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Meditacion Guiada "El Palacio de la Riqueza. Parte 2"
Después de la exitosa primera parte de la meditación ''Palacio de la riqueza'', en esta segunda parte te ayudaremos a liberarte de los bloqueos emocionales y patrones equivocados del pensamiento acerca del dinero, la prosperidad y la riqueza interior y exterior. Los dos viajes imaginarios se desarrollan en el mismo ambiente de palacio, pero son meditaciones completas y pueden ser escuchadas independientemente. Una de las partes más importantes de esta segunda entrega, es la experiencia gratificante y la satisfacción interior en la prosperidad y la riqueza, que ya está presente en sus vidas, a la que te llevará esta meditación, que. Este aspecto importante es rápidamente olvidado, pero es considerado por muchos expertos que la conciencia del dinero es un elemento muy importante para el logro de nuevas metas. Al igual que con todos los viajes imaginarios de start2dream, te transportará un mundo de imágenes mentales positivas, enriquecidas con sugerencias para hacer cambios profundos en tu subconsciente.
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Joan Guarch (Narrator)
Guided Meditation "Overcoming Exam Anxiety"
'In some people exam anxiety and the imagination of failure is so unpleasant, that during preparation for an exam the concentration and learning success is suffering significantly. Then, at the time of examination there may be the often feared mental block or excessive anxiety that makes a successful exam impossible. In this imaginary journey the listener gradually learns to deal with his or her fears. The thoughts of fear are not simply swiped away with positive thinking, but the listener is guided step by step to experience a real exam in his or her imagination. Only out of this situation, the fears can be resolved and converted, using various techniques of NLP and hypnosis. Every applicant student should use this guided imagery as soon as possible and regularly during his or her preparation time. Already after a few repeated hearings many listeners notice a more relaxed learning environment.'
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
Guided Meditation "Fantasy Journey Through The Body"
'Fantasy journeys for adults can change our thinking by means of specific imaginations. This special guided imagery on the subject of money and wealth is meant to help loosen our inner blockages, which may have prevented us, since our childhood, from admitting what actually belongs to us. In the context of a guided story, inner and outer abundance is experienced through an opulant palace. Since the brain does not make a difference between imagination and reality in this experience, our subconscious mind is stimulated by the many positive images of the imagination to be enabled to experience this wealth even in real life. This guided meditation is for adults and has been recorded in the studio by a professional speaker, so that it guarantees you the best and most enjoyable way to listen!'
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
Meditación Guiada " Ámate a tí mismO"
En la Meditación Guiada "Ámate a ti mismo!" mírate y valora tus experiencias de la vida desde una nueva perspectiva: el agradecimiento y la aceptación - una condición importante para reconocer te a tí mismo. Las emociones positivas se acumulan e incluso te pueden llegar a sobrepasar, es difícil el control para muchas personas. La autocrítica y las decepciones pueden oscurecer nuestra visión de cómo es de única y distinta nuestra vida "Ámate a ti mismo" te ayudará a encontrarte y ejercitarte al mismo tiempo: Tú puedes convertir la riqueza de tu experiencia y tu fuerza interior en "El amor que sientes por ti!" .Abre los ojos a tu inmenso interior y su singularidad, gracias a esta agradable relajación profunda.
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Joan Guarch (Narrator)
Guided Meditation “Oasis of Power”
In deep relaxation you are able to charge your power ressources for everyday life: The guided imagery "Your Oasis of Power" combines deep relaxation, positive suggestions and powerful inner pictures to give you a feeling of intense vitality - a connection with your inner power source. The combination of proven relaxation techniques and visualization facilitates intensive regeneration and stress relief and helps you to stay calm and relaxed in everyday life. In "Your Oasis of Power" you will discover the tree of life during a walk through a beautiful natural landscape. This tree symbolizes a protective, refreshing power that connects and preserves all living things. A superior listening experience, recorded in professional studio quality.
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
Guided Meditation “Love Yourself”
In the 30-minute guided meditation "Love yourself!" you consider yourself and your life experiences from a new perspective: Appreciating and accepting are important requirements for clearly recognizing your self-esteem. For many people it is difficult to build up positive feelings for themselves. Self-criticism and disappointment often obscure the unique and unmistakable character of every life. "Love yourself!" Is an invitation and an exercise at the same time: Focus your attention on the richness of your experience and the inner strength that is available to you. "Love yourself!" opens your view up for your inner greatness and uniqueness - in a deep, pleasant relaxation.
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
Meditacion Guiada “Viaje de Fantasia Hacia la Gratitud”
Para experimentar alegría necesitas la habilidad de poder disfrutar sin preocupaciones y ejercer intensamente el lado hermoso de la vida. Así descubres en medio de la vida cotidiana, los pequeños momentos de felicidad que enriquecen la vida. El "Viaje de fantasía de gratitud" te permite ver las cosas con una nueva luz y apreciarás la belleza que reside en las pequeñas cosas - el delicioso sabor de una manzana, el calor del sol en tu piel, un paisaje tranquilo. Al igual que todos los viajes de fantasía de start2dream, también el "viaje de fantasía de gratitud" ofrece una combinación de técnicas de relajación probadas, imágenes y sugerencias mentales guiadas, que proporcionan una intensa experiencia auditiva y te ayuda a mantener la atención de lo que escucha tu conciencia. Por lo que es fácil transferir la nueva perspectiva en la vida cotidiana y abrirse a la "felicidad de las pequeñas cosas".
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Joan Guarch (Narrator)
Guided Meditation “Enjoying Life”
Enjoying with all your senses - this is a skill, which unfortunately often comes too short in the stressful everyday life. Our guided imagery "Enjoying Life" is a pure pleasure training - a feast for all five senses. At exotic locations, our speaker accompanies you through deeply pleasant inner pictures, which arouse soothing sensations and pleasant memories. An ideal conclusion for a strenuous day! When you listen to this guided imagery more often, you also train your perceptive ability and your willingness to engage in pleasant sensory stimuli. Thereby "Enjoying Life" opens up the doorways of your perception, enriching your life with many small pleasures of everyday life, which you may otherwise overlook carelessly.
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
Guided Meditation "Palace of Abundance"
Fantasy journeys for adults can change our thinking by means of specific imaginations. This special guided imagery on the subject of money and wealth is meant to help loosen our inner blockages, which may have prevented us, since our childhood, from admitting what actually belongs to us. In the context of a guided story, inner and outer abundance is experienced through an opulant palace. Since the brain does not make a difference between imagination and reality in this experience, our subconscious mind is stimulated by the many positive images of the imagination to be enabled to experience this wealth even in real life. This guided meditation is for adults and has been recorded in the studio by a professional speaker, so that it guarantees you the best and most enjoyable way to listen!
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
Guided Meditation "Flowering Meadow"
A flowery meadow in the mountains, away from the worries of everyday life - a spectacular and glorious sight. What if you could be very tiny and carry out an expedition to observe the wonderful nature and feel its healing power? On our imagined trip you can dive deep into an exuberant vitality of a summer meadow. A feast for the senses in a sea of colors and aromas. After a hard day of work or in a phase of depression, this is ideal to feel vitalized again, to mobilize your strength and self-confidence with optimism. This guided meditation is for adults and has been recorded in the studio by a professional speaker, so that it guarantees you the best and most enjoyable way to listen!
Frank Hoese, Nils Klippstein (Author), Allen Logue (Narrator)
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