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Math-ish: Finding Creativity, Diversity, and Meaning in Mathematics
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Jo Boaler (Author), Jo Boaler, TBD (Narrator)
Mythos Talent - wie wir es schaffen, unser Potential wirklich zu entfalten Schon in der Schule werden wir in Schubladen gesteckt: Mit Glück ist man Mathe-Ass, Sprach-Genie oder Künstlerin. Wenn nichts davon zutrifft, hat man einfach kein Talent. Jo Boaler, Professorin an der Stanford-Universität und renommierte Lernforscherin, räumt mit diesem Mythos auf und stellt unsere bisherige Vorstellung von Begabung radikal auf den Kopf. Für ihre Analyse hat sie tausende Studierende begleitet und festgestellt: Wenn wir lernen, neu zu denken, ändert sich auch unser Weltbild und die Art, wie wir mit unserer Umwelt interagieren. Niemand ist festgelegt oder von Geburt an ein Genie. Entscheidend für unsere Entwicklung ist nicht Talent, sondern vor allem das Selbstbild, das wir (und andere) von uns haben - und das können wir steuern. Jo Boaler zeigt, wie es uns gelingt, unser Potenzial voll zu entfalten - und die scheinbaren Grenzen unserer Lernfähigkeit zu überwinden. Denn auch Lernen will gelernt sein! Die renommierte Stanford-Professorin liefert den Beweis für grenzenloses Lernen - und räumt auf mit dem Mythos vom Talent Die im Buch enthaltenen Abbildungen und Literaturhinweise finden Sie hier zum kostenlosen Download:
Jo Boaler (Author), Katharina Abt (Narrator)
Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and
Banish math anxiety and give students of all ages a clear roadmap to success Mathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are convinced that they are bad at math, that they can enjoy and succeed in math. Jo Boaler-Stanford researcher, professor of math education, and expert on math learning-has studied why students don't like math and often fail in math classes. She's followed thousands of students through middle and high schools to study how they learn and to find the most effective ways to unleash the math potential in all students. There is a clear gap between what research has shown to work in teaching math and what happens in schools and at home. This book bridges that gap by turning research findings into practical activities and advice. Boaler translates Carol Dweck's concept of 'mindset' into math teaching and parenting strategies, showing how students can go from self-doubt to strong self-confidence, which is so important to math learning. Boaler reveals the steps that must be taken by schools and parents to improve math education for all.
Jo Boaler (Author), Pearl Hewitt (Narrator)
Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead and Live Without Barriers
When we learn, we change what we believe and how we interact with the world. This changes who we are as people and what we can achieve. Many people grow up being told they are 'not a maths person' or perhaps 'not smart'. They come to believe their potential is limited. Now, however, the latest science has revealed that our identities are constantly in flux; when we learn new things, we can change our identities, increase our potential and broaden our capacity to receive new information. Drawing from the latest research, Professor Boaler followed thousands of school students, studied their learning practices and examined the most effective ways to transform pupils from low to high achievers. Throughout her study, Boaler has collaborated with Stanford University neuroscience experts, harnessing their expertise to reinforce her advanced understanding of learning and educational development. In Limitless Mind, Boaler presents original groundbreaking research that proves that limiting beliefs really do hold us back from fulfilling our potential and that with a few careful life hacks we can transform our potential for good.
Jo Boaler (Author), Jo Boaler (Narrator)
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