This seminar, recorded live at a Writers' League of Texas seminar, is about the creative process and using the simple act of writing to discover who you are and what you think. International creativity expert Gabriele Rico guides you along your own path to self-discovery, reminding you to take risks and keep yourself open to discovery.
Rico tells how through writing about deep feelings, emotions can take shape, come to the surface, and be clarified, instead of being repressed to emerge later as destructive behavior.
Here two writers share their own techniques for bringing forth creativity. The written word is the focus, and creativity in its totality provides the context. You will gather a rich treasure trove of insights and ideas about how to unleash your own creative potential.
Have you ever harbored dreams of being a writer? You’re far from alone. Have you wrestled time and again with a seeming inability to write? You’ve got even more company there. Now help is on the way in the person of Gabriele Rico, who was Professor of English and Creative Arts at San Jose State University. In her book Writing the Natural Way, Rico says flatly, “If you can speak, form letters on the page, take a telephone message, or write a thank-you note, you have sufficient language skills to learn to write the natural way.” In this conversation she provides a wealth of information on how you can unlock your own innate creativity and write the novel, poem, or Pulitzer Prize-winning postcard of your dreams. (hosted by Michael Toms)