, soñar en grande y asumir nuevos desafíos. En Eres más fuerte de lo que piensas, el autor de éxitos de ventas del New York Times, Joel Osteen, te anima a mantenerte firme cuando la dificultad permanece. Cuando la presión aumenta, cuando te sientes abrumado, cuando la lucha parece demasiado grande o la meta está fuera de tu alcance, debes recordar que ese no es tu destino. Eres más poderoso de lo que crees. Necesitas verte a ti mismo de la manera correcta y darte cuenta de lo que ya está dentro de ti. Fuiste creado para sobrevivir a la competencia, para ir más lejos de lo que pensabas y vivir una vida más allá de tus límites. Mientras lees Eres más fuerte de lo que piensas, encontrarás el poder para romper el ciclo de la derrota, el coraje para establecer un nuevo estándar para tu familia, la esperanza de vencer tus miedos y la confianza para lograr cada sueño. Descubrirás que tienes más fuerza, más talento, más determinación y más resistencia de lo que jamás imaginaste. Nada puede detenerte . . . ¡porque eres más fuerte de lo que piensas!
Joel Osteen (Author), Martin Untrojb (Narrator)
Your Best Life Now (20th Anniversary Edition): 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
Live boldly and act on your most powerful beliefs with this life-changing guide to faith, positive thinking, and spiritual fulfillment with this book from #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen, now updated and expanded with the study guide included for the 20th Anniversary edition. We all have our list of things we want to have "someday." Whether it's for a better job, a stronger marriage, a happier home, more gratifying relationships with friends, or simply accomplishing more and leaving a lasting legacy, we think that tomorrow is the day to start our journey towards our goals. But then tomorrow comes and we're still crowded in by the demands of mundane routines and other people's priorities. How do you break out and experience the full potential that God intended you to have? In Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen offers unique insights and encouragement that will help you overcome every obstacle you may encounter. This updated and expanded version will give you a way to improve your life for good and help you experience victory, joy, and satisfaction with seven steps: - Enlarge your vision - Develop a healthy self-image - Discover the power of your thoughts and words - Let go of the past - Find strength through adversity - Live to give - Choose to be happy Your life has a divine purpose and destiny. Put these principles to work today and see how you begin living your best life now!
Joel Osteen (Author), Clark Johnson, Joel Osteen (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Estar en paz a propósito: El poder de permanecer tranquilo, firme y seguro en cualquier
Viva desde un lugar de paz abundante en medio de las preocupaciones y el estrés cotidiano de la vida con el autor número uno del New York Times y pastor de la Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen. Lo opuesto a la paz es la preocupación y el estrés. Ambos son ladrones que le roban el sueño, la alegría, la creatividad y las buenas decisiones. Si los deja entrar en su mente, incluso pueden mantenerlo alejado de su destino. Pero si aprende a cambiar sus respuestas automáticas a estas luchas y le entrega sus problemas a Dios, Él puede obrar en su vida. Si está cansado de vivir en tensión y ansiedad, entonces es hora de cambiar. En Estar en paz a propósito, descubrirá que usted no está diseñado para llevar la carga pesada por sí mismo: dé un paso atrás y deje que Dios intervenga. Encuentre la paz para que pueda dejar de preocuparse por su salud, su trabajo, sus finanzas o sus relaciones. La vida puede ser caótica a su alrededor, pero puede vivir arraigado en un espíritu tranquilo al recurrir a ejemplos de las Escrituras y las perspicaces experiencias personales de Joel para encontrar satisfacción. Aprenda cómo entregársela a Dios para que pueda superar sus expectativas. Live from a place of abundant peace in the midst of life's everyday worries and stress with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen. The opposite of peace is worry and stress. Both are thieves that rob you of your sleep, joy, creativity, and good decisions. If you allow them into your mind, they can even keep you from your destiny. But if you learn how to change your automatic responses to these struggles and give your problems to God, He can go to work in your life. If you're tired of living in tension and anxiety, then it's time to change. In Peaceful on Purpose, you will discover that you weren't designed to carry the heavy load yourself: step back to let God step in. Find peace so that you can stop worrying about your health, job, finances, or relationships. Life may be chaotic all around you, but you can live grounded in a calm spirit by drawing on scriptural examples and Joel's insightful personal experiences to find fulfillment. Learn how to give it to God so that He can exceed your expectations.
Joel Osteen (Author), Hernan Espinosa (Narrator)
Speak the Blessing: Send Your Words in the Direction You Want Your Life to Go
Your words have power. Get your words going in the right direction and see how your life moves in the right direction. Your words are like seeds. Every time you say them, they're taking root and growing. Are you planting good seeds? Are you seeing the increase, the health, the relationships, and the happiness you dream about? If not, check out what you're saying. Whether you realize it or not, the words you speak today are setting the direction for the rest of your life. In Speak the Blessing, New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen offers you unique insights into this profound truth: Your words have creative power. When you discover the power of speaking what God says about you, you give those words the right to come to pass. There is a miracle in your mouth. There is healing in your mouth, freedom in your mouth, and new levels in your mouth. But nothing happens until you speak the blessing. Your words become your reality. Start blessing your future today. Use the words you speak to unlock the power within and create the life you were designed to live. The life-changing possibilities are limitless.
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen, TBD (Narrator)
15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier: Life-Changing Strategies for Greater Energy, a More Focused Mi
#1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen shares his best wisdom on the simple choices we can make each day to live longer, happier, and healthier lives. What if a healthy, abundant, joyful, faith-filled life is within reach? What if you could increase your energy, vitality, and happiness, and stop dragging through the day, living discouraged and depressed, and settling for less than the life you want? In 15 Ways to Live Longer and Healthier, New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen, with his trademark wisdom and encouragement, helps you to discover greater success, stronger relationships, tame stress, and find real happiness. He shows that the key to good health, longevity, and abundance is to keep your soul healthy by focusing on your attitude, your thoughts, and your emotional well-being. In this book, he shows you how to: - Stay positive toward yourself; - Deal with difficult people; - Let go of control; - Choose to be happy; - Unclutter your mind; - Live in the present; - Tame the tongue; and - Take care of yourself. Start today to make a real change that lasts. Not just for a week, a month, or a year but for the rest of your life.
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen (Narrator)
Your Greater Is Coming: Discover the Path to Your Bigger, Better, and Brighter Future
New York Times bestselling author and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXM wants you to know that now is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way. Whether you're climbing toward the next level, stretching for an out-of-reach goal, or doing your utmost to overcome a challenge, it's time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have to remember that where you are now is not where you're about to be! In Your Greater Is Coming, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen challenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best that's just ahead. Whatever you're experiencing, don't lose faith or give up on your dreams. Wait for your greater, because your greater is coming-greater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success, and greater peace are all yours. Whatever you've been waiting for, working for, praying for, and hoping for is on the way. Your Greater Is Coming will nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over, and the best is yet to come. Don't give up just as you're about to discover a new level of increase, ease, and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead and hold on just a little longer-your greater is coming!
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen (Narrator)
Rule Your Day: 6 Keys to Maximizing Your Success and Accelerating Your Dreams
#1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen teaches readers to keep their days full of faith, praise, and victory. You would like to savor each moment, grow into your best life, engage in productive relationships, and see your dreams come to pass. But distractions, delays, and disappointments relentlessly hijack your plans and undermine your good intentions. While you can't control everything that comes your way, you can control how life's unexpected setbacks affect your attitude, emotions, thoughts, and actions. In his latest work, #1New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen shows you how to be intentional and Rule Your Day. With his trademark wisdom and unwavering positivity, Joel reveals six keys for claiming control over each new day. He teaches you how to identify faulty thinking, recast your vision for the future, rise above your circumstances, guard your heart and mind against negativity, and transcend distractions to focus on what matters most. When you work with the tools God has given you and take control of your time, you can bounce back from disappointments, prevent poisonous thoughts from entering your atmosphere, and fully enjoy the bright future that's ahead of you. Don't settle for surviving when you could be thriving-Rule Your Day!
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen (Narrator)
You Are Stronger than You Think: Unleash the Power to Go Bigger, Go Bold, and Go Beyond What Limits
From the author of ten New York Times bestsellers, discover a strength that pushes you forward-and the power to do what you couldn't before. You may feel weak and fatigued, but that is not your destiny. When you feel overwhelmed, like you can't go on, He comes in and gives you special strength. Strength that you didn't get on your own. Strength to move forward when you should be stuck, strength to overcome that hurdle, strength to outlast that opposition. You're going to feel strength that you didn't have, joy when you could be discouraged, and hope when you should be depressed. You're going to have the power to endure, the favor to overcome, and the determination to outlast. He's going to bring blessings, increase, favor, and healing that He's already prepared. It's going to be easier than you thought, and it's going to happen sooner than you think. As you read You Are Stronger Than You Think, feel a power rising that you have never felt-a strength, a courage, a determination, a stamina. He won't let you stay overwhelmed. You may feel that way at times, but that's not how your story ends. You're going to feel a strength that pushes you forward, a power to do what you couldn't do before. Believe and declare that you are strong, you are victorious, and you are able. You're going to accomplish dreams bigger than you imagined, overcome obstacles that look insurmountable, and reach the fullness of your destiny!
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen (Narrator)
El éxito comienza aquí: Imagina tu vida en abundancia
¡Aléjate de lo ordinario y vive la vida extraordinaria que Dios diseñó para ti! Con la guía del autor bestseller y pastor de la Iglesia Lakewood, Joel Osteen, tu mente se enfocará en la abundancia. Todos poseemos una visión de nuestra vida y de nuestra persona. ¿Cómo luce tu foto? ¿Te ves elevándote más alto, superando obstáculos, y viviendo una vida en abundancia? ¿O tienes una imagen de derrota de ti mismo, luchando, adicto, con sobrepeso, y sin poder disfrutar jamás de un buen descanso? Las imágenes que dejes entrar en tu mente determinarán el tipo de vida que llevas. El sueño que Dios tiene para tu vida es que seas bendecido de tal manera que puedas ser una bendición para los demás. Atrévete a tener la gran visión de una vida en abundancia y confía en que Dios te ayudará a cumplirlo. A través de “El Éxito comienza aqui”, Joel te ayudará a cambiar tu mentalidad conformista para que pronto, en lugar de solo tener un sueño, lo estés viviendo. Tu visión se hará realidad.
Joel Osteen (Author), Germán Torre (Narrator)
Peaceful on Purpose: The Power to Remain Calm, Strong, and Confident in Every Season
Live from a place of abundant peace in the midst of life's everyday worries and stress with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen. The opposite of peace is worry and stress. Both are thieves that rob you of your sleep, joy, creativity, and good decisions. If you allow them into your mind, they can even can even keep you from your destiny. But if you learn how to change your automatic responses to these struggles and give your problems to God, He can go to work in your life. If you're tired of living in tension and anxiety, then it's time to change. In Peaceful on Purpose, you will discover that you weren't designed to carry the heavy load yourself: step back to let God step in. Find peace so that you can stop worrying about your health, job, finances, or relationships. Life may be chaotic all around you, but you can live grounded in a calm spirit by drawing on scriptural examples and Joel's insightful personal experiences to find fulfillment. Learn how to give it to God so that He can exceed your expectations.
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen (Narrator)
Empty Out the Negative: Make Room for More Joy, Greater Confidence, and New Levels of Influence
Release the negative thoughts and feelings that are weighing you down and make room for the good things you should have in your life with #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen. You were created to be filled with joy, peace, confidence, and creativity. But it's easy to go through life holding on to things that weigh you down-guilt, resentment, doubt, worry. When you give space to these negative emotions, they take up space that you need for the good things that move you toward your destiny. How much room are you giving to shame, to regret, to being against yourself? Whatever it is, it's too much. Life is too short for you to live bitter and discouraged, letting your circumstances hold you back. Every morning you have to empty out anything negative from the day before and put on a fresh new attitude. Power up and get your mind going in the right direction, and you'll step into all the new things God has in store for you.
Joel Osteen (Author), Joel Osteen (Narrator)
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