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[Spanish] - Un desastre es para siempre (Maravilloso desastre 3)
¿Será el amor la salvación? Por fin el esperado final de Maravilloso desastre y de Inevitable desastre, verdaderos fenómenos editoriales en los distintos países donde se ha publicado. Sabes que Abby se ha convertido en la señora Maddox, pero... ¿lo sabes todo? ¿Por qué fue Abby quien pidió matrimonio a Travis? ¿Qué secretos salieron a la luz antes de la ceremonia? ¿Dónde pasaron su noche de bodas? ¿Quién más sabía lo que iba a pasar y no lo contó? Todo lo que rodeaba a la boda era secreto... hasta ahora. Abby y Travis han de huir a Las Vegas donde quizá su amor los salve una vez más. Disfruta del día de la boda y ¡de la noche de bodas también! Como ocurre con todas las buenas historias, la espera ha merecido la pena. Los lectores opinan... «¡Gracias, Jamie, por esta historia tan buena!» Laurie «Me encantó descubrir por fin la verdadera razón por la que se casaron tan rápido Abby y Travis» Cheryl «Este último título de la serie realmente la redondea. Me gustó tanto como los anteriores y estoy deseando que escriba más.» J. «¡Me encantó! Me parece que Travis y Abby son parte de mi familia y me gustó leer sobre ellos sin importarme lo que hacían. ¡No me canso!» Courtney
Jamie McGuire (Author), Cynthia De Pando, Omar Monroy (Narrator)
¿Se puede amar demasiado a alguien? Travis Maddox aprendió dos cosas de su madre antes de que muriera: Ama con fuerza. Lucha todavía con más fuerza. En Inevitable desastre la vida de Travis es una espiral de mujeres, apuestas y violencia. Y, justo cuando se considera invencible, Abby Abernathy consigue derrotarlo. Pero toda historia tiene dos caras. En Maravilloso desastre, Abby tenía mucho que decir. Ahora ha llegado el momento de conocer la historia a través de los ojos de Travis. Por primera vez en su vida está abrumado por una chica. Es valiente, inteligente y guapa pero él sabe que esconde algo. Al principio lo único que quiere es llevarla a la cama pero ella le deja claro que solo va a ser su amiga. Este arreglo no funciona porque cuanto más tiempo pasan juntos más le gusta. Abby es inocente y está herida, y Travis teme enamorarse de ella porque es diferente a las demás. Así que decide luchar. Considerada un cruce entre las novelas románticas de Federico Moccia, la saga Crepúsculo y la trilogía «Cincuenta sombras de Grey», Maravilloso desastre e Inevitable desastre forman una serie que ha conquistado millones de corazones en todo el mundo. Reseñas: «Una vez que entras en la mente de Travis Maddox ya no quieres dejarlo.» Colleen Hoover, autora del best seller Hopeless «Pensé que este libro sería más de lo mismo, pero estaba equivocada. Es mucho más que las batallas de Travis por no perder a Abby. He sentido su dolor y su dilema.» Jessica Gómez «Lo leí tan rápido la primera vez que lo tuve que leer de nuevo e ¡incluso me gustó más! ¡Y Travis es sin duda el hombre de ficción de mi vida! ¡Impresionante!» Shyannon «La historia me mantuvo en vilo desde el principio hasta el final.» Anita «No tengo palabras para expresar lo que me gustaron este libro y sus protagonistas. Me sentí fatalcuando terminé de leerlo. ¡Quería más!» Lisa Bannister «Me encantó la historia de Abby en Maravilloso desastre pero leída desde el punto de vista de Travis es aún mejor. Aunque sabía cómo iba a terminar no pude dejarlo. Jamie McGuire es sin duda una de mis autoras favoritas.» Jamie Sadler
Jamie McGuire (Author), Omar Monroy (Narrator)
Maravilloso desastre (Beautiful 1)
Intensa, peligrosa, adictiva... Conoce tu nueva obsesión. LA CHICA BUENA Abby Abernathy no bebe, no se mete en líos y trabaja muy duro. Cree que ha enterrado su oscuro pasado, pero cuando llega a la universidad, un rompecorazones conocido por sus ligues de una noche pone en peligro su sueño de una nueva vida. EL CHICO MALO Travis Maddox, sexy, musculoso y cubierto de tatuajes, es justamente el tipo de chico que atrae a Abby, justamente lo que quiere evitar. Dedica sus noches a ganar dinero en un club de lucha itinerante, y sus días a ser el estudiante ejemplar y el seductor más popular del campus. Toda una mezcla explosiva. ¿UN DESASTRE INMINENTE... Intrigado por el rechazo de Abby, Travis intenta colarse en su vida proponiéndole una apuesta que trastocará sus mundos y lo cambiará todo. ... O EL INICIO DE ALGO MARAVILLOSO? En cualquier caso, Travis no tiene la más mínima ideade que ha iniciado un tornado de emociones, obsesiones y juegos que los terminará dañando..., aunque puede que también los una para siempre. Jamie Maguire autopublicó Maravilloso desastre y consiguió ser best seller de The New York Times y de USA Today en Estados Unidos y el protagonista de las listas de más vendidos en las tiendas digitales de Reino Unido. Ha llegado a vender más de 200.000 ebooks sin ningún tipo de promoción. Veinticinco países se preparan ya para publicarlo y Warner Bros ha adquirido los derechos para hacer la adaptación al cine. Reseñas: «Maravilloso desastre es increíblemente adictivo. Maravillosamente sexy, maravillosamente intenso y maravillosamente perfecto. Jamie McGuire ha escrito un libro muy bueno». Jessica Park, autora del best seller de The New York Times, Flat-Out Love «Adoré cada palabra de este libro». The Daily Quick «Caerás rendido ante la historia de amor de Travis y Abby. Una vez te sumerjas en el universo de Maravilloso desastre no hay vuelta atrás. Estarás atrapado». Totally booked En los blogs... «Tan adictivo que casi puedo garantizar que habrás acabado con él en uno o dos días. Por favor, sal y compra este libro». Blog Tabitha's book «Hace volar la mente. Cogí Maravilloso desastre ayer por la noche y no pude dejarlo hasta que terminé con él. Con diferencia, una de las mejores novelas románticas que he leído nunca». My no so vacant shelf «Una montaña rusa de emociones». Blog Dream memories «Es buena, me gusta, me gusta muchísimo. Maravilloso desastre es un libro de amor pasional». Blog Entre algunas palabras «Creo que por fin entendí el significado de la frase: 'Odio amarlo tanto'». Blog Durmiendo entre libros «Sexy, fresca, enloquecedora pero romántica, una historia que no puede pasar desapercibida y que puede que marque un antes y un después en la romántica juvenil». Blog La estación de las letras olvidadas «Maravilloso Desastre es un libro intenso y explosivo». Blog Un lugar mágico «Maravilloso desastre es un soplo de aire fresco en la literatura juvenil». Blog Estrellas y páginas
Jamie McGuire (Author), Cynthia De Pando (Narrator)
Discover a new series from the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster: a "heartbreaking and hopeful, raw and sexy" tale about a woman on the run who encounters a stranger with a secret (Lauren Blakely, author of Part-Time Lover). As Darby Dixon sits in a tiny Texas church bathroom on her wedding day holding a positive pregnancy test, she realizes that marrying her fiancé would be the worst decision of her life. She's never been very good at standing up for herself, but she'll sure as hell stand up for her baby. With very little cash and a ton of courage, she flees town to take a new name and start a new life. As a Marine, Scott "Trex" Trexler worked in the most treacherous, corrupt, war-torn places on earth. With his new top-secret security job, he finally has a chance to return to the one place he's felt at peace: Colorado Springs, Colorado. The moment Trex checks in at the hotel where she's working, Darby knows he's dangerous. He may want her to think he's another hotshot firefighter, along with all the others battling the nearby mountain blaze, but something doesn't add up. No way will she get involved with another man she can't fully trust - and Trex clearly isn't telling her everything. As Darby's ex gets closer and closer to finding her, both she and Trex will soon find out that what you don't know can hurt you. "Jamie McGuire writes with no holds barred ... real and addictive." -USA Today "Jamie McGuire is masterful at emotional romance!" -Lauren Blakely, #1 New York Times bestselling author
Jamie McGuire, Jamie Mcguire (Author), Andrew Eiden, Karissa Vacker (Narrator)
Something Beautiful: A Novella
America Mason, a sassy undergrad at Eastern State University, is in love with a MaddoxShepley Maddox. Unlike his cousins, Shepley is more lover than fighter, but a road trip to her parents' home in Wichita, Kansas, could mean the next step, or the end of everything. Contains mature themes.
Jamie McGuire, Jamie Mcguire (Author), Carly Robins, Eric Michael Summerer (Narrator)
The first time Elliott Youngblood spots Catherine Calhoun, he's just a boy with a camera, and he's never seen a sadder and more beautiful sight. Both Elliott and Catherine feel like outcasts, yet they find an easy friendship with each other. But when Catherine needs him most, Elliott is forced to leave town. Elliott finally returns, but he and Catherine are now different people. He's a star high school athlete, and she spends all her free time working at her mother's mysterious bed-and-breakfast. Catherine hasn't forgiven Elliott for abandoning her, but he's determined to win back her friendship...and her heart. Just when Catherine is ready to fully trust Elliott, he becomes the prime suspect in a local tragedy. Despite the town's growing suspicions, Catherine clings to her love for Elliott. But a devastating secret that Catherine has buried could destroy whatever chance of happiness they have left.
Jamie McGuire (Author), Darrell Dennis, Karissa Vacker (Narrator)
It is enough to break any man: watching what could have been my future slip away before it was ever in my grasp.The possibility of losing someone I loved, before she was even mine, is something I never would have imagined. Certainly nothing I'd ever wish on anyone. I go to her every day and wait. Wait for the impossible, for a sign, for her to look at me . . . hoping that sinners are granted miracles, too. Just one glimpse of him was all it took. In the next lane, at a stop light, was the man I would fall in love with and marry. People talk about the kind of love that takes time, love you fall into. We were more like a crash and burn, and when our lives intertwined I would never be the same. He was the man I would cherish the rest of my life, who would father my children. In an instant our life together began, and in an instant it would end. The late nights; the excuses; the lies. And in the blink of an eye, it was like we never were.Contains mature themes.
Jamie McGuire, Teresa Mummert (Author), Carly Robins, Nelson Hobbs (Narrator)
The Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster phenomenon continues in the first heart-pounding new adult romance in The Maddox Brothers series.Fiercely independent Camille "Cami" Camlin gladly moved on from her childhood before it was over. She has held down a job since before she could drive, and moved into her own apartment after her freshman year of college. Now tending bar at The Red Door, Cami doesn't have time for much else besides work and classes, until a trip to see her boyfriend is cancelled, leaving her with a first weekend off in almost a year.Trenton Maddox was the king of Eastern State University, dating co-eds before he even graduated high school. His friends wanted to be him, and women wanted to tame him, but after a tragic accident turned his world upside down, Trenton leaves campus to come to grips with the crushing guilt. Eighteen months later, Trenton is living at home with his widower father, and works full-time at a local tattoo parlor to help with the bills. Just when he thinks his life is returning to normal, he notices Cami sitting alone at a table at The Red. As the baby sister of four rowdy brothers, Cami believes she'll have no problem keeping her new friendship with Trenton Maddox strictly platonic. But when a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever-even if she is the only reason their already broken family could fall apart.In the first installment of the Maddox Brothers books, readers can experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster for the first time, all over again.
Jaime McGuire, Jamie McGuire, Jamie Mcguire (Author), Phoebe Strole (Narrator)
A Beautiful Wedding: A Novella
You know that Abby Abernathy unexpectedly became Mrs. Maddox. But what do you really know? Why did Abby pop the question? What secrets were shared before the ceremony? Where did they spend their wedding night? Who else knew about it and didn't tell? Everything about Abby and Travis's elopement was top-secret until now. Fans of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster will get all of their questions answered in this whirlwind tale of the wedding day (and night!) and as with all good stories, this one will definitely have been worth the wait.
Jamie McGuire (Author), Emma Galvin, Zachary Webber (Narrator)
When the world ends, can love survive? For Scarlet, raising her two daughters alone makes fighting for tomorrow an everyday battle. Nathan has a wife, but can’t remember what it’s like to be in love; only his young daughter Zoe makes coming home worthwhile. Miranda’s biggest concern is whether her new Mini Cooper is big enough to carry her sister and their boyfriends on a weekend escape from college finals. When reports of a widespread, deadly “outbreak” begin to surface, these ordinary people face extraordinary circumstances and suddenly their fates are intertwined. Recognizing they can’t outrun the danger, Scarlet, Nathan, and Miranda desperately seek shelter at the same secluded ranch, Red Hill. Emotions run high while old and new relationships are tested in the face of a terrifying enemy—an enemy who no longer remembers what it’s like to be human. Set against the backdrop of a brilliantly realized apocalyptic world, love somehow finds a way to survive. But what happens when the one you’d die for becomes the one who could destroy you? Red Hill grabs you from the very beginning and doesn’t let go until its stunning conclusion. This is #1 New York Times bestselling author Jamie McGuire at her unforgettable best.
Jamie McGuire (Author), Emma Galvin, January LaVoy, January Lavoy, Zachary Webber (Narrator)
Finally, the highly anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster. Can you love someone too much? Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder. In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. But just when he thinks he is invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees. Every story has two sides. In Beautiful Disaster, Abby had her say. Now it's time to see the story through Travis's eyes.
Jamie McGuire (Author), Dan Bittner (Narrator)
The new Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn't drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University's Walking One-Night Stand. Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby wants-and needs-to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby's resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis's apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.
Jamie McGuire (Author), Emma Galvin (Narrator)
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