Ancient history is full of mysteries, and Machu Picchu is one of the most interesting topics. The amazing and incredible Machu Picchu is explored, specifically addressing what secrets does this sacred place holds? What civilization built the citadel at Machu Picchu? How did science shape the Inca civilization? Why are people still visiting this place, and what are the popular cultural depictions of Machu Picchu?
Ancient Egypt is a diverse and popular topic in world history. Legends and unsolved secrets of Egypt attract researchers from around the world. In this book, you will discover one of the most famous rulers in history - King Tut, or Tutankhamun. Topics in the book discuss who he was, what impact he has left in history, the theories surrounding King Tut's death, the importance of the rediscovery of his tomb, and the myths surrounding Tutankhamun? In addition, information is revealed about how King Tut and Ancient Egyptian culture have been misinterpreted in popular culture.
What is the exact definition of Work? Why do humans need to define it, and what is the history of Work in society? Does the culture of Work differ around the world, and what impact does it have on humans? The answers to these topics and more can be discovered in the book, What is Work and its Impact.
The 21st Century is full of new technological and industrial changes, which affect people's everyday lives worldwide. Internet is spreading and evolving, containing various advantages and benefits as well as devastating disadvantages. You can find answers to any question or ask for help and know the majority's opinion on critical issues. However, the time you spend online may at times be a waste. Alternatively, it can lead to online addiction because of the fun and entertainment features the Internet offers.
In this book, you will find answers to questions like What is Online Addiction and what is its impact on humans. Can we treat online addictions, and what beholds us in the future with the continuous rise in Social Media?