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[Spanish] - ¿Qué Es La Tentación?
Sumérgete en la batalla espiritual contra la tentación con esta poderosa colección de escritos de renombrados teólogos y predicadores cristianos. Desde el análisis perspicaz de John Owen sobre lo que realmente es la tentación, hasta las palabras alentadoras de Charles Spurgeon sobre la capacidad de Cristo para ayudar a los tentados, este volumen ofrece sabiduría bíblica y estrategias prácticas para resistir las trampas de Satanás. Explora la naturaleza de la tentación, aprende de las propias tentaciones de Cristo y descubre cómo cultivar la vigilancia espiritual y la oración. Ya sea que estés luchando contra tentaciones específicas o buscando fortalecer tu fe, este recurso atemporal proporciona la guía y el aliento necesarios para mantenerse firme frente al mal. Una lectura esencial para cualquier creyente que desee la victoria sobre la tentación y una relación más profunda con Dios. #tentación #guerraespiritual #Satanás #pecado #resistencia #vigilancia #oración #tentacionesdeCristo #JohnOwen #CharlesSpurgeon #JonathanEdwards #ThomasManton #WilliamGurnall #ThomasBrooks #sabiduríabíblica #crecimientoespiritual #vidacristiana #vencerelpeacado #disciplinasespirituales #fe #gracia #redención #salvación #victoriaespiritual
Charles H. Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, John Newton, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, Matthew Henry, Octavius Winslow, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Manton, William Gurnall (Author), Carlos Ponce (Narrator)
The Duties of Parents: 17 Practical Ways to Successful Parenting
Using his own understanding and study of Scripture, J.C. Ryle consolidates, organizes, and explains this learned wisdom in The Duties of Parents. Broken up into 17 principles, perfect for devotional use, this resource provides advice, guidance, instruction, reminders, and tools for parents who desire to raise children who not only know God but who can also develop their own relationship with Him and live according to His Word. Preparing a Biblical foundation is the desire of all God-fearing parents, and Ryle's words and Biblical insights help inspire and encourage this exact path. This series, published by ONE Audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by handpicked audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
Practical Religion: What True, Biblical Christianity Should Look Like
How much religion among many members of churches consists of nothing but church rituals! They belong to their church. They are baptized, married, buried in at the church, and preached to on Sundays by her ministers, but the great doctrines of truth have no place in their hearts and only a little influence on their lives. Is the religion of these people real Christianity? No, it is Churchianity – and nothing more! If your religion is real and has been given by the Holy Spirit, it must be in your heart. It must sway the affections. It must lead the will. It must direct the tastes. It must influence the choices and decisions. It must fill the deepest, lowest, inmost seat in your soul. Is this your Christianity? Real Christianity will cause a person to glory in Christ as the Redeemer, the Deliverer, the Priest, and the Friend – without whom he would have no hope at all. It will produce confidence in Him, love toward Him, delight in Him, and comfort in Him as the Mediator, the Food, the Light, the Life, and the Peace of the soul. This Christianity will produce in the person who has it repentance, faith, hope, love, humility, spirituality, kindness, self-denial, unselfishness, forgiveness, temperance, truthfulness, brotherly kindness, patience, and forbearance. Is this your religion?
J. C. Ryle (Author), Saethon Williams (Narrator)
Whoever neglects the second coming of Christ has only a mutilated gospel, for the Bible teaches us not only of the death and sufferings of Christ, but also of His return to reign in honor and glory. His second coming is mentioned and referred to over three hundred times. There is hardly any church that does not make a great deal of baptism, yet in all of Paul's epistles, baptism is spoken of only thirteen times, while he speaks about the return of our Lord fifty times; and yet the church has had very little to say about it. The devil does not want us to see this truth, for nothing would wake up the church so much. The moment a man realizes that Jesus Christ is coming back again to receive His followers to Himself, this world loses its hold upon that man. Gas prices, technology innovations, and the stock market are of much less consequence to him then. His heart is free, and he looks for the blessed appearing of His Lord, who, at His coming, will take him into His blessed kingdom. Are you watching and ready for Christ’s return for His bride? Are you occupied with the work He has given you to do in His kingdom here on earth, so that you may have a reward when He comes?
Charles H. Spurgeon, D. W. Whittle, Dwight L. Moody, George C. Needham, George Müller, Harriet B. Stowe, J. C. Ryle (Author), Saethon Williams (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Auto Examén Espiritual
¡Sumérgete en un viaje transformador con el último audiolibro: 'Autoexamen'! En esta cautivadora obra, experimentarás una profunda exploración de tu ser interior y descubrirás los secretos de tu alma inmortal. Con la guía experta de destacados autores y predicadores, serás desafiado a examinarte a ti mismo desde diferentes perspectivas y a profundizar en tu fe. En este audiolibro, encontrarás una variedad de voces que te acompañarán en este viaje de autoconocimiento: - Thomas Watson: Este renombrado puritano te introducirá en el tema del autoexamen, brindando una perspectiva valiosa y útil. - Charles Spurgeon: Con su elocuencia característica, Spurgeon te exhortará a examinarte a ti mismo y te ofrecerá un análisis profundo de la palabra 'examinar'. - Wilhemus à Brakel: Este autor te instará a ir más allá y examinar tu fe, desafiándote a profundizar en tu relación con Dios. - J.C. Ryle: Con gran sabiduría y perspicacia, Ryle advertirá sobre los peligros espirituales de nuestra época y te brindará valiosos consejos para protegerte. - Arthur Pink: A través de su estudio de las Escrituras, Pink te mostrará el llamado divino al autoexamen y cómo este ejercicio puede transformar tu vida espiritual. - Octavius Winslow: Este autor te desafiará a responder a una pregunta crucial: '¿Estás vivo o muerto?' Te invitará a explorar tu estado espiritual y a buscar una verdadera experiencia de vida en Cristo.
Arthur W. Pink, Charles H. Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, Jonathan Edwards, Octavius Winslow, Thomas Watson, Wilhelmus à Brakel (Author), Christopher Román (Narrator)
How Should a Child Be Trained?
The insight and wisdom contained here has aided generations of parents to rear Godly children and to maintain confidence in their abilities to be an example of their Heavenly Father. Extremely valuable, especially today, this work provides comfort, advice, and Biblical wisdom for parents who want to be mindful and intentional with how they raise their children. Ryle walks parents through crucial habits to instill in children, such as prayer and honesty, and encourages them to remember the importance of their own example and to find solace in the promises of God's word. Ryle emphasizes the duty and responsibility of caring for children with love, patience, and diligence. This is a must-read for parents with children of any age. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
This inspiring sermon by J.C. Ryle encourages Christians to remain steadfast and active in their faith while waiting for Christ's return. Drawing from the infamous biblical parable of the three men who are given talents to invest while their master is away, Ryle urges Christians to use their gifts to serve the kingdom and to advance the message of the Gospel. Criticizing an inactive approach to Christianity, Ryle expects Christians to put away laziness, keeping the impending return of the King at the forefront of their minds. Emphasizing the need to remain focused, dedicated, and faithful, this work gives each Christian the fuel needed to inspire a personal revival. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
An encouragement to longtime Christians and first time believers of the gospel alike, What Is Your Hope? urges a reexamination of what it means to hope and of where that hope is placed. For a Christian, Ryle states that hope is not a fickle or weak thing, it is complete assurance, as it is based on an unchanging, perfect God. Ryle details how fully placing one's hope in Christ brings unparalleled peace, strength, joy, and comfort. He also emphasizes the importance of being sure not to stray or lean on any other foundation, as that will inevitably prove unreliable and ultimately dangerous to the soul. This essay helps to ease doubts, fortify faith, and remind Christians of the vast blessings of a hope in Christ. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
Rich and Poor: Thoughts on Luke 16
Written truly for everyone, Rich and Poor, speaks to the temptations and benefits of both those who have everything and those who struggle to have anything. Neither the wealthy nor the impoverished are loved less by God or placed on this Earth by accident. Stressing the importance of putting hope and trust in God over becoming engrossed in one's circumstances, Ryle goes over the potential dangers of either situation. Striving to gain more wealth, becoming prideful, entitled, or jealous can tempt anyone and can ultimately lead to losing sight of God's aim for his children's lives. Instead, Ryle argues, each person should seek out stewardship opportunities and ways to use their talents to further the Kingdom and to draw closer to God. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
Are you indeed alive unto God? Can you say with truth, “I was dead and am alive again; I was blind, but now I see”? Then accept this word of exhortation and lean your heart toward wisdom. Are you alive? Then see that you prove it by your actions. Be a consistent witness. Let your words, works, ways, and attitudes all tell the same story. Do not let your life be a poor, sluggish life, like that of a tortoise or a sloth. Instead, let it be an energetic and passionate life, like that of a deer or a bird. Let your grace shine out from all the windows of your conversation so that those who live near you may see that the Spirit is abiding in your heart. Do not let your light be a dim, flickering, uncertain flame, but let it burn steadily like the eternal fire on the altar and never become low. Let the savor of your religion, like Mary’s precious ointment, fill all the houses where you live. Be a letter of Christ so clearly written and penned in such large, bold characters that those who run may read it (2 Corinthians 3:2). Let your Christianity be so unmistakable, your eye so clear, your heart so whole, and your walk so straightforward that all who see you may have no doubt about whose you are and whom you serve. If we are made alive by the Spirit, no one ought to be able to doubt it. Our conversation should declare plainly that we seek a better country – a heavenly one. It ought not to be necessary to tell people, as in the case of a badly painted picture, “This is a Christian.” We ought not to be so sluggish and still that people will be forced to come close, look hard, and say, “Is he dead or alive?”
J. C. Ryle (Author), Saethon Williams (Narrator)
J. C. Ryle (1816–1900) war bereits 71 Jahre alt, als er »Gedanken für junge Männer« ein letztes Mal überarbeitete. Als Pastor, Ehemann und Vater von fünf Kindern (darunter drei Söhne) ist er ohne Frage der Richtige für diese Aufgabe. Was er sagt ist wohl überlegt und stammt von einem bewährten und gottesfürchtigen Mann, bei dem Leben und Lehre übereinstimmen.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Daniel Kopp (Narrator)
A widely-known preacher in both England and America in the mid-eighteenth century, George Whitefield's influence has since been buried by those influential men in his time who found his teachings too emotional and experiential. J.C. Ryle seeks to undo that injustice in this work. Laying out in simple and factual ways Whitefield's life, beliefs, works, and sermons, Ryle encourages a further study of this great Christian man. This biography not only serves to present Whitefield in a more fair light, but also encourages reflection on one's own Christian walk. This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic Christian titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works. Simon Bubb brings his passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.
J. C. Ryle (Author), Simon Bubb (Narrator)
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