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The original Spiritual Midwifery, published in 1976, introduced an entire generation of young women to the possibility of home birth and breast feeding. It also breathed new life into the all-but-vanished field of midwifery. The current edition of this classic book on home birth is now an audiobook, with updated information on the safety of natural childbirth, new birthing stories, and the most recent statistics on births managed by The Farm Midwives. Ina May also provides new information about potentially dangerous techniques routinely used in hospitals during and after birth, as well as the latest findings about vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Improved instructions for handling breech births are also given. Included are stories of working with Amish women, showing a different culture with a similar appreciation for natural childbirth. Spiritual Midwifery is skillfully narrated by Camille Mazant. All figures and diagrams referenced in the narration are included in the supplementary PDF. This audiobook was produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont. ©1975, 1977, 1980, 1990, 2002 The Book Publishing Company (P)
Ina May Gaskin (Author), Camille Mazant (Narrator)
Drawing upon her forty-plus years of experience, Ina May Gaskin, the nation's leading midwife, shows the benefits and joys of physiological childbirth by showing women how to trust the ancient wisdom of their bodies for a healthy and fulfilling birthing experience. Based upon the midwifery model of care that recognizes that spontaneous labor in healthy women cannot be improved upon, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth gives expectant mothers comprehensive information on everything from the all-important mind-body connection to how to give birth without technological intervention-as well as how to know when such intervention is necessary. Filled with inspiring birth stories and practical advice, this invaluable resource includes: - Reducing the pain of labor without drugs and the amazing role that touch and free movement play - What really happens during labor - Orgasmic birth-testimonies from those who experienced it - And much more
Ina May Gaskin (Author), Randye Kaye (Narrator)
Die selbstbestimmte Geburt. Handbuch für werdende Eltern. Mit Erfahrungsberichten
Was Sie wissen müssen, um Ihr Geburtserlebnis friedvoll und freudvoll für sich und Ihr Baby zu gestalten. Mit diesem umfassenden Handbuch zur Vorbereitung auf die selbstbestimmte Geburt, mit dem Wissen und der Erfahrung der renommiertesten Hebamme und Bestsellerautorin Ina May Gaskin, bleiben keine Fragen offen. Ina May Gaskin zählt zu den Pionierinnen für die natürliche Geburt. Sie ist anerkannte Expertin auch in der Medizin, da sie selbst für schwierige Geburten praktikable Lösungsmöglichkeiten entwickelte. 'Die selbstbestimmte Geburt' bestärkt Frauen darin, der faszinierenden Kraft ihres Körpers zu vertrauen, mit der sie ihr Kind (möglichst ohne technische Eingriffe) auf die Welt bringen können - in der Klinik, im Geburtshaus oder zu Hause. Das Hörbuch enthält außerdem sehr berührende Erzählungen von Frauen, die eine selbstbestimmte Geburt erlebten und damit andere ermutigen, auf sich selbst zu vertrauen und ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen. In diesem Hörbuch erfahren Sie: - Die mächtige Verbindung von Körper und Psyche - Was bei der Wehentätigkeit passiert - Den Zusammenhang von Schmerz und Lust - Gebärhaltungen und Geburtsrisiken - Ob eine natürliche Geburt nach einem Kaiserschnitt möglich ist - Wie man die richtigen Geburtsbegleiterinnen findet Original title: Ina May's Guide to Childbirth Ina May Gaskin 2003. Translated from the English language: INA MAY'S GUIDE TO CHILDBIRTH. Translated by Ursula Fournier. First published in the United States by Bantam Dell
Ina May Gaskin (Author), Katherina Wolter (Narrator)
Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding
Drawing on her decades of experience in caring for pregnant women, mothers, and babies, Ina May Gaskin explores the health and psychological benefits of breastfeeding and gives you invaluable practical advice that will help you nurse your baby in the most fulfilling way possible. In this book you'll find answers to virtually every question you have on breastfeeding, including topics such as: the benefits of breastfeeding pumps and other nursing products medications nursing multiples weaning sick babies nipplephobia, and much more Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding is filled with helpful advice, medical facts, and real-life stories that will help you understand how and why breastfeeding works and how you can use it to more deeply connect with your baby and your own body. Whether you're planning to nurse for the first time or are looking for the latest, most up-to-date expert advice available, you couldn't hope to find a better guide than Ina May.
Ina May Gaskin (Author), Margaret Strom (Narrator)
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