In the modern world of advancement and instantaneous services, the younger generations have not needed to worry about seemingly trifling chores such as car maintenance and cooking. These tasks that had always been significant parts of our Grandparents lives. Grandparents offer valuable knowledge and experiences for the younger generations. Seeing as many of our Grandparents have lived as farmers or members of the military, they are bound to offer these lessons in abundance. This book seeks to illustrate these lessons that are lost to the younger generations, and the importance of having these skills.
Misinformation isn't a stranger to Canadians; it has been a slippery friend in need of boundaries for a long time. Since COVID-19 has appeared, its laid its fatal blow . . . Now, we're countering this communication bacterium one squirt of sanitizer at a time.
A fun and colorful "Alphabet" book written and illustrated by Anna (age 5) and her sister Abby (age 4). These two sisters embarked on their book making adventure the summer before starting kindergarden and pre-school. Both girls love drawing and reading. Creating this book has been a fun way to apply what they've been learning about letters, writing, and picture making. The ideas, illustrations and text are their own creations and reflect the things, people and even colors they love.