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Our Global Lingua Franca: An Educator’s Guide to Spreading English Where EFL Doesn’t Work
Across continents and cultures, English has emerged as the shared bridge language that connects business, arts, sciences, and entertainment worldwide. In this thought-provoking and impassioned manifesto, a globally experienced EFL educator sheds light on the humanitarian importance of continuing to spread English as a universal means of communication—most notably in parts of the world where educational standards are lacking. This polemical and informative guide challenges prevailing English as a Foreign Language programs that most often leave learners struggling to attain conversational English fluency, despite years of enforced study and superficially good grades, test scores, and other accolades. It boldly delves into the overlooked consequences of bad English education for cultural, economic, and individual growth that disempower foreign English learners everywhere. Our Global Lingua Franca is an essential companion for both native and non-native English instructors navigating the challenges of sub-par language learning. It will validate your frustrations about learning and teaching under the conventional approach to EFL. Intelligent without being overly academic, it offers invaluable outside-the-box advice on reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and pragmatics to help you impart conversational English fluency and beyond.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl (Narrator)
Everyone Is an Entrepreneur: Selling Economic Self-Determination in a Post-Soviet World
Westerners today grow up with abundant opportunities to determine their own values, identities, and roles in society. But for generations, millions who lived under Soviet rule in the USSR had these essential freedoms withheld, determined instead by a central authority that claimed the right to choose for them and enforce their compliance. Thirty years after the Soviet Union's decisive collapse, the old communist paradigm continues to limit those who come of age in a post-Soviet world. Everyone Is an Entrepreneur showcases the experience of an American author acclimating to life in the developing post-Soviet economy of Armenia. Along the way, he examines how the intelligent and hardworking people he lives among are stuck in a state of transition away from all-encompassing, bureaucratic control. They struggle to adjust to the responsibilities of economic self-determination because they have never learned how to see the world through entrepreneurial eyes. Entrepreneurship is a principled way of seeing the world, a paradigm that applies to people in all cultural and economic circumstances: Artists, office workers, doctors, teachers, farmers, and laborers alike. By adopting this universal outlook, anyone can produce more wealth, accomplish bigger goals, and take control of their life like never before.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl (Narrator)
Everyone Is an Entrepreneur: Selling Economic Self-Determination in a Post-Soviet World
Westerners today grow up with abundant opportunities to determine their own values, identities, and roles in society. But for generations, millions who lived under Soviet rule in the USSR had these essential freedoms withheld, determined instead by a central authority that claimed the right to choose for them and enforce their compliance. Thirty years after the Soviet Union’s decisive collapse, the old communist paradigm continues to limit those who come of age in a post-Soviet world. Everyone Is an Entrepreneur showcases the experience of an American author acclimating to life in the developing post-Soviet economy of Armenia. Along the way, he examines how the intelligent and hardworking people he lives among are stuck in a state of transition away from all-encompassing, bureaucratic control. They struggle to adjust to the responsibilities of economic self-determination because they have never learned how to see the world through entrepreneurial eyes. Entrepreneurship is a principled way of seeing the world, a paradigm that applies to people in all cultural and economic circumstances: Artists, office workers, doctors, teachers, farmers, and laborers alike. By adopting this universal outlook, anyone can produce more wealth, accomplish bigger goals, and take control of their life like never before.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl (Narrator)
The Heroic and Exceptional Minority: A Guide to Mythological Self-Awareness and Growth
Many people struggle throughout their lives, unable to identify the source of great inner existential discontent. No matter their material comfort or good fortune, they cannot escape the idea that they do not live the lives they ought to. They are not in environments that support their deepest personal growth and development. They are not the people they feel they are meant to be, and the world never works the way they know it could. Every day, exceptional minds like these begin to suspect that the way they operate is different than the norm. They realize early on that they have profound capacities for original insight, feeling, action, choice, and meaning. But without mentoring guidance or a sense of social belonging, they feel lost—alone and alienated in their individuality. What can we do to better understand the hidden parts of ourselves, to prevent our uncommon personal growth and development from becoming bridled by pressures toward the conventional? How can we learn to identify and embody the heroic values that matter most to us? The answer lies in deep personal inquiry about the shared existential strengths and limitations that define us, including how to apply them to our self-improvement in our incompatible world. The Heroic and Exceptional Minority is an audacious call to self-development for men, women, and teens plagued by mythological doubt, who feel stuck in a mediocre environment and an unheroic era. Its premise is timeless, clear, and simple: The only way to understand oneself, realize our potential, and change the world for the better is to embrace who and what we really are.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl (Narrator)
The Influential Author: How and Why to Write, Publish, and Sell Nonfiction Books that Matter
Do you have something important to say? Are your knowledge and experience unique, valuable, and in demand? Do you want to write a book that changes the way people think and live? By combining his experience as an educator and entrepreneur, author Gregory V. Diehl teaches passionate thinkers how to turn unique messages into profitable books-without sacrificing royalties or creative control to a publisher. With in-depth advice about all stages of book creation, publication, and marketing, The Influential Author takes a uniquely grounded and intellectual approach to nonfiction self-publishing. Unlike self-publishing guides that promise to teach you how to write a bestselling book quickly and easily, Diehl's book actually walks you through the complex details of planning, writing, editing, and promoting your work at the standards of traditional publishing. Whether you are an experienced writer or have just started thinking about how to write a nonfiction book, The Influential Author will teach you about: Combining your passions and experience with reader demand to decide what book to write. Organizing your knowledge into sections and chapters for maximum comprehension and flow. Refining your book with feedback from editors, proofreaders, beta readers, and market testing. Choosing a title, subtitle, description, and cover design that capture your message and create sales. Pricing and promoting each format of your book (digital, print, and audio) for maximum readership and revenue. Enjoying lifelong passive income, influence, and meaning from your book's success. Publishing a book could be one of the most important things you ever do. Read The Influential Author to begin your path to writing nonfiction books that matter.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl (Narrator)
Viajar para Trascender: Sobrepasa los Limites Culturales para Descubrir tu Verdadera Identidad (Span
De vivir en una camioneta en las calles de San Diego, a cultivar chocolate con las tribus indígenas en Centroamérica, a enseñar en Oriente Medio y a hacer voluntariado en África, el autor de éxitos de ventas Gregory V. Diehl ha seguido un camino mundano y poco convencional. Dejando su casa en California cuando era adolescente, pasó a vivir y trabajar en 45 países en todo el mundo a la edad de 28 años. En Viajar Para Trascender, utiliza sus experiencias culturales diversas como viajero del mundo para hacer al lector la pregunta de cómo ha sido modelada su identidad por su estilo de vida. Conforme vayas profundizando en Viajar Para Trascender, aprenderás cómo viajar puede influir profundamente en tu percepción de ti mismo. Diehl enseña al viajero aspirante a dejar ir sus inhibiciones internas y su conciencia anterior de sí mismo. Comparte sus propias experiencias de transformación por toda Costa Rica, China, Marruecos, Armenia, Iraq, Monaco, Ecuador y más para animar a los viajeros a adoptar el cambio. Lleva al lector en un viaje nómada que examina a toda la humanidad a través de sus ojos imparcialesOriginal English version available as Travel As Transformation: Conquer the Limits of Culture to Discover Your Own Identity.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Xavi Parellada (Narrator)
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Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Andrew Grischenko (Narrator)
Desarrollando la Identidad de Marca: Como Crear una Historia Unica Sobre tu Negocio para Volver Irre
¿Tiene tu negocio una historia que contar? ¡Debería! Desde el momento en que abriste por primera vez tus puertas, empezaste a confeccionarla. Con cada nuevo producto que lanzas al mercado, abres un nicho si cabe más unico en tu sector. Todo esto nos lleva a una cosa: la identidad de marca. ¿Destaca la tuya entre el montón?Con una década de experiencia estudiando los negocios en todo el mundo, Diehl ha descubierto la clave para crear identidades de marca innovadoras e historias de negocio distintas. En Brand Identity Breakthrough, tú y tu pequeña empresa aprenderéis cómo desarrollar una fuerte identidad de marca combinando tu personalidad y tus valores con la funcionalidad de tus productos, convirtiéndote en una marca y en una empresa irremplazable.Tanto si diriges una empresa en crecimiento como si justo ahora estás empezando, Brand Identity Breakthrough te ofrecerá una manera más inteligente de pensar en el flujo de desarrollo del producto, el branding, la estrategia de brand mapping, y la generación del modelo de negocio. Con una lógica demostrada y bien organizada, te pondrá en el camino para vender más (y a precios más altos), ofreciendo a los clientes exactamente lo que quieren y enviando tus beneficios por las nubes.En Brand Identity Breakthrough, aprenderás... Cómo incorporar una propuesta de venta única a tu branding Los mejores métodos para vender productos a los clientes como pequeña empresa Cómo usar las historias de negocios para vender productos en los mercados físico y online
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl, Luis Alberto Casado (Narrator)
Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresist
Does your business have a story to tell? It should! From the moment you first opened your doors, you began crafting it. With every new product you release, you carve out an even more unique niche in your industry. This all builds up to one thing-brand identity. Does yours stand out from the crowd? With a decade of experience studying businesses across the world, Diehl has unlocked the key to creating innovative brand identities and distinct business stories. In Brand Identity Breakthrough, you and your small business will learn how to develop a strong brand identity by combining your personality and values with the functionality of your products, becoming an irreplaceable brand and company. Whether you lead a growing company, or are just starting out, Brand Identity Breakthrough will give you a smarter way to think about product development flow, branding, brand mapping strategy, and business model generation. With proven, and well-organized logic, it will set you on the path to selling more-and at higher prices-giving the customers exactly what they want and sending your profits through the roof. In Brand Identity Breakthrough, you will learn... How to incorporate a unique selling proposition into your branding The best methods for selling products to customers as a small business How to use business storytelling to sell products in both physical and online marketplaces Table of Contents Section I: Why Identity Matters Chapter 1: Can You Tell a Good Story? (The Importance of Business Storytelling) Chapter 2: When Good Ideas Fail Chapter 3: Why Entrepreneurs Fail to See Their Own Value Chapter 4: Why Others Fail to See Your Value Section II: Creating Your Brand Identity Chapter 5: Uncovering Your Core Values Chapter 6: Developing a Unique Selling Proposition Chapter 7: Crafting Your Personality Profile Chapter 8: Knowing Your Target Audience Section III: Telling Your Story to the World Chapter 9: How to Sell Who You Are (Your Brand Identity as a Sales Pitch) Chapter 10: How to Speak with Clarity, Authority, & Authenticity Chapter 11: How to Display Your Character Through Writing Chapter 12: How to Educate Your Audience About Your Brand Identity Section IV: Brand Identity Case Studies Case Study #1: From Consultant to Concierge with Productized Services Case Study #2: Pre-Seeding a Two-Sided Marketplace for Launch Case Study #3: Turning a Charitable Project into a Profitable Movement Case Study #4: Skyrocketing a Personal Brand through Narrative Focus Case Study #5: Embracing Personality in a Technical Niche Section V: Resources for Prospective Entrepreneurs Appendix 1: Entrepreneurial Terms Defined Appendix 2: 50 Useful Starting Questions for New Entrepreneurs Appendix 3: Making Money Online
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Gregory V. Diehl (Narrator)
«Путешествие Кака Способа» Изменит Себя (Travel as Transformation): Преодолеат Культурные Рамки, «То
Это разумный, смелый и непримиримый призыв найти себя в странствиях. Когда вы путешествуете в другие страны, вы остаетесь при этом самим собой? Или вы становитесь другим? Живя в фургоне на улицах Сан-Диего, выращивая какао-бобы с коренными племенами в Центральной Америке, преподавая на Ближнем Востоке и занимаясь волонтерством в Африке, Грегори В. Дил следовал по мирскому и нетрадиционному пути. Покинув свой дом в Калифорнии еще в подростковом возрасте, к 28 годам он прожил и проработал в 45 странах мира. В книге “Путешествия как способ изменить себя” автор описывает свой богатый культурный опыт в качестве путешественника по всему миру, чтобы побудить читателя задуматься о своих взглядах на собственную жизнь. По мере погружения в содержание этой книги вы узнаете, насколько глубоко путешествия могут повлиять на ваше восприятие себя. Грегори Дил объясняет начинающим путешественникам, как отпустить свои внутренние запреты и прежнее чувство собственного “я”. Он делится своим опытом трансформации, пережитым в Коста-Рике, Китае, Марокко, Армении, Ираке, Монако, Эквадоре и многих других странах, чтобы вдохновить путешественников и побудить их принять изменения. Он приглашает читателя отправиться в путешествие, беспристрастно рассматривающее все человечество. Путешествовать с по-настоящему открытым разумом — это забыть, кем вы были в начале пути. Это значит постоянно рождаться заново и познавать себя такого, какого вы не знали ранее. Что является в вас истинным и непреклонным? А что способно разрушить вас? Книга “Путешествия как способ изменить себя” даст вам мудрость, вдохновение и знания для преодоления ограничений вашей культуры. Пришло время воспользоваться всем, что мир может предложить вам, и стать тем, кем вы можете быть.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Andrew Grischenko (Narrator)
Puteshestviya Kak Sposob Izmenit' Sebya (Travel As Transformation): Preodoleyte Kul'turnye Ramki, Ch
Eto razumnyy, smelyy i neprimirimyy prizyv nayti sebya v stranstviyakh. Kogda vy puteshestvuete v drugie strany, vy ostaetes' pri etom samim soboy? Ili vy stanovites' drugim? Zhivya v furgone na ulitsakh San-Diego, vyrashchivaya kakao-boby s korennymi plemenami v Tsentral'noy Amerike, prepodavaya na Blizhnem Vostoke i zanimayas' volonterstvom v Afrike, Gregori V. Dil sledoval po obshcheprinyatomu i netraditsionnomu puti. Pokinuv svoy dom v Kalifornii eshche v podrostkovom vozraste, k 28 godam on prozhil i prorabotal v 45 stranakh mira. V knige “Puteshestviya kak sposob izmenit' sebya” avtor opisyvaet svoy bogatyy kul'turnyy opyt v kachestve puteshestvennika po vsemu miru, chtoby pobudit' chitatelya zadumat'sya o svoikh vzglyadakh na sobstvennuyu zhizn'. Po mere pogruzheniya v soderzhanie etoy knigi vy uznaete, naskol'ko gluboko puteshestviya mogut povliyat' na vashe vospriyatie sebya. Gregori Dil ob"yasnyaet nachinayushchim puteshestvennikam, kak otpustit' svoi vnutrennie zaprety i prezhnee chuvstvo sobstvennogo “ya”. On delitsya svoim opytom transformatsii, perezhitym v Kosta-Rike, Kitae, Marokko, Armenii, Irake, Monako, Ekvadore i mnogikh drugikh stranakh, chtoby vdokhnovit' puteshestvennikov i pobudit' ikh prinyat' izmeneniya. On priglashaet chitatelya otpravit'sya v puteshestvie, bespristrastno rassmatrivayushchee vse chelovechestvo. Это разумный, смелый и непримиримый призыв найти себя в странствиях. Когда вы путешествуете в другие страны, вы остаетесь при этом самим собой? Или вы становитесь другим? Живя в фургоне на улицах Сан-Диего, выращивая какао-бобы с коренными племенами в Центральной Америке, преподавая на Ближнем Востоке и занимаясь волонтерством в Африке, Грегори В. Дил следовал по мирскому и нетрадиционному пути. Покинув свой дом в Калифорнии еще в подростковом возрасте, к 28 годам он прожил и проработал в 45 странах мира. В книге “Путешествия как способ изменить себя” автор описывает свой богатый куль турный опыт в качестве путешественника по всему миру, чтобы побудить читателя задуматься о своих взглядах на собственную жизнь. Грегори Дил объясняет начинающим путешественникам, как отпустить свои внутренние запреты и прежнее чувство собственного “я”. Он делится своим опытом трансформации, пережитым в Коста-Рике, Китае, Марокко, Армении, Ираке, Монако, Эквадоре и многих других странах, чтобы вдохновить путешественников и побудить их принять изменения. Он приглашает читателя отправиться в путешествие, беспристрастно рассматривающее все че ловечество. Книга “Путешествия как способ изменить себя” даст вам мудрость, вдохновение и знания для преодоления ограничений вашей культуры. Пришло время воспользоваться всем, что мир может предложить вам, и стать тем, кем вы можете быть. English version: Travel as Transformation: Conquer the Limits of Culture to Discover Your Own Identity by Gregory V. Diehl From living in a van on the streets of San Diego, to growing chocolate with indigenous tribes in Central America, to teaching in the Middle East and volunteering in Africa, best-selling author Gregory V. Diehl has followed a worldly and unconventional path through life. Leaving his California home as a teenager, he fully immersed himself, living and working, in 45 countries across the globe - all by age 28. In Travel as Transformation, he puts his diverse cultural experiences on display and asks the listener to question how their own identity has been shaped by the lifestyle they live. As you delve into Travel as Transformation, you will learn just how profoundly travel can influence your perception of yourself. Diehl teaches aspiring travelers, vagabonds, and nomads to let go of their internal inhibitions and former sense of self. To encourage world wanderers to embrace change, he shares his own stirring experiences of transformation across Costa Rica, China, Morocco, Armenia, Iraq, Monaco, Ecuador, and more. By embarking on this nomadic journey alongside him, you will learn to examine all of humanity through unbiased eyes and discover all that lies just beyond your backyard. A new, vast cultural experience awaits. To travel with a truly open mind is to forget who you were when you started. It is to be constantly born anew, and identify with ways of existence you did not know were possible. Travel as Transformation will give you the wisdom, the inspiration, and the resources to conquer the limitations placed on you by your home culture. It's time to take advantage of everything the world has to offer and become everything you can be.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Andrew Grischenko (Narrator)
De vivir en una camioneta en las calles de San Diego, a cultivar chocolate con las tribus indígenas en Centroamérica, a enseñar en Oriente Medio y a hacer voluntariado en África, el autor de éxitos de ventas Gregory V. Diehl ha seguido un camino mundano y poco convencional. Dejando su casa en California cuando era adolescente, pasó a vivir y trabajar en 45 países en todo el mundo a la edad de 28 años. En Viajar Para Trascender, utiliza sus experiencias culturales diversas como viajero del mundo para hacer al lector la pregunta de cómo ha sido modelada su identidad por su estilo de vida. Conforme vayas profundizando en Viajar Para Trascender, aprenderás cómo viajar puede influir profundamente en tu percepción de ti mismo. Diehl enseña al viajero aspirante a dejar ir sus inhibiciones internas y su conciencia anterior de sí mismo. Comparte sus propias experiencias de transformación por toda Costa Rica, China, Marruecos, Armenia, Iraq, Monaco, Ecuador y más para animar a los viajeros a adoptar el cambio. Lleva al lector en un viaje nómada que examina a toda la humanidad a través de sus ojos imparciales. English Description: A daring, intelligent, and unapologetic call to find yourself through wanderlust.When you travel to a foreign place, do you experience this new life as your old self? Or do you become a new version of you? From living in a van on the streets of San Diego, to growing chocolate with indigenous tribes in Central America, to teaching in the Middle East and volunteering in Africa, bestselling author Gregory V. Diehl has followed a worldly and unconventional path through life. Leaving his California home as a teenager, he fully immersed himself, living and working, in 45 countries across the globe--all by age 28. In Travel As Transformation, he puts his diverse cultural experiences on display and asks the reader to question how their own identity has been shaped by the lifestyle they live. As you delve into Travel As Transformation, you will learn just how profoundly travel can influence your perception of yourself. Diehl teaches aspiring travelers, vagabonds, and nomads to let go of their internal inhibitions and former sense of self. To encourage world wanderers to embrace change, he shares his own stirring experiences of transformation across Costa Rica, China, Morocco, Armenia, Iraq, Monaco, Ecuador, and more. By embarking on this nomadic journey alongside him, you will learn to examine all of humanity through unbiased eyes and discover all that lies just beyond your backyard. A new, vast cultural experience awaits. To travel with a truly open mind is to forget who you were when you started. It is to be constantly born anew, and identify with ways of existence you did not know were possible. Travel As Transformation will give you the wisdom, the inspiration, and the resources to conquer the limitations placed on you by your home culture. It's time to take advantage of everything the world has to offer and become everything you can be. Find yourself through Travel As Transformation.
Gregory V. Diehl (Author), Xavi Parellada (Narrator)
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