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Humanocracia (Humanocracy): Creando organizaciones tan increíbles como las personas que las componen
En un mundo de incesantes cambios y desafíos sin precedentes, necesitamos organizaciones que sean resistentes y que capaciten a todos sus miembros para que se desarrollen almáximo y den lo mejor de sí mismos. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de las organizaciones, sobrecargadas por la burocracia, sonlentas y desconfadas. En una época de grandes turbulencias, las estructuras de poder verticales y los sistemas de gestión con regulaciones sofocantes son una desventaja. Impidenla creatividad y limitan la iniciativa. Como líderes, empleados, inversores y ciudadanos, nosmerecemos algo mejor. Necesitamos organizaciones que sean audaces, emprendedoras y tanágiles como el cambio mismo. De ahí este libro. • En Humanocracy, Gary Hamel y Michele Zanini presentan un argumento apasionado yapoyado en investigaciones para suprimir la burocracia y reemplazarla por una nueva flosofía de gestión. • Basándose en más de una década de investigación y acompañado de ejemplos prácticos, Humanocracy ofrece un detallado plan para crear organizaciones tan inspiradoras e ingeniosas como los seres humanos que las componen.
Gary Hamel, Michele Zanini (Author), Adrian Ogazón, Adrián Ogazón (Narrator)
Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them
In a world of unrelenting change and unprecedented challenges, we need organizations that are resilient and daring. Unfortunately, most organizations, overburdened by bureaucracy, are sluggish and timid. In the age of upheaval, top-down power structures and rule-choked management systems are a liability. They crush creativity and stifle initiative. As leaders, employees, investors, and citizens, we deserve better. We need organizations that are bold, entrepreneurial, and as nimble as change itself. Hence this book. In Humanocracy, Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini make a passionate, data-driven argument for excising bureaucracy and replacing it with something better. Drawing on more than a decade of research and packed with practical examples, Humanocracy lays out a detailed blueprint for creating organizations that are as inspired and ingenious as the human beings inside them. Critical building blocks include: Motivation: Rallying colleagues to the challenge of busting bureaucracy Models: Leveraging the experience of organizations that have profitably challenged the bureaucratic status quo Mindsets: Escaping the industrial age thinking that frustrates progress Mobilization: Activating a pro-change coalition to hack outmoded management systems and processes Migration: Embedding the principles of humanocracy-ownership, markets, meritocracy, community, openness, experimentation, and paradox-in your organization's DNA If you've finally run out of patience with bureaucratic bullshit . . . If you want to build an organization that can outrun change . . . If you're committed to giving every team member the chance to learn, grow, and contribute . . . . . . then this book's for you. Whatever your role or title, Humanocracy will show you how to launch an unstoppable movement to equip and empower everyone in your organization to be their best and to do their best. The ultimate prize: an organization that's fit for the future and fit for human beings.
Gary Hamel, Michele Zanini (Author), Graham Halstead (Narrator)
Das Streben nach Erneuerung: HBM Audio - Managementwissen zum Hören
Gary Hamel und Liisa Välikangas erklären in ihrem Beitrag Das Streben nach Erneuerung', wie Manager ihre Firma strategisch anpassungsfähig machen und so im Konkurrenzkampf überleben. Hamel ist Bestseller-Autor und Direktor des Woodside Institute in Kalifornien, einer wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung, die über Managementinnovationen forscht. Liisa Välikangas ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Woodside Institute.
Gary Hamel, Liisa Välikangas (Author), Christoph Hauschild (Narrator)
What Matters Now: How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable
"This is not a book about one thing. It's not a 300-page dissertation on leadership, teams, or motivation.Instead, it's a multi-faceted agendafor building organizations that can win in world of relentless change, ferocious competition, and unstoppable innovation." -From the Preface What Matters Now is Gary Hamel's impassioned plea to rethink the fundamental assumptions we have about management, the meaning of work, and organizational life. He asks, "What are the fundamental, make-or-break issues that will determine whether your organization thrives or dives in the years ahead?" The answer is found in five paramount issues: values, innovation, adaptability, passion, and ideology. Values: With trust in large organizations at an all time low, there is an urgent need to rebuild the ethical foundations of capitalism. What's required is nothing less than a moral renaissance in business. Innovation: Innovation is the only defense against margin-crushing competition, and the only way to outgrow a dismal economy. In too many companies, innovation is still a buzzword, rather than the responsibility of every single individual. This must change. Adaptability: In a world of accelerating change, every company must build an evolutionary advantage. The forces of inertia must be vanquished. The ultimate prize: an organization that is as nimble as change itself. Passion: In business as in life, the difference between "insipid" and "inspired" is passion. With mediocrity fast becoming a competitive liability, success depends on finding new ways to rouse the human spirit at work. Ideology: Today, businesses need more than better practices; they need better principles. Bureaucracy and control have had their day. It's time for a new ideology based on freedom and self-determination.
Gary Hamel (Author), Gary Hamel (Narrator)
Die besten MANAGEMENT-KONZEPTE: HBM Audio - Managementwissen zum Hören
Bahnbrechende neue Ideen und Konzepte verhelfen Unternehmen immer wieder zu einzigartigen Wettbewerbsvorteilen. Strategiepapst Gary Hamel erläutert, was Sie von Toyota, General Electric, Google und anderen lernen können. Hamel ist Visiting Professor für Strategisches und Internationales Management an der London Business School und Mitgründer von Strategos, einem weltweit tätigen Unternehmen für strategische Wirtschaftsplanung mit Sitz in Chicago. Er ist Direktor des Woodside Institute, einer gemeinnützigen Forschungseinrichtung mit Sitz in Woodside, Kalifornien.
Gary Hamel (Author), Christoph Hauschild (Narrator)
For organizations like GE, Procter & Gamble, and Visa, management innovation is the secret to success. But what is management innovation, and how does it happen? What activities and ways of thinking do such companies cultivate that encourage truly unique management ideas to be born and to flourish? And how can other companies learn to become management innovators? In, The Future of Management, strategy and innovation expert Gary Hamel addresses these crucial questions. Management innovation delivers a strong and lasting advantage to the innovating company and can produce a major shift in industry leadership. In his new audiobook, Hamel outlines the four crucial components necessary to create an innovation in management practice: a big problem that demands fresh thinking, creative principles, or paradigms that can reveal new approaches; an evaluation of the conventions that constrain novel thinking; and examples and analogies that help redefine what can be done. He also offers practical advice and poses critical questions to help companies explore their existing management processes and create opportunities to reinvent them.
Gary Hamel (Author), Sean Pratt (Narrator)
In today's world, it's incumbents against insurgents, the old guard versus the vanguard. Companies must reinvent themselves and their industries—not just in times of crisis, but continually. Drawing on the experiences of Charles Schwab, Cisco, Virgin Atlantic, Disney, and other world-class companies, Gary Hamel explains the underlying principles of radical innovation, explores where revolutionary new business concepts come from, and identifies the key design criteria for building companies that are activist-friendly. He shows how to avoid becoming a "one-vision wonder" and instead harness the imagination of every employee, develop new financial measures that focus on creating new wealth, and generate vibrant internal markets for ideas, capital, and talent.
Gary Hamel (Author), Gary Hamel (Narrator)
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