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La Cigale et la Fourmi est la première fable du livre I de Jean de La Fontaine située dans le premier recueil des Fables de La Fontaine, édité pour la première fois en mars 1668. Les vers sont en heptasyllabes. Il s'agit d'une réadaptation d'une fable d'Ésope qui a inspiré d'autres auteurs. La Fontaine a pris connaissance de la version d'Ésope à travers les travaux d'Aphthonios. Cette fable, très connue de générations d'écoliers, est celle qui a fait l'objet du plus grand nombre de commentaires, d'autant que La Fontaine ne prend pas parti et que la morale conclusive n'est pas explicitée. L'absence de morale permet à La Fontaine de valoriser l'un et l'autre des personnages en renvoyant dos à dos l'esprit matérialiste et individualiste de la fourmi à l'ordre aristocratique incarné par la cigale. une lecture attentive laisse deviner la bienveillance de La Fontaine à l'égard de la Cigale, Jean-Jacques Rousseau déconseillait de l'apprendre aux enfants, la considérant comme ambiguë et trop difficile à interpréter. Jean-Henri Fabre a relevé les erreurs de comportement des protagonistes: la cigale ne mange pas de mouches ou de vers et meurt à la fin de l'été; elle ne peut donc 'crier famine' auprès d'une fourmi qui, elle, dort l'hiver et, carnivore, n'amasse pas de grain. Néanmoins, cette dernière erreur peut être remise en cause en ce qu'il existe des fourmis granivores.
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Pauline Mancini (Narrator)
Jean de la Fontaine war ein französischer Schriftsteller. Er gilt den Franzosen als einer der größten ihrer Klassiker und ist noch heute mit einigen seiner Fabeln jedem französischen Schulkind bekannt. Inhalt: Das Schwein, die Ziege und der Hammel Der Fuchs und der Hahn Der Fuchs und der Storch Der Fuchs und der Wolf am Brunnen Der Fuchs und der Ziegenbock Der Hase mit den Hörnern Der Hase und die Frösche Der Kater und die alte Ratte Der Löwe und die Maus Der Rabe und der Fuchs Der Rat der Ratten Der Wolf und das Lamm Die Katze und die Ratte Die Taube und die Ameise Das Hähnchen, die Katze und das Mäuschen
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Julian Loidl (Narrator)
Tras lograr conseguir un trozo de carne, un perrito se encuentra con una feroz amenaza: otro perro con hambre. ¿Logrará salvar su almuerzo? Una corta pero divertida historia de Jean de la Fontaine.
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Sofía Hernández (Narrator)
100 citas de Jean de la Fontaine: Colección 100 citas de
Jean de La Fontaine es un poeta francés de gran renombre, principalmente por sus Fábulas y en menor medida por sus cuentos. También escribió varios poemas, obras de teatro y libretos de ópera que confirman su ambición como moralista. Fue recibido en la Academia Francesa en 1684. Se inspiró en los fabulistas de la Antigüedad grecolatina, y en particular en Esopo, para escribir las Fábulas que lo hicieron famoso. El brillante manejo de los versos y la finalidad moral de los textos, a veces más complejos de lo que parecen a primera vista, determinaron el éxito de esta obra única, y las Fábulas de La Fontaine siguen siendo consideradas como una de las más grandes obras maestras de la literatura francesa. Estas 100 citas pretenden dar acceso a su obra monumental a través de una selección de sus pensamientos más impactantes, en un formato accesible para todos. Una cita es más que un extracto de un discurso, puede ser un golpe de la mente, un resumen de un pensamiento complejo, una máxima, una apertura a una reflexión más profunda.
Jean De La Fontaine, Jean de la Fontaine (Author), Benjamin Asnar (Narrator)
100 citações de Jean de la Fontaine: Recolha as 100 citações de
Jean de La Fontaine é um poeta francês de grande renome, principalmente pelas suas Fábulas e, em menor medida, pelos seus contos. Também escreveu vários poemas, peças de teatro e libretos de ópera que confirmam a sua ambição como moralista. Foi recebido na Académie française em 1684. Foi inspirado pelos fabulistas da Antiguidade Greco-Latina, e em particular Esopo, que ele escreveu as Fábulas que o tornaram famoso. A manipulação brilhante dos versos e o objectivo moral dos textos, por vezes mais complexos do que parecem na primeira leitura, determinaram o sucesso desta obra única, e as Fábulas de La Fontaine são ainda consideradas uma das maiores obras-primas da literatura francesa. Estas 100 citações visam dar acesso à sua obra monumental através de uma selecção dos seus pensamentos mais marcantes, num formato acessível a todos. Uma citação é mais do que um excerto de um discurso, pode ser um traço da mente, um resumo de um pensamento complexo, uma máxima, uma abertura para uma reflexão mais profunda.
Jean De La Fontaine, Jean de la Fontaine (Author), Fábio Godinho (Narrator)
The Fables of Jean de La Fontaine were issued in several volumes from 1668 to 1694. They are classics of French literature. The Fables supply delights to three different ages: the child rejoices in the freshness and vividness of the story, the eager student of literature in the consummate art with which it is told, the experienced man of the world in the subtle reflections on character and life which it conveys. The Fables were regarded as providing an excellent education in morals for children, and the first edition was dedicated to the six-year old Dauphin, the Eldest Son of the King. Eventually the fables were learned by heart for such entertainments and afterwards they were adopted by the education system, not least as linguistic models as well. Most famous Fables are « The raven and the fox », « The frog that whished to be as big as the ox », « The city rat and the country rat », « The wolf and the dog », « The lion going to war », for example. The Fables were adapted from the classical fabulists like Aesop. The subject of each of the Fables is often common property of many ages and races. What gives La Fontaine's Fables their rare distinction is the freshness in narration, the deftness of touch, the unconstrained suppleness of metrical structure, the unfailing humor of the pointed the consummate art of their apparent artlessness. Keen insight into the foibles of human nature is found throughout, but in the later books ingenuity is employed to make the fable cover, yet convey, social doctrines and sympathies more democratic than the age would have tolerated in unmasked expression. Almost from the start, the Fables entered French literary consciousness to a greater degree than any other classic of its literature. For generations many of these little apologues have been read, committed to memory, recited, paraphrased, by every French school child. Countless phrases from them are current idioms, and familiarity with them is assumed. "La Fontaine's Fables," wrote Madame de Sévigné, "are like a basket of strawberries. You begin by selecting the largest and best, but, little by little, you eat first one, then another, till at last the basket is empty". ***Please contact Member Services for additional documents***
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Stuart Walker (Narrator)
Les très célèbres fables ont été écrites entre 1668 et 1694. Il s'agit comme son nom l'indique d'un recueil de fables écrites en vers, la plupart mettant en scène des animaux anthropomorphes et contenant une morale au début ou à la fin. Ces fables furent écrites dans un but éducatif et étaient adressées au Dauphin (le fils du Roi de France). La cigale et la fourmi Le corbeau et le renard La grenouille qui se veut faire aussi grosse que le boeuf Les deux mulets Le loup et le chien La génisse, la chèvre et la brebis en société avec le lion L'hirondelle et les petits oiseaux Le rat des villes et le rat des champs Le loup et l'agneau Le Dragon à plusieurs têtes et le Dragon à plusieurs queues. Les voleurs et l'âne La mort et le bûcheron Le renard et la cigogne L'enfant et le maître d'école Le coq et la perle Les frelons et les mouches à miel Le chêne et le roseau
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Lydie Lacroix (Narrator)
Les très célèbres fables ont été écrites entre 1668 et 1694. Il s'agit comme son nom l'indique d'un recueil de fables écrites en vers, la plupart mettant en scène des animaux anthropomorphes et contenant une morale au début ou à la fin. Ces fables furent écrites dans un but éducatif et étaient adressées au Dauphin (le fils du Roi de France). La cigale et la fourmi Le corbeau et le renard Le renard et la cigogne Le renard et les raisins Le chat la belette et le petit lapin La laitière et le pot de lait Le loup et l'agneau
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Anne Marie Duvernet (Narrator)
30 Fables of La Fontaine for Children
The Fables of Jean de La Fontaine were issued in several volumes from 1668 to 1694. They are classics of French literature. The Fables supply delights to three different ages: the child rejoices in the freshness and vividness of the story, the eager student of literature in the consummate art with which it is told, the experienced man of the world in the subtle reflections on character and life which it conveys. The Fables were regarded as providing an excellent education in morals for children, and the first edition was dedicated to the six-year old Dauphin, the Eldest Son of the King. Eventually the fables were learned by heart for such entertainments and afterwards they were adopted by the education system, not least as linguistic models as well. Most famous Fables are « The raven and the fox », « The frog that whished to be as big as the ox », « The city rat and the country rat », « The wolf and the dog », « The lion going to war », for example. The Fables were adapted from the classical fabulists like Aesop. The subject of each of the Fables is often common property of many ages and races. What gives La Fontaine's Fables their rare distinction is the freshness in narration, the deftness of touch, the unconstrained suppleness of metrical structure, the unfailing humor of the pointed the consummate art of their apparent artlessness. Keen insight into the foibles of human nature is found throughout, but in the later books ingenuity is employed to make the fable cover, yet convey, social doctrines and sympathies more democratic than the age would have tolerated in unmasked expression. Almost from the start, the Fables entered French literary consciousness to a greater degree than any other classic of its literature. For generations many of these little apologues have been read, committed to memory, recited, paraphrased, by every French school child. Countless phrases from them are current idioms, and familiarity with them is assumed. "La Fontaine's Fables," wrote Madame de Sévigné, "are like a basket of strawberries. You begin by selecting the largest and best, but, little by little, you eat first one, then another, till at last the basket is empty". ***Please contact Member Services for additional documents***
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Stuart Walker (Narrator)
Learning French with Short Stories
Learn French the easy way with our collection "Learning French with short stories". This album focuses exclusively on the well-known Fables de La Fontaine, which every French child knows by heart. You will hear professional comedians reading in a clear and intelligible voice the same fable, first in French, and then in English, for you to compare and to get used to the melody of the words. We gathered 30 of the most famous, beloved or original fables. The Raven and the fox; The Frog that wished to be as big as the Ox; The city rat and the Country rat; The council held by the rats; The Wolf and the Dog; The Fox and the Stork; The Dragon with many heads; The Wolf and the lamb; Death and the woodman; The man and his image; The Boy and the Schoolmaster; The Hornets and the Bees; The Lion grown old; The Frogs asking for a King; The Raven withing to imitate the Eagle; The Lion going to war; The Peacock complaining to Juno; The Countryman and the Serpent; The Cat metamorphosed into a Woman; The sick Lion and the Fox; The Hare and the Frogs; The Swan and the Cook; The Little Fish and the Fisher; The Cock and the Fox; The Wolf accusing the Fox; The Swallow and the Little Birds; The Middle-aged Man; The two Bulls and the Frog; The Bird wounded by an Arrow; The Bat and the Weasels.
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Stuart Walker (Narrator)
The Fables of Jean de La Fontaine were issued in several volumes from 1668 to 1694. They are classics of French literature. The Fables supply delights to three different ages: the child rejoices in the freshness and vividness of the story, the eager student of literature in the consummate art with which it is told, the experienced man of the world in the subtle reflections on character and life which it conveys. The Fables were regarded as providing an excellent education in morals for children, and the first edition was dedicated to the six-year old Dauphin, the Eldest Son of the King. Eventually the fables were learned by heart for such entertainments and afterwards they were adopted by the education system, not least as linguistic models as well. Most famous Fables are « The raven and the fox », « The frog that whished to be as big as the ox », « The city rat and the country rat », « The wolf and the dog », « The lion going to war », for example.
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Stuart Walker (Narrator)
30 Fables of La Fontaine for kids
The Fables of Jean de La Fontaine were issued in several volumes from 1668 to 1694. They are classics of French literature. The Fables supply delights to three different ages: the child rejoices in the freshness and vividness of the story, the eager student of literature in the consummate art with which it is told, the experienced man of the world in the subtle reflections on character and life which it conveys. The Fables were regarded as providing an excellent education in morals for children, and the first edition was dedicated to the six-year old Dauphin, the Eldest Son of the King. Eventually the fables were learned by heart for such entertainments and afterwards they were adopted by the education system, not least as linguistic models as well. Most famous Fables are « The raven and the fox », « The frog that whished to be as big as the ox », « The city rat and the country rat », « The wolf and the dog », « The lion going to war », for example.
Jean De La Fontaine (Author), Stuart Walker (Narrator)
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