The introduction, and the first couple chapters, give the reader a background for why and how the idea for writing this book came about. They also indicate that God can speak to us when, where, and how He chooses. The book is designed to help the reader to recognize that responding to the grace of each moment of the day as they receive it, can be a life changing experience. It is also meant to emphasize that the first condition to that response is the BELIEF in God’s love, and the second condition is a willingness to put COMPLETE TRUST in a loving God. Then, and only then, can a person “focus on the moment”, do their best, a trust the God will do the rest. The concluding chapters illustrate how I have tried to live this phrase, and how others, including a couple saints have given us examples to follow. The last chapter shows how one man was able to “focus on each moment” and complete a masterpiece which illustrates how God can complete His work in our life if we respond to His grace.