But I'm only a former cop, out of the rescue business for a long time now. Still, I couldn't leave Caro Franklin stranded in a snowstorm. Even if bringing that beautiful lady to my home meant my family-and yes, maybe I, too-would immediately fall in love with her. So we just met. We still have...something. In spite of those ""family obligations"" of hers that I don't fully understand, there's no denying what's between us. No denying that I could make the perfect father for her son. Now I just have to convince Caro to choose me....
She thinks I'm a hero... But I'm only a former cop, out of the rescue business for a long time now. Still, I couldn't leave Caro Franklin stranded in a snowstorm. Even if bringing that beautiful lady to my home meant my family-and yes, maybe I, too-would immediately fall in love with her. There's no denying what's between us. No denying that I could make the perfect father for her son. Now I just have to convince Caro to choose me....