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Sci-Fi Killers - 14 Killer Science Fiction Short Stories by Philip K. Dick, Robert Silverberg, Harry
Fourteen Killer science fiction short stories from some of the best sci-fi authors of the 1940s, 50s and 60s. - Slay-Ride by Winston Marks - Wreck Off Triton by Alfred Coppel - Retribution by George T. Spillman - The Skull by Philip K. Dick - Prison of a Billion Years by C. H. Thames - The Misplaced Battleship by Harry Harrison - Monsters That Once Were Men by Robert Silverberg - Seventh Victim by Robert Sheckley - Birkett's Twelfth Corpse by August Derleth - Hero From Yesterday by Robert Silverberg - The Foxholes of Mars by Fritz Leiber - Watchbird by Robert Sheckley - Cry Silence by Fredric Brown - The Power by Fredric Brown
Alfred Coppel, August Derleth, C. H. Thames, Fredric Brown, Fritz Leiber, George T. Spillman, Harry Harrison, Henry Slesar, Philip K. Dick, Robert Sheckley, Robert Silverberg, Winston Marks (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Stellar Sci-Fi: Stories of Space Exploration
An anthology of short stories of spaceships, aliens, and the outer worlds by classic Science Fiction authors, from the Golden Age to the New Wave Era. This compilation includes stories by William Bender, Jr., Ray Bradbury, G. Gordon Dewey, Charles E. Fritch, Edward W. Ludwig, James V. McConnell, Stanley Mullen, Robert Silverberg, Jerry Sohl, Henry Slesar, and L.J. Stecher Jr.
Charles E. Fritch, Edward W. Ludwig, G. Gordon Dewey, Henry Slesar, James V. Mcconnell, Jerry Sohl, L.J. Stecher Jr, Ray Bradbury, Robert Silverberg, Stanley Mullen, William Bender Jr (Author), Dan Delgado, Hedy Parks, Jeremy Frazier, Rebecca H. Lee (Narrator)
Aliens and Nothing But Aliens 2
Eighteen Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s - Defense Mech by Ray Bradbury - Planet of Doom by C. H. Thames - Tony and The Beetles by Philip K. Dick - Piper In the Woods by Philip K. Dick - Madmen of Mars by Erik Fennel - The Monster That Threatened The Universe by Russ Winterbotham - Rescue Mission by Robert Silverberg - Alien Equivalent by Richard R. Smith - Day of Wrath by Bjarne Kirchhoff - Invader From Infinity by George Whittington - Human Is by Philip K. Dick - Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard - Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - The Man Who Liked Lions by John Bernard Daley - The Luckiest Man Alive by William Morrison - And The Gods Laughed by Fredric Brown - A Message From Our Sponsor by Henry Slesar - Distress Signal by Ross Rocklynne
Bjarne Kirchhoff, C. H. Thames, Erik Fennel, Frederik Pohl, Fredric Brown, George Whittington, Henry Slesar, John Bernard Daley, Lawrence F. Willard, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, Richard R. Smith, Robert Silverberg, Ross Rocklynne, Russ Winterbotham, William Morrison (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
A Message From Our Sponsor by Henry Slesar - The foot-in-the-door technique would work perfectly for any salesman—if he had an invisible foot! 'And that was Smoky Donahue's Western Swingsters, playing Red Dust for all you Martian fans out there. Now let's take a look at the new recordings, hot off the presses this week from all over the system. Looks like we have a real treat for you tonight, folks! There's a brand-new label from way out in outer space. Yes, sir, the very first record put on wax by the Martian Recording Company, and it ought to be a lulu. We'll spin it for you in just a minute, but first, here's a message from our sponsor, the Oxygen Corporation of America—Earth's oldest and finest manufacturers of compressed oxygen equipment. 'Friends, when you're scooting around in your little rocket roadster, do you ever stop to think that your fine vehicle deserves nothing but the best in equipment and accessories? Well, next time, take a look at your oxygen tanks. Are you still using the cumbersome, old, outmoded tank, with ugly valves and low capacity? Wouldn't you rather have the new, streamlined Oxco tank that gives you months of service without refilling? Models cost as low as four thousand dollars, and they're guaranteed up to a full year. Call your local rocket supply store today, and get all the facts. When you see the new Oxco, you'll know why we say ... Oxco never leaves you breathless! 'Well, I see Jonesy, our control board operator, waving at me like mad, folks. He wants to hear this new disc from Mars, too. So—without further ado—here we go. It's on the Canal label, and it's called ... Melancholy!' The boss slammed the file drawer shut in disgust. The Martian, standing before his desk, shuffled his feet and rotated his cap with his third hand. 'Displeasing you?' he said. 'Come back other time do?'
Henry Slesar (Author), Scott Miller (Narrator)
Telefongeschichten (ungekürzt)
Das Telefon... Auch wenn es häufig Anlass für sehr zwiespältige Gefühle ist, so ist es aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Das wissen auch die Autoren dieser kurzweiligen Anthologie, denn sie haben alle ihre Erfahrungen mit diesem Wunder der Kommunikation gemacht. Walter Benjamin schreibt über das Telefon als Waffe zwischen Chef und seinen Angestellten, Joseph Roth verschafft uns Einblicke in die geheimnisvolle Welt einer Telefonzentrale und äußerst humorvoll beschreibt Franz Josef Herrmann den Kampf mit seinem Anrufbeantworter, der ein Verhältnis mit dem Anrufbeantworter seiner Verflossenen angefangen hat...
Eugen Roth, Franz Josef Herrmann, Henry Slesar, Joseph Roth, Kurt Tucholsky, Ringelnatz, Walter Benjamin, Wolfgang Hildesheimer (Author), Markus Hoffmann (Narrator)
Mannen i svart har nu återupplivats och producerats som ljudbok. En unik inspelning som varsamt restaurerats från rullband. 1953 sändes dessa skräckberättelser varje vecka i Sveriges radio och nu kan alla återigen andlöst bekanta sig med härjande varulvar, personligheter som klyvs, otäcka barn och fientliga varelser mitt ibland oss. Bland författarna hittar vi Kuttner, Lovecraft, Parker, Jungstedt, Collier, Knaele, Slesar och Harwood och inläsningarna görs inte mindre än av Max von Sydow, Tor Isedal, Gösta Prüzelius, Carl Billqvist och Anita Wall. Böckerna är uppdelade i fyra delar. Del 1: Råttorna på kyrkogården, I gravkoret, Del 2: Pojke som skottkärra, Min son skall förklara Del 3: De Mortuis, Vråmin Del 4: Examensdagen, Sålunda förnekade jag Belseb, Nu skall pappa åka, Kedjor. Bered er på några härligt kusliga timmar...
Henry Slesar, John Collier (Author), Anita Wall, Carl Billquist (Narrator)
After an Atomic Holocaust, a tiny community has managed to survive for ten years by following the instructions of the mysterious “Old Man in the Cave” as relayed to them by Mr. Goldsmith, their leader.
Henry Slesar, Rod Serling (Author), Adam Baldwin (Narrator)
The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross
A man finds he has the power to trade character traits, infirmities and even his lifespan with others.
Henry Slesar (Author), Luke Perry (Narrator)
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