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Top oder Flop - Verkaufsstrategien für Marktführer (Ungekürzt)
New York Times Bestseller! Dieses Hörbuch ist von großer Hilfe für alle, die im Bereich Marketing und Vertrieb tätig sind, insbesondere in Zeiten der Krise. Während eines wirtschaftlichen Abschwungs wird es viel schwieriger, Ihre Produkte zu verkaufen, Ihren Kundenstamm zu halten und Marktanteile zu gewinnen. Fehler werden kostspieliger, und alle, die den Übergang nicht schaffen, werden scheitern. Aber stellen Sie sich vor, dass Sie Ihre Produkte erfolgreich verkaufen, wenn andere es nicht können, dass Sie in der Lage sind, Ihren Konkurrenten Marktanteile abzunehmen, und dass Sie die genauen Formeln kennen, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihre Umsätze zu steigern, während andere nur Ausreden erfinden. Wie? Dieses Hörbuch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre beruflichen Aufgaben und Ziele angehen können und wie Sie nicht bloß Ihre Konkurrenz besiegen und den Markt erobern, sondern beide dominieren können. Unabhängig von Ihrem Produkt, Ihrer Dienstleistung oder Ihrer Geschäftsidee - und trotz einer schwierigen Wirtschaftslage - können Sie der Erste sein und sollten dies auch immer anstreben. In diesem Hörbuch erfahren Sie: * wie Sie frühere Auftraggeber reaktivieren und neue Kunden gewinnen können; * wie Sie Ihre Dienstleistungen verbessern und Kundenbegeisterung wecken; * wie Ihr Unternehmen sogar in Zeiten einer Wirtschaftskrise wachsen kann. Sie werden genau die Maßnahmen lernen, die Sie anwenden müssen, um sich selbst, Ihre Firma und Ihre Geschäftsideen voranzubringen - und immer top zu sein. Grant Cardone ist ein US-amerikanischer Autor, Motivationssprecher, Immobilieninvestor und Verkaufstrainer. Seine 5 privat gehaltenen Unternehmen haben einen Jahresumsatz von über 100 Millionen Dollar. Cardone berät Fortune 500 Unternehmen und Kunden wie Google, Northwestern Mutual, Morgan Stanley und viele mehr. Er ist einer der Top 10 der einflussreichsten CEOs von heute. Die amerikanische Originalausgabe erschien 2010 unter dem Titel 'If You're Not First, You're Last - Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition' © 2010 by Grant Cardone © 2012 der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe GABAL Verlag GmbH, Offenbach © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P) 2021 ABP Verlag
Grant Cardone (Author), Carsten Wilhelm (Narrator)
Dominate Your Market: How to Gain the Attention You Need to Succeed in Any Economy
The ability to sell others is as critical to your success as food, water and oxygen are to life. Every person on this planet is required to sell their ideas in order to advance themselves and achieve their goals. To do it well requires gaining the attention of others. In this high-energy, captivating program, legendary speaker/trainer Grant Cardone will teach you how to gain more attention, pump up your attitude, expand your goals, overcome objections and sell more effectively than ever before. You'll walk away from this seminar with a new, bolder approach towards success and the motivation you'll need to bring your big new goals into reality. It's time to stop competing and start dominating your market.
Grant Cardone (Author), Grant Cardone (Narrator)
La regla de oro de los negocios
La Regla de oro de los negocios te llevará a operar en niveles de liderazgo, productividad y crecimiento que jamás imaginaste. De Grant Cardone, autor bestseller de The New York Times. Olvídate del trabajo sin rendimiento: La Regla de oro de los negocios te ayudará a comprender cuánto esfuerzo, acción, enfoque y reflexión se requieren para hacer que una actividad convencional se transforme en un éxito sin precedentes. Grant Cardone, autor bestseller y experto en ventas y desarrollo empresarial, te explica por qué tu energía y tus labores se quedan cortas para cerrar con satisfacción tus proyectos. De manera clara te revela que, con el entendimiento y la práctica de la Regla 10X o 'La Regla de Oro', adquirirás solidez y liderazgo en el mundo empresarial. La Regla de Oro es una disciplina, una suma de actividades, valores e ideas que te lleva a establecerlos niveles correctos de acción y pensamiento. Esto es emprender con decisión, convertir el fracaso en una experiencia positiva, impulsar el análisis, el planteamiento claro de los objetivos y ajustar el pensamiento a éxitos extraordinarios. Aprenderás las herramientas para acrecentar tus habilidades en la organización de proyectos y para potencializar tu tiempo. Si de verdad quieres romper las barreras de tu empresa, tus actividades o expectativas, en estas páginas encontrarás las respuestas que cambiarán tu vida en todos los sentidos. La crítica ha opinado: 'En La Regla de oro de los negocios, el emprendedor Grant Cardone te muestra cómo alcanzar el éxito sin importar tus antecedentes, estructura genética o conexiones personales. En su opinión, el éxito se deriva de trabajar diez veces más duro que nadie y mostrar una 'mentalidad dominante'. Es un libro sobre cómo ganar la determinación, la audacia y el impulso necesarios para lograr el éxito' -Gary Stern, coautor de Minority Rules: Turn Your Ethnicity into a Competitive Edge; periodista de Investor's Business Daily y The Wall Street Journal-
Grant Cardone, Timothy Grant Cardone (Author), Gabriel Ortiz, Gabriel órtiz (Narrator)
From the New York Times bestselling author of The 10X Rule and If You're Not First, You're Last comes an in-your-face wake-up call for anyone truly ready for success. We're in the middle of an epidemic of average. So-called "normal" people get up every day, go to work, do what's asked of them, leave promptly at 5, and return home to sit on the couch and watch TV. Society tells us that this is what it means to lead a balanced life. Don't stress too much or work too hard. Your career isn't everything. But Grant Cardone thinks this preoccupation with balance has really just given an excuse to be mediocre. The beselling author, self-made multimillionaire, radio and TV personality, and owner of the Whatever It Takes Network knows that if you want real success, you have to be obsessed. You have to be hungry and hyper-focused and insatiable, and not listen to naysayers who tell you to tone it down. You also have to know how to harness that obsession so that you can use it to your advantage. Some of his maxims: -Criticism is easily avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. -Never fear the haters - fear the weak who listen to them. -Most people are dying at 20 and making it official at 80. Most people are living their life with nothing to brag or talk about. -If you're looking for someone to coddle you and make excuses for your lack of success, you've come to the wrong audiobook.
Grant Cardone (Author), Grant Cardone (Narrator)
If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition
During economic contractions, it becomes much more difficult to sell your products, maintain your customer base, and gain market share. Mistakes become more costly, and failure becomes a real possibility for all those who are not able to make the transition. But imagine being able to sell your products when others cannot, being able to take market share from your competitors, and knowing the precise formulas that would allow you to expand your sales while others make excuses. In If You're Not First, You're Last, international sales expert Grant Cardone explains how to sell your products and services-despite the economy-and provides you with ways to capitalize regardless of your product, service, or idea. His proven strategies will allow you to not just continue to sell, but create new products, increase margins, gain market share and much more. Key concepts in If You're Not First, You're Last include: Converting the Unsold to Sold The Power Schedule to Maximize Sales Your Freedom Financial Plan The Unreasonable Selling Attitude
Grant Cardone (Author), Grant Cardone (Narrator)
The TenX Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
Extreme success, by definition, lies beyond the realm of normal action. If you want to achieve extreme success, you can't operate like everybody else and settle for mediocrity. You need to remove luck and chance from your business equation, and lock in massive success. The 10X Rule shows you how! Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility, and this audio book gives you step-by-step guidance on how to achieve phenomenal success for yourself! With The 10X Rule, you'll learn to establish the amount of effort needed to guarantee success and ensure that you can continue operating at this level throughout your life. Most people desire success and have great ideas but they come up short on the amount of action required to get their lives to the exceptional levels they deserve. Four degrees of action exist, and in order to achieve your dreams, you must learn to operate at the fourth degree of action: Massive Action. The 10X Rule will dissolve fear, increase your belief in yourself, eliminate procrastination, and provide you with an overwhelming sense of purpose. The 10X Rule compels you to separate yourself from everyone else in the market-and you do that by doing what others refuse to do. Stop thinking in terms of basic needs, and start aiming for abundance-in all areas of your life. The 10X Rule guides you toward the frame of mind that all successful people share. Aim ten times higher than you are right now-and if you come up short, you'll still find yourself further along than if you had maintained your life's current status quo. The 10X Rule teaches you how to: Reach goals that you previously thought were impossible Correctly set goals and guarantee their achievement Create unprecedented levels of happiness and satisfaction in every area of your life Use fear as fuel to move you into action Get everything you want and never have to settle Dominate your competition and become a role model for success
Grant Cardone (Author), Grant Cardone, Various Readers (Narrator)
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