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600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 17th Century
‘600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 17th Century’ features the wit and wisdom of some of the 17th century’s greatest-ever writers, including Miguel de Cervantes, novelist and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, French playwright Jean Racine, and English playwright William Shakespeare, one of the most quoted people in the world. This carefully curated compilation is motivating, insightful, and entertaining and will delight those who are looking for an extra dose of inspiration. - Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) is renowned for his best-selling novel ‘Don Quixote’, which has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions. German poet and playwright, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), is the author of the acclaimed ‘Metamorphosis of Plants’ and ‘Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship’. French playwright Jean Racine (1639-1699) is one of the greatest playwrights of the 17th century and the author of ‘Phèdre’, ‘Andromaque’, and ‘Athalie’. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is considered one of the most famous English playwrights and the author of ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Romeo & Juliet. His works continue to entertain and inspire to this day.
Beaumarchais, Jean De La Bruyère, Jean Racine, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Miguel De Cervantès, Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare (Author), Brad Carty, Katie Haigh (Narrator)
500 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 17th Century
It’s no secret that writers often used their books, poems, and plays to impart observations, thoughts, and reflections. This was also the case for the literature of the 17th century which followed France’s pioneering status in politics and culture. ‘500 Quotations from the Great French Writers of the 17th Century’ offers a fascinating snapshot of that changing society, seen through the eyes of some of the best writers of the era. A superb book for dipping in and out of, this makes a great gift for anyone with an interest in French literature. - One of the most popular French poets of the 17th century, Jean de la Fontaine (1621 – 1695) was a pioneer of the fabulist form of literature. Imbuing animals with human characteristics, he paved the way for other fabulists to follow. Recognised as one of the three most important playwrights of the era, Pierre Corneille (1606 – 1684) is best remembered for his tragedies. He wrote 37 plays, including ‘El Cid.’ The next of the three French greats, Jean Racine (1639 – 1699) was also a tragedian known for his use of brutal yet eloquent speech. Completing the trio is Moliere (1622 – 1673). While his peers wrote tragedies, Moliere focused on comedies and his plays have been translated into almost every language on the planet. Jean de La Bruyère (1645 – 1696) was a philosopher and satirist whose works satirised many of his contemporaries.
Jean De La Bruyère, Jean Racine, Jean de la Fontaine, Molière, Pierre Corneille (Author), Brad Carty (Narrator)
‘100 Quotes by Jean Racine’ uncovers one of the greatest playwrights of 17th-century France. Famous for the works of ‘Phèdre’, ‘Andromaque’, and ‘Athalie’, Racine’s writings are renowned for their beauty, elegance, and style. Peppered with psychological insight, his quotes invite readers to peek behind the scenes at one of Europe’s most celebrated dramatists - and thinkers - of the age. An ideal book for dipping in and out of, these quotes will provide any reader with food for thought and the tools with which to spark an interesting conversation. - Jean Racine (1639-1699) was a French dramatist and one of the greatest playwrights of 17th-century France, along with Molière and Corneille. An important literary figure in the Western tradition and world literature, Racine primarily wrote tragedies, along with the occasional comedy, such as 'Les Plaideurs'. He remains today a hugely influential figure in world literature during 17th century France.
Jean Racine (Author), Brad Carty (Narrator)
500 citações de grandes escritores franceses do século 17: Recolha as melhores citações
Familiarize-se com os escritores mais importantes do século XVII franceses, que moldaram o pensamento político, filosófico e artístico e que influência pode ainda hoje ser sentida na nossa cultura. Mergulhe profundamente nas suas obras e pensamentos com uma selecção das citações essenciais introduzindo as suas principais ideias e delineando com clareza a estrutura da sua obra, através das próprias palavras de Jean Racine, Molière, Corneille, Jean de la Bruyère, Jean de la Fontaine.
Jean De La Bruyère, Jean La Fontaine, Jean Racine, Molière, Pierre Corneille (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
500 citas de los grandes escritores franceses del siglo XVII: Colección las mejores citas
Familiarícese con los escritores más importantes del siglo XVII francés, que dieron forma al pensamiento político, filosófico y artístico y cuya influencia se puede sentir aún hoy en día en nuestra cultura. Profundice en sus obras y pensamientos con una selección de las citas esenciales que introducen sus ideas principales y delinean con claridad la estructura de su trabajo, a través de las propias palabras de Jean Racine, Molière, Corneille, Jean de la Bruyère, Jean de la Fontaine.
Jean De La Bruyère, Jean La Fontaine, Jean Racine, Molière, Pierre Corneille (Author), Benjamin Asnar (Narrator)
600 citações de grandes escritores do século 17: Recolha as melhores citações
Familiarize-se com os escritores mais importantes do século XVII através de uma cuidadosa selecção de 600 citações, introduzindo as suas principais ideias e delineando com clareza a estrutura do seu trabalho. Descubra novos aspectos ou aprofunde-se nos pensamentos de Cervantès, Shakespeare, Beaumarchais, Goethe, Racine, La Bruyère, para expandir a sua mente e conhecimento sobre a nossa cultura.
Alexis Caron De Beaumarchais, Jean De La Bruyère, Jean Racine, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Miguel De Cervantès, William Shakespeare (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
600 citas de los grandes escritores del siglo XVII: Colección las mejores citas
Familiarícese con los escritores más importantes del siglo XVII a través de una cuidadosa selección de 600 citas que introducen sus principales ideas y delinean la estructura de su trabajo con claridad. Descubra nuevos aspectos o profundice en el pensamiento de Cervantes, Shakespeare, Beaumarchais, Goethe, Racine, La Bruyère, para expandir su mente y conocimiento sobre nuestra cultura.
Alexis Caron De Beaumarchais, Jean De La Bruyère, Jean Racine, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Miguel De Cervantès, William Shakespeare (Author), Benjamin Asnar (Narrator)
100 citas de Jean Racine: Colección 100 citas de
Jean Racine es un dramaturgo y poeta francés, considerado uno de los mayores escritores de tragedias del período clásico en Francia. El éxito de Andrómaca en 1667 abrió una década de gran creación donde encontramos junto a una sola comedia (Les Plaideurs en 1668) seis grandes tragedias: Britannicus (1669), Berenice (1670), Bajazet (1672), Mithridate (1673), Ifigenia (1674) y Fedra (1677). Elegido en la Academia Francesa en 1672, y habiendo alcanzado la cumbre de la gloria gracias a Ifigenia y Fedra, al tiempo que adquiría una cómoda posición financiera, fue convencido por su alto apoyo en la corte de abandonar la 'profesión de la poesía' para buscar el 'glorioso trabajo' de historiador para el rey. Estas 100 citas pretenden dar acceso a su obra monumental a través de una selección de sus pensamientos más impactantes, en un formato accesible para todos. Una cita es más que un extracto de una declaración, puede ser un golpe de la mente, un resumen de un pensamiento complejo, una máxima, una apertura a una reflexión más profunda.
Jean Racine (Author), Benjamin Asnar (Narrator)
100 citações de Jean Racine: Recolha as 100 citações de
Jean Racine é um dramaturgo e poeta francês, considerado um dos maiores escritores de tragédias do período clássico em França. O sucesso da Andromache em 1667 abriu uma década de grande criação onde encontramos ao lado de uma única comédia (Les Plaideurs em 1668) seis grandes tragédias: Britannicus (1669), Berenice (1670), Bajazet (1672), Mithridate (1673), Iphigenia (1674) e Phaedra (1677). Eleito para a Académie française em 1672, e tendo alcançado o auge da glória graças a Iphigénie e Phaedra enquanto adquiria uma confortável posição financeira, foi convencido pelo seu apoio de alto nível na corte a abandonar a 'profissão de poesia' para procurar o 'trabalho glorioso' de historiador para o rei. Estas 100 citações visam dar acesso à sua obra monumental através de uma selecção dos seus pensamentos mais marcantes, num formato acessível a todos. Uma citação é mais do que um excerto de uma declaração, pode ser um traço da mente, um resumo de um pensamento complexo, uma máxima, uma abertura para uma reflexão mais profunda.
Jean Racine (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
100 citations de Jean Racine: Collection 100 citations
Jean Racine est un dramaturge et poète français, considéré comme l'un des plus grands auteurs de tragédies de la période classique en France. Le succès d'Andromaque en 1667 ouvre une décennie de grande création où l'on trouve à côté d'une unique comédie (Les Plaideurs en 1668) six grandes tragédies : Britannicus (1669), Bérénice (1670), Bajazet (1672), Mithridate (1673), Iphigénie (1674) et Phèdre (1677). Élu à l'Académie française en 1672, et parvenu au faîte de la gloire grâce à Iphigénie et Phèdre tout en ayant acquis une confortable aisance financière, il se laissa convaincre par ses appuis haut placés à la Cour d'abandonner le ' métier de poésie ' pour briguer le ' glorieux emploi ' d'historien du roi. Ces 100 citations visent à donner accès à son uvre monumentale par une sélection de ses pensées les plus marquantes, dans un format accessible à tous. Une citation est plus qu'un extrait d'un propos, ce peut être un trait d'esprit, un résumé d'une pensée complexe, une maxime, une ouverture sur une réflexion plus profonde.
Jean Racine (Author), Patrick Blandin (Narrator)
[German] - 300 Zitate der großen französischen Schriftsteller des 17. Jahrhunderts: Sammlung bester
Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Schriftsteller des französischen 17. Jahrhunderts kennen, die das politische, philosophische und künstlerische Denken prägten und deren Einfluss auch heute noch in unserer Kultur spürbar ist. Tauchen Sie tief in ihre Werke und Gedanken ein mit einer Auswahl der wesentlichen Zitate, die ihre wichtigsten Ideen vorstellen und die Struktur ihres Werkes klar umreißen, mit den eigenen Worten von Jean Racine, Molière, Corneille, Jean de la Bruyère, Jean de la Fontaine.
Jean De La Bruyère, Jean La Fontaine, Jean Racine, Molière, Pierre Corneille (Author), Elodie Colin (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - 600 citaten van de grote schrijvers uit de 17e eeuw: Verzameling van de mooiste c
Maak kennis met de belangrijkste schrijvers van de 17e eeuw door een zorgvuldige selectie van 600 citaten die hun belangrijkste ideeën introduceren en de structuur van hun werk duidelijk afbakenen. Ontdek nieuwe aspecten of verdiep u in de gedachten van Cervantès, Shakespeare, Beaumarchais, Goethe, Racine, La Bruyère, om uw geest en kennis over onze cultuur te verruimen.
Alexis Caron Beaumarchais, Alexis Caron De Beaumarchais, Jean De La Bruyère, Jean Racine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Miguel De Cervantès, William Shakespeare (Author), Rosanne Laut (Narrator)
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