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La magia de los cinco elementos
El libro de brujería que te ayudará a empoderarte a través de rituales ancestrales. Empodérate y conéctate con los cinco elementos a través de la meditación, la respiración, el tarot, los cristales, y los rituales. En la actualidad, cada vez hay más personas que adoptan la brujería y otras prácticas espirituales para aprovechar su fuerza interior y su resistencia, mientras se alinean con algo más grande que ellos. Las herramientas que Gabriela Herstik ofrece en este libro te ayudarán a conectarte con el universo y con tu luz interior. A través de la tierra, aprenderás a enraizarte y a crear límites compasivos. A través del aire, aprovecharás la respiración para equilibrar el cuerpo y encontrar tu presencia en el momento. A través del cuerpo, encarnarás la pasión, quemarás lo que ya no te sirve y aprenderás a trabajar constructivamente con la ira. A través del agua, explorarás tus profundidades emocionales y regresarás al corazón. A través del espíritu, te conectarás con tu propio sentido del poder, abrazando todas las enseñanzas que te ofrecen los elementos. Comprometerse con un camino que sirva a nuestro yo auténtico es un acto radical. Cuando hacemos este trabajo junto a la naturaleza, volviendo a los elementos, encontramos un mapa que nos permite regresar a nuestra sabiduría intuitiva y energética. - Gabriela Herstik es escritora, alquimista de modas y bruja. A través de su trabajo con Nylon, i-D, Broadly, The Numinous, Sabat Magazine y muchos más, Gabriela se ha hecho un nombre como crítica de modas y escritora, con una tendencia a combinar con la espiritualidad, el estilo y la narración. Con su columna mensual «Ask a Witch» para Nylon, Gabriela responde preguntas sobre la canalización de la sabiduría antigua en la era moderna. Abordando la moda, los derechos humanos y el ocultismo desde una perspectiva feminista, Gabriela ofrece también un sentido de empoderamiento a sus lectoras. Gabriela sabe que cada palabra tiene magia, y agregarle un poco de lápiz labial nunca duele. En la actualidad, Gabriela Herstik vive en Los Ángeles y es una de las figuras más relevantes de la nueva brujería moderna. Su primer libro, Cómo ser una bruja moderna fue publicado en Roca en 2018. Este es su segundo libro.
Gabriela Herstik (Author), Ana Conca (Narrator)
Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic
A modern, nonjudgmental guide to reclaiming and embodying your sexuality as nothing short of divine. There has never been a more vital time to embrace the union of sex and spirit. With Gabriela Herstik's expert and inclusive guidance, learn to shed societally ingrained shame and reclaim your birthright to sacred sex as a foundational part of your spiritual path. Sacred Sex covers topics including: • how to work with the divine erotic and sex magick • how mystical traditions from around the world, such as tantra, kundalini, Kabbalah, and Taoism, work with sexuality in a mystical context • how to use the tarot as an archetypal framework to go deeper in your practice • how honoring your boundaries, tuning into your intuition, and having a personal set of values around sex are necessities • why releasing judgment and shame is a vital piece of the puzzle • rituals to activate self-love and self-lust, to embody your higher sexual self, to heal, to manifest your power, and to release judgment • the paths available for your individual journey, such as the union of the self and the higher self, sexual alchemy, devotion, sacred kink, glamour and embodiment, and redefining the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine • guided journaling and affirmations for each chapter • interviews with sex therapists, sex workers, and sexuality professionals • and much more Honoring the sexual as a path to the sacred is life- and heart-changing work that begins with you, respecting your desires, and standing in your erotic power. Whether you are single or in a relationship(s), embracing the divine erotic can infuse your life with purpose, love, self-lust, and plenty of magick, which you can then share with partners, lovers, and the world. * This audiobook includes a Bonus PDF containing the Resources section of the book.
Gabriela Herstik (Author), Leslie Howard (Narrator)
Bewitching the Elements: A Guide to Empowering Yourself Through Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit
Empower yourself by connecting to the five elements through meditation, breathwork, tarot, crystals, rituals, and journaling It's the new age of enlightenment, and more and more people are embracing witchcraft and other spiritual practices to tap into their inner strength and resilience, while aligning with something larger than themselves. The tools that Gabriela Herstik offers in Bewitching the Elements will help you connect to the universe and your inner light. Through earth, learn how to ground and create compassionate boundaries. Through air, harness the breath, balance the body, and find presence in the moment. Through fire, embody passion, burning away what no longer serves you, and learn to constructively work with anger. Through water, explore your emotional depths and come back to the heart. Through spirit, connect to your own sense of power, embracing all of the lessons of the elements. Committing to a path that serves our authentic selves is a radical act. When we do this work alongside nature, by turning to the elements, we find a map back to our intuitive and energetic wisdom. *Includes a PDF containing illustrations of Tarot spreads, a quiz for learning your current elemental makeup, and useful charts from the book.
Gabriela Herstik (Author), Leslie Howard (Narrator)
Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft
The ultimate guide to witchcraft for every woman craving a connection to something bigger, using the tools of tarot, astrology, and crystals to discover her best self. In these uncertain times, witchcraft, astrology, tarot, crystals, and similar practices are seeing a massive resurgence, especially among young women, as part of their self-care and mindfulness routines. Gabriela helps readers take back their power while connecting to something larger than themselves. She covers: * Witchcraft as a feminist call to action * Fashion magick * Spells for self-love * Cleansing your space * Holidays of the witch * How to create a spellbook / grimoire * Witchcraft as self-care Whether the reader is looking to connect with her green thumb, banish negative energies, balance her chakras, energetically fight the patriarchy, or revitalize her sense of self, Inner Witch has something to offer. After all, empowered women run the world--and the ones who do are usually witches. Includes a PDF with illustrations and charts for the aspiring modern witch
Gabriela Herstik (Author), Gabriela Herstik, Leslie Howard (Narrator)
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