There has been a toilet roll robbery in the local shop in South Beckingsferret! Follow General Spanner, Professor Spoon, Aunt Biscuit and Tiddles the cat on their quest to find out who the culprit is.
The Toilet Roll Saga is the first story in the Spanner & Spoon series.
General Spanner accidentally miscalculates the coordinates on Professor Spoon's time machine, sending him, Professor Spoon, Aunt Biscuit and Tiddles to 50 million years B.C. Much to their surprise they get locked up in prison by fully-dressed, talking dinosaurs. How will they make it back home?
The Incredible Time Travel Adventure is the second story in the Spanner & Spoon series.
Spinny the spider and her spider-family live in the bottom of a wardrobe in farmer Harry's spare room. Follow Spinny on 16 fun-filled adventures, where she questions and learns about the world around her.