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[German] - Träume eines Geistersehers: erläutert durch Träume der Metaphysik
Immanuel Kants Schrift 'Träume eines Geistersehers erläutert durch Träume der Metaphysik', erstmals erschienen 1766 in Königsberg, nimmt in der Herausbildung der kritischen Denkungsart des großen Philosophen einen wichtigen Platz ein. Denn Kant setzt sich in ihr zum einen mit der Geisterseherei Emanuel Swedenborgs wie auch mit den teils Luftschlössern gleichenden Denkgebäuden der damaligen Metaphysik auseinander, die er als 'durch das blinde Vertrauen in die Scheingründe der Vernunft erzeugte Illusionen' entlarvt. Man bedenke: Bis zur Veröffentlichung der ersten Auflage der bahnbrechenden 'Kritik der reinen Vernunft' im Jahre 1781 sind es noch 15 Jahre, doch schon hier, in dieser kleinen, von subtilem satirischen Humor durchzogenen Schrift kündigen sich bereits einige der wichtigsten Einsichten und metaphysischen Grenzziehungen der kritischen Periode Kants an... Um ein genaueres Bild davon zu bekommen, auf wen und was sich Immanuel Kant in seiner Schrift bezieht, sind den einzelnen Hauptstücken des Textes kurze Auszüge aus Emanuel Swedenborgs Werk 'Himmel Hölle Geisterwelt' vorangestellt. Auf diese Weise wird der Kontrast zwischen der mühsamen Wahrheitssuche eines Erkenntnistheoretikers und den geoffenbarten Visionen eines Geistersehers aufs Grellste sichtbar. Der Sprecher Volker Braumann liest vornehmlich Werke aus Philosophie und Wissenschaft ein. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Werk Platons, Arthur Schopenhauers und Sigmund Freuds. Unter anderem als Hörbuch erschienen sind bisher: Platon - Sämtliche Dialoge Teil 1 Apologie/ Kriton/ Phaidon Platon - Sämtliche Dialoge Teil 15 Politeia (Der Staat) Buch I-III Arthur Schopenhauer - Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Band 1 Buch I-IV Sigmund Freud - Die Traumdeutung (komplette Lesung)
Immanuel Kant (Author), Volker Braumann (Narrator)
Analysis of the writings of Kant's contemporary, the spiritualist religious philosopher Swedenborg, whose ideas still have a following in present times.
Immanuel Kant (Author), Peter Tucker (Narrator)
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
In 'Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals,' Kant explores the ethical foundation of human actions. He argues for the supremacy of moral duty based on rational principles, emphasizing the intrinsic value of goodwill. Kant's deontological ethics asserts that individuals should act according to universalizable moral maxims, independent of consequences. The text delves into the concept of categorical imperatives and the autonomy of the moral law, shaping a profound philosophical framework for ethical decision-making. Read in English, unabridged.
Immanuel Kant (Author), George Easton (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Lo bello y lo sublime
Immanuel Kant fue un filósofo alemán del siglo XVIII conocido por sus contribuciones en diversos campos, incluyendo la ética, la filosofía política y la estética. En su obra 'Crítica del Juicio', Kant desarrolla la distinción entre lo bello y lo sublime. Según Kant, lo bello y lo sublime son dos conceptos estéticos diferentes pero relacionados. Lo bello se refiere a aquello que es agradable a los sentidos y que despierta un sentimiento de placer desinteresado. Para Kant, lo bello es algo que se puede apreciar por sí mismo, sin necesidad de una finalidad o utilidad práctica. Es una experiencia estética que produce una sensación de armonía y satisfacción. Por otro lado, lo sublime es algo que va más allá de lo bello y evoca un sentimiento de asombro y admiración. Lo sublime es grandioso, imponente y, a menudo, provoca una sensación de temor o respeto. Kant distingue entre lo sublime matemático, que se relaciona con la grandeza y la infinitud de la naturaleza, y lo sublime dinámico, que se relaciona con la fuerza y el poder. Kant argumenta que lo bello y lo sublime son experiencias subjetivas, es decir, dependen de la respuesta individual de cada persona. Sin embargo, también sostiene que hay una dimensión universal en la apreciación de lo bello y lo sublime, ya que todos los seres humanos tienen la capacidad de experimentar estos sentimientos. En resumen, para Kant, lo bello y lo sublime son dos conceptos estéticos distintos pero interrelacionados. Lo bello se refiere a lo agradable y armonioso, mientras que lo sublime evoca admiración y temor ante lo grandioso y poderoso. Ambos conceptos desempeñan un papel importante en la experiencia estética y en nuestra relación con el mundo que nos rodea.
Immanuel Kant (Author), Jorge Ramírez (Narrator)
Perpetual Peace - Immanuel Kant
'Perpetual Peace' is a philosophical work written by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant in 1795. In this work, Kant argues that peace can only be achieved through a world order based on international law, democratic governance, and the promotion of free trade. Kant believed that war was a result of a flawed system of international relations, where states pursued their own self-interests without regard for the interests of other nations. He argued that in order to establish a lasting peace, a system of international law must be established that would regulate the behavior of nations and prevent them from going to war. Kant also believed that a world federation of nations would be necessary to ensure peace. This federation would be based on democratic governance, where each nation would have an equal say in decisions that affected the world as a whole. Kant believed that this would help to ensure that the interests of all nations were taken into account, and that no one nation could dominate the others. Finally, Kant argued that free trade was essential for peace. He believed that by promoting economic interdependence between nations, free trade would create incentives for nations to work together and avoid war. Overall, Kant's 'Perpetual Peace' is a seminal work in the history of political philosophy, and continues to be influential today in debates about international relations and the pursuit of peace.
Immanuel Kant (Author), Liam Johnson (Narrator)
Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Moral - Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, also known as the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, is a seminal work in ethical philosophy. In this text, Kant attempts to establish a foundation for morality that is based on reason and rationality rather than on feelings or consequences. The central idea in the text is the concept of the 'categorical imperative,' which is a principle that is binding on all rational beings regardless of their personal desires or goals. According to Kant, the categorical imperative is the ultimate test of moral action and serves as a guide for determining whether an action is morally right or wrong. Kant argues that the categorical imperative can be formulated in different ways, but the most famous version is the 'formula of universal law.' This formula states that one should act only according to the maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. In other words, if you can imagine a world where everyone acts in the same way as you, and that world would still be morally acceptable, then your action is morally permissible. Kant also distinguishes between actions that are done from a sense of duty and those that are done from inclination. An action done from a sense of duty is one that is done solely because it is the right thing to do, not because it leads to any personal benefit or pleasure. Kant argues that only actions done from a sense of duty have moral worth and that actions done from inclination are merely praiseworthy but not necessarily moral. In addition, Kant emphasizes the importance of respecting human dignity and autonomy. He argues that human beings are inherently valuable and that they should never be treated merely as means to an end. Instead, they should always be treated as ends in themselves, which means that their dignity and autonomy should be respected and protected.
Immanuel Kant (Author), Lian Johnson (Narrator)
The Critique of Pure Reason is a philosophical work written by Immanuel Kant, published in 1781. The book is divided into two main parts: the first part deals with what Kant calls 'Transcendental Aesthetic,' which is concerned with the nature of space and time and the way in which our minds perceive them. The second part deals with what Kant calls 'Transcendental Logic,' which is concerned with the nature of our understanding and how we reason about the world. In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant aims to investigate the limits and conditions of knowledge, particularly in the context of metaphysics. He argues that all knowledge must be based on experience, but that our understanding is not limited to the information that we can gain through our senses. Rather, he posits that we have certain innate concepts and categories that allow us to make sense of the world and that shape our perception and understanding of reality. Kant's approach to metaphysics is known as transcendental idealism, which holds that the world as it appears to us is not necessarily the same as it is in itself. He argues that we can only know the world as it appears to us, not as it is in itself, and that our knowledge is necessarily limited by the nature of our minds and our perception. Overall, the Critique of Pure Reason is a complex and influential work that has had a profound impact on philosophy, particularly in the fields of epistemology and metaphysics. It is considered a foundational text of modern philosophy and is still widely studied and debated today.
Immanuel Kant (Author), Liam Johnson (Narrator)
Erkenne Dich selbst: Die große Hörbuch Box der philosophischen Anregungen: Kant, Montaigne, Seneca,
Selbsterkenntnis ist der erste Schritt zur Weisheit auf Wegen des Zweifels, der Irrtümer, des Staunens und der Überraschungen. Unterwegs auf diesem Weg begegnen wir uns selbst. Als Wegbegleiter hören wir: Was ist Aufklärung? (I. Kant), Essais (M. de Montagne), Von der Gemütsruhe (Seneca), Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außenmoralischen Sinn (F. Nietzsche), Gespräche (Konfuzius).
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Immanuel Kant, Konfuzius, Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Michel De Montaigne (Author), Sven Görtz (Narrator)
Klassiker des politischen Denkens: Die große Hörbuch Box: Ein Grundlagenwerk der Politik
Was macht einen gerechten Staat aus? Was schafft Wohlstand, was Frieden, was müssen wir Menschen lernen? Unsere Box vereint diese Grundlagentexte der politischen Theorie: Die Kunst des Krieges (Sun Tzu), Die Apologie des Sokrates (Platon), Der Fürst (N. Machiavelli), Der Weg zum Wohlstand (B. Franklin), Was ist Aufklärung? (I. Kant), Der hessische Landbote (G. Büchner), Das kommunistische Manifest (K. Marx / F. Engels), Die protestantische Ethik (M. Weber)
Benjamin Franklin, Georg Büchner, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Niccolo Machiavelli, Platon, Sun Tzu (Author), Jürgen Fritsche, Sven Görtz (Narrator)
900 Quotations from Modern Philosophy
Take a tour through nine of the finest minds of all time, with ‘900 Quotations from Modern Philosophy.’ With words of wisdom, reflections, and observations on everything from life and love to death and hatred, and everything in between, this is a superb book for those looking for inspiring and self-questioning thoughts to gain a new perspective on our existence. A superb read for fans of modern philosophy and those who simply want something fascinating to dip in and out of. - Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher, who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device. Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) was also French, whose writing had a huge influence on political systems. Voltaire (1694 – 1778), also from France, was one of the founders of the French Enlightenment movement. Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat who excused the use of unscrupulous means in politics. Born in Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a spearhead in the European Enlightenment movement. Born in Germany, Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was another central figure of Enlightenment philosophy, as was Dutchman, Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677). Born in France, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) was a fideistic philosopher, while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.
Baruch Spinoza, Blaise Pascal, Francis Bacon, Immanuel Kant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Michel De Montaigne, Montesquieu, Nicolas Machiavel, Voltaire (Author), Brad Carty (Narrator)
300 Quotes from Idealistic Philosophers
‘300 Quotes from Idealistic Philosophers’ is an incredible collection of quotes from the world's finest Idealistic Philosophers, including German philosophers Immanuel Kant and Arthur Schopenhauer and Ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Idealistic philosophy or idealism identifies and describes metaphysical perspectives and argues that reality is identical to human understanding and perception, rejecting the notion of material existence. This compilation features some of their most notable and most famous quotes and is ideal for those interested in idealism. - Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was a German philosopher and one of the most influential figures in modern Western philosophy. He famously wrote the ‘Critique of Pure Reason’. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 –1860) was a German philosopher best known for his work ‘The World as Will and Representation’ which built on the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who founded the Platonist school of thought. He is considered a key figure in the history of Ancient Greek and Western philosophy. Plato is also considered the founder of Western political philosophy.
Arthur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, Plato (Author), Brad Carty (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Observaciones Sobre el Sentimiento de Lo Bello y Lo Sublime
Más que de estética, en el sentido estricto de la palabra, este tratado explora asuntos diversos como la moral, la psicología, la descripción de los caracteres individuales y nacionales. Temas que pueden ocurrirse alrededor del asunto principal. Es una obra sencilla, llena de ingenio y alegría. Kant, ataca por primera vez el problema estético, y aunque sus ideas fundamentales acerca del arte y la belleza se hallan sistemáticamente expuestas en su obra posterior, la 'Crítica del Juicio', tienen aquí cierto interés para el conocimiento de los orígenes de la estética Kantiana. Esta obra está plagada de delicadas ocurrencias, de certeras observaciones y de agudas críticas.
Immanuel Kant (Author), Artur Mas (Narrator)
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