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The ultimate distillation of Allen's thoughts in a unique spiritual form. He wanted people to read it last, so they could go from the practical and direct advice in the other books to the parables and poetry of his true spiritual beliefs. the ultimate holy book for the secular and world-weary aspirant to redemption and realisation. I, the Spirit of Truth Am the Friend of the forsaken and the Companion of the wise, I restore the one, and I gladden the other, and all men I protect, though they know me not. 'It cannot be said of this book that James Allen wrote it at any particular time or in any one year, for he was engaged in it over many years and those who have eyes to see and hearts to understand will find in its pages the spiritual history of his life. It was his own wish that The Divine Companion should be the last MS of his to be published. 'It is the story of my soul,' he said, 'and should be read last of all my books, so that the student may understand and find my message in its pages. Therefore hold it back until you have published everything else.' - Lily Allen Come with the celebrated author of As a Man Thinketh on a profound spiritual journey to discover the inner divinity that resides within each of us. Through poetic prose and meditative insights, Allen guides readers to cultivate a deeper connection with their higher self, offering practical wisdom for living a life of purpose, harmony, and spiritual fulfillment. James Allen inspired countless seekers of truth and has been referenced in various spiritual and self-help works, including The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. For those seeking to transcend the mundane and embrace a life of spiritual awakening, The Divine Companion remains a beacon of light, offering timeless wisdom that continues to resonate across generations.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
'Man suffers through and himself. Where the effect is there is the cause. Its seat is within, not without. The things which men are reaping to-day are of the same kind which they formerly sowed. The good man of to-day may be reaping the results of past evil; the bad man of to-day may be reaping the results of past good. Seen thus, this divine principle throws an illuminating light on those cases (common enough) where the good suffer and fail, and the bad enjoy and prosper. Things as they are did not spring into existence without a cause. They have behind them a long train of causes and effects, and another such train will follow them in the future. In viewing the objects in a landscape we allow for perspective; we must do the same in viewing events. This principle of Divine Justice is not distinct from Divine Law. It is the same. Partial men separate justice from love, and even regard them as antagonistic, but in the divine life they blend into one.' This is perhaps Allen's most directly sociological and philosophical work. In it, he treats of the evolution of the systems man has created to help navigate and manipulate the world. Along the way, he unpacks the ways in which the new science of flight will lead to a different consciousness, just as the locomotive had done in his lifetime; the reason people so often misunderstand the meaning of 'survival of the fittest', and its appropriate application to human life; the nature of justice, whether worldly and law-bound or divine and universal; the nature of work, and our attitude towards and around it; and finally the birth of a new kind of courage, exceeding both physical and moral courage, that will be foundation of a greater humanity.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
James Allen’s book of meditations for Every Day in the Year: Daily snippets of wisdom from a great u
366 bite-sized chunks of wisdom from history's most practical spiritual thinker, James Allen. 'James Allen may truly be called the Prophet of Meditation. In an age of strife, hurry, religious controversy, heated arguments, ritual and ceremony, he came with his message of Meditation, calling men away from the din and strife of tongues into the peaceful paths of stillness within their own souls, where the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world ever burns steadily and surely for all who will turn their weary eyes from the strife without to the quiet within. Many of the Meditations were written as he came down from the Cairn in the early morning, where he spent those precious hours alone with God while the world slept. Others are gleaned from his many writings, published and unpublished, and are arranged for daily readings at his request, and, we believe, under his spiritual guidance. The book must ever be a stronghold of Spiritual Truth and blessing to all who read it, and especially to those who use it for daily meditation. Its great power lies in that it is the very heart of a good man who lived every word he wrote.' - Lily L Allen If you need a simple but deep introduction to James Allen's thoughts and work, then look no further. The only of Allen's 21 books to be published posthumously, this book blends his final conclusions along with revisions of his previous work, shaved down and purified until they become crystalline nuggets of deep thought. Compiled by his wife and editor, Lily L. Allen, it was first released the year after his death in 1912.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
Living the Victorious Life: Mastery of the Heart and Mind: Self-Realization of Higher Nature
Do you want to look upon life through a purer heart and a wiser mind, and understand the benign law of Truth in all things? To come to know how you truly are a responsible, self-acting being and master of your own will, in a universe not of chaos, but of order, law, and over-ruling good? In the course of this book James Allen helps us open our mind’s eye to the place of insight, so that reality stands revealed; the reality of 'things-in-themselves.' He shows us the role of heart and mind in achieving a victorious life, and what are the elements, in character and conduct, which go to build up the life of calm strength and superlative victory. A success so invincible and complete that even apparent defeats shine with added victory, and the universe again rejoices in the triumph of good, and hails another conqueror, YOU.
James Allen (Author), John Falshire (Narrator)
Through The Gates of Good, or, Christ And Conduct
'The Teachers of mankind are few. A thousand years may pass by without the advent of such a one; but when the True Teacher does appear, the distinguishing feature by which he is known is his life. His conduct is different from that of other men, and his teaching is never derived from any man or book, but from his own life. The Teacher first lives, and then teaches others how they may likewise live. The proof and witness of his teaching is in himself, his life. [...] Men everywhere, in their inmost hearts though they may deny it argumentatively, know that Goodness is divine; and Jesus is worshipped as God, not for any claim he made, nor because of any miraculous circumstance connected with his life, but because he never departed from the Perfect Goodness, the Faultless Love. 'God is Love,' Love is God. Man knows no God except Love manifesting in the human heart and life in the form of stainless thoughts, blameless words, and deeds of gentle pity and forgiveness, and he can only know this God in the measure that he has realized Love in his own heart by self-subjugation. The God which forms the subject of theological argument, and whose existence or non-existence men are so eager to prove, is the God of hypothesis and speculation. He who, by overcoming self, has found, dwelling within him, the Supreme Love, knows what that Love is far beyond the reach of all selfish argument, and can only be lived; and he lives, leaving vain argument to those who will not come up higher.'
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
Out From The Heart: As A Man Thinketh 2
'Make pure thy heart, and thou wilt make thy life Rich, sweet, and beautiful, unmarred by strife; Guard, well thy mind, and, noble, strong, and free, Nothing shall harm, disturb, or conquer thee; For all thy foes are in thy heart and mind, There also thy salvation thou wilt find. Confucius said, “The perfecting of one’s self is the fundamental base of all progress and all moral development;” a maxim as profound and comprehensive as it is simple, practical, and uninvolved, for there is no surer way to knowledge, nor no better way to help the world than by perfecting one’s self. Nor is there any nobler work or higher science than that of self-perfection. He who studies how to become faultless, who strives to be pure-hearted, who aims at the possession of a calm, wise, and seeing mind, engages in the most sublime task that man can undertake, and the results of which are perceptible in a well-ordered, blessed, and beautiful life. ' A deeper dive into the territory covered in Allen's most popular and enduring work. Written in the year of his death, and nine years after the success of As A Man Thinketh allowed the gentle and practical Victorian philosopher to dedicate hiimself to writing, Out From The Heart, Allen goes into more practical detail than ever before about how to realise the personal growth journey in your own life. Blending everything from Confucian and Buddhist thought to practical tips on the kinds of speech and thought to avoid, the lessons of this book would be repeated in a thousand forms as the years went by and Allen's influence on both spirituality and self-help spread down the decades.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
Let this beautiful book of affirmations guide and soothe your day. Soft, profound, reflective, and beautiful, they perfectly embody James Allen's integrated and spiritual life. Thirty-one thoughts for the beginning and end of the day from one of the original pioneers of the self-help movement, these softly spoken and hypnotically beautiful passages are set to gentle music to help you internalise and sublimate thoughts and habits of right action. Woven from a cloth of Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism and Christianity, this book is a perfect accompaniment to the rest of Allen's more practical or direct works. In this book, there are no polemics or breakdowns; just gentle thoughts, beautifully expressed. Author of As A Man Thinketh, James Allen was a pioneer of a new, secular and humanist spirituality. Being born poor in the Victorian era, with a father who was murderd when James was 15, he found a deeply grounded and spiritually profound application of the Eastern thinking that was only just beginning to percolate through society in Victorian England.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
Allen's most enduring classic. Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: — He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass. Chapter 1 starts with this quote from the Dhammapada. The most popular and well-known of Allen's bestselling self-help books, As A Man Thinketh is a pocket companion for thoughtful people, about the power and right application of thought. Allen said the book deals 'with the power of thought, and particularly with the use and application of thought to happy and beautiful issues. I have tried to make the book simple, so that all can easily grasp and follow its teaching, and put into practice the methods which it advises. It shows how, in his own thought-world, each man holds the key to every condition, good or bad, that enters into his life, and that, by working patiently and intelligently upon his thoughts, he may remake his life, and transform his circumstances. Available in over 2000 editions and a dozen languages, the aim of this tiny masterpiece was to create 'A book that will help you to help yourself.' James Allen was on of the very earliest self-help gurus, blending Buddhist and Taoist thought in with the eminent practicality and groundedness of a Victorian Englishman, born in poverty, with a father murdered when he was 15. A quiet, gentle man, he spoke with a conviction that rings and resonates loud and clear, over a century later.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success
'THIS is one of the last manuscripts written by James Allen. Like all his works it is eminently practical. He never wrote theories, or for the sake of writing; but he wrote when he had a message, and it became a message only when he had lived it out in his own life, and knew that it was good. Thus he wrote facts, which he had proven by practice. To live out the teaching of this book faithfully in every detail of life will lead one to more than happiness and success—even to Blessedness, Satisfaction and Peace.' - Lily L Allen 'How does a man begin the building of a house? He first secures a plan of the proposed edifice, and then proceeds to build according to the plan, scrupulously following it in every detail, beginning with the foundation. Should he neglect the beginning—the beginning on a mathematical plan—his labour would be wasted, and his building, should it reach completion without tumbling to pieces, would be insecure and worthless. The same law holds good in any important work; the right beginning and first essential is a definite mental plan on which to build. Nature will have no slipshod work, no slovenliness and she annihilates confusion, or rather, confusion is in itself annihilated. Order, definiteness, purpose, eternally prevail, and he who in his operations ignores these mathematical elements at once deprives himself of substantiality, completeness, happiness and success.' A guide to life from one of the very first self-help authors, deeply immersed in both humble Christian living and Buddhism.
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
From Passion To Peace, or, The Pathway of the Pure
A fascinating mix of Christian, Buddhist, and Daoist thought presented by the original self-help guru in 1910. As Lily L Allen put it, 'all his works [are] eminently practical. He never wrote theories, or for the sake of writing; but he wrote when he had a message, and it became a message only when he had lived it out in his own life, and knew that it was good. Thus he wrote facts, which he had proven by practice. ' Born in Leicester, UK, to an illiterate mother in 1864, Allen's father left when he was 15 to find work in America, and was promptly murdered on arrival. After leaving school and finding work as a clerk, Allen's writing career lasted for only a decade, from 1902-1912. In that time he wrote nineteen books about how to recognise and live the divine and virtuous life, deeply informed by both Jesus and Buddha. As he puts it in this book, 'To have transcendent virtue is to enjoy transcendent felicity. The beatific blessedness which Jesus holds out is promised to those having the beatific virtues—to the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and so on. The higher virtue does not merely and only lead to happiness, it is happiness. It is impossible for a man of transcendent virtue to be unhappy. The cause of unhappiness must be sought and found in the self-loving elements, and not in the self-sacrificing qualities. A man may have virtue, and be unhappy, but not so if he have divine virtue. Human virtue is mingled with self, and therefore with sorrow; but from divine virtue every taint of self has been purged away, and with it every vestige of misery. '
James Allen (Author), Charles Featherstone (Narrator)
50+ Self-Help Classics Collection: Napoleon Hill James Allen Kahlil Gibran Sun Tzu Lao Tzu Confucius
Contents: Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1937) George Samuel Clason. The Richest Man In Babylon (The text is reproduced from the original publications of 1920-1924) James Allen. As A Man Thinketh James Allen. Out from the Heart Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet Sun Tzu. The Art of War Lao Tzu. The Tao Te Ching Confucius. Analects Benjamin Franklin. The Way to Wealth Benjamin Franklin. The Autobiography Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. The Meditations Of The Emperor Russell H. Conwell Every Man His Own University Ralph Waldo Emerson. Self-reliance Florence Scovel Shinn. The Game of Life and How To Play It Charles F. Haanel. The Master Key System W. D. Wattles. The Science Of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles. How To Get What You Want Wallace D. Wattles. The Science Of Being Well Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Being Great Orison Swett Marden. An Iron Will Orison Swett Marden. He Can Who Thinks He Can Russell H. Conwell. Acres of Diamonds William Walker Atkinson. Thought Vibration: or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World P. T. Barnum. Art of Money Getting Or, Golden Rules for Making Money G.K. Chesterton. Orthodoxy Leo Tolstoy. A Confession
Benjamin Franklin, Charles F. Haanel, Confucius, Florence Scovel Shinn, G.K. Chesterton, George Samuel Clason, James Allen, Khalil Gibran, Lao Tzu, Leo Tolstoy, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Napoleon Hill, Orison Swett Marden, P. T. Barnum, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Russell H. Conwell, Sun Tzu, Wallace D. Wattles, William Walker Atkinson (Author), Alfred Costa, David J Miles, Joe Phoenix, Kenneth Elliot, Mark Bowen, Michael Goodrick, Peter Coates, Rick Walz, Simon Jackson, Stacey Patterson, Trevor O'Hare (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Los 8 Pilares de la Prosperidad
'Los hombres no atraen aquello que quieren, sino lo que son' James Allen 'Los ocho pilares de la prosperidad', fue escrita a principios del siglo XX y está considerada como una de las obras clásicas con más vigencia de toda la literatura de desarrollo personal. En ella, James Allen nos enseña que la prosperidad no se tiene, sino que se construye. Toda obra ha de estar cimentada sobre una buena base moral. 'Nadie puede tener éxito si es deshonesto', dice el autor. Si la prosperidad está bien asentada sobre principios éticos sólidos, nos otorgará seguridad, confort y protección durante el resto de nuestros días. En esta obra Allen descubre que los pilares sobre los que construir la gran obra de nuestra vida son: ENERGÍA, ECONOMÍA, INTEGRIDAD, SISTEMA, SINCERIDAD, IMPARCIALIDAD y AUTOESTIMA. Cada uno de estos conceptos encierra toda una filosofía de vida que el autor muestra de forma magistral y didáctica, para que el lector pueda construir los cimientos de su propia felicidad.
James Allen (Author), Alfredo Giménez (Narrator)
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