As a former Presbyterian minister, I baptized two of my infants. I was sincere. It was meaningful. I believed that infant baptism (paedobaptism) was biblical. However, I was sincerely and biblically wrong.
Now, I am convinced that the baptism authorized by the Bible is the baptism of disciples. In fact, I believe the Bible authorizes the baptism of disciples alone. This position may also be called credobaptism, from the Latin verb credo, meaning believe or trust. Other designations are believer’s baptism, confessor’s baptism, or professor’s baptism, all synonyms describing the baptism of disciples alone. Hoping to be gracious toward my paedobaptist friends and mentors, the purpose of this book is to prove that the Bible authorizes only disciple’s baptism. This book is also written, however, to help parents, pastors and laymen better understand the Baptist position for credobaptism versus paedobaptism so they can decide which local church to join and serve in.