Browse audiobooks by Folktale, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Jack Frost (Morozko) [Russian Edition]
Once there was a woman who had both a daughter of her own, whom she loved, and a step-daughter, whom she hated. One day, the woman ordered her husband to take her stepdaughter out into the winter fields and leave her there to die, and he obeys. Morozko finds her there; she is polite and kind to him, so he gives her a chest full of beautiful things and fine garments. After a while, her stepmother sends her father to bring back the girl's body to be buried, which he also obeys. After a while, the family dog says that the girl is coming back, and that she is beautiful and happy. When the stepmother sees what her stepdaughter has brought back, she orders her husband to take her own daughter out into the fields. Unlike before, this child is rude to Morozko, and he freezes her to death. When her husband goes out to bring her back, the dog says that she will be buried. When the father brings back the body, the old woman weeps.
Folktale (Author), Alexandra Stadnikova (Narrator)
Golden Rooster Comb (Petushok Zolotoj Grebeshok) [Russian Edition]
Once upon a time there were a cat, a thrush and a golden rooster comb They lived in the forest, in the hut. The cat and the thrush go into the woods to cut the wood, and the cockerel of one leave ...
Folktale (Author), Alexandra Stadnikova (Narrator)
The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids [Russian Edition]
Once upon a time there was a goat, made herself a hut in the forest and gave birth to children. Often a goat went to the forest to look for food. As soon as she leaves, the kids will lock her hut behind her, but they do not go out anywhere themselves ...
Folktale (Author), Alexandra Stadnikova (Narrator)
There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son. "My daughter," said my mother, "we'll go to work, take care of your brother!" Do not go out of the yard, be clever - we'll buy you a handkerchief. The father and mother left, and her daughter forgot that she was ordered: she planted her brother in the grass under the window, she ran to the street, played, went for a walk. The geese-swans flew in, picked up the boy, carried away on their wings ...
Folktale (Author), Alexandra Stadnikova (Narrator)
Ryaba the Hen [Russian Edition]
There lived an old man and an old woman, and they had a hen called Ryaba. One day, the hen hatched an egg - not a simple egg, but a golden one. The old man tried to break it, but could not; the old woman tried to break it, but could not. A mouse was running by, swang its tail, the egg fell and broke. The old man is crying, the old woman is crying. "Don't cry", says Ryaba the hen, "I'll hatch you a new egg, not a golden egg, but a simple one".
Folktale (Author), Alexandra Stadnikova (Narrator)
Masha and the Three Bears [Russian Edition]
One girl left the house in the forest. In the forest, she lost her way and began to look for the way home, but did not find it, but came to the house in the woods ...
Folktale (Author), Alexandra Stadnikova (Narrator)
The arabian nights: 5 famous stories
Henry David Thoreau is a beloved American author, poet and philosopher. He was a lifelong abolitionist, advocate of civil disobedience againts unjust or corrupted goverments, and he defended the idea of abandoning illusory matters in favor of simple living, in order to discover life's authentic essential needs. He is best known for Walden, or Life in the woods, the book he wrote during his two-year experiment in minimalist living: having built himself a cabin in the woods, he stayed there to study, write, and enjoy his newfound communion with nature. His political works and theory of civil disobedience have influenced the thoughts and actions of many prominent figures, such as Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. We have selected for you 100 of Thoreau's most insightful quotes, for you to approach the essence of his philosophy, gain better understanding of a citizen's moral duty, and appreciate fully a life cleared of illusions.
Folktale (Author), Jonathan Waite (Narrator)
Myths and stories from the Slavs
The Prince is the most famous of Machiavelli's works; it gives very clear, precise and realistic instructions on how to gain and maintain power, fortune, and glory, sometimes at the expense of others. Written in 1513, it is one of the most feared and hated political treatises, taken to be the first work in which the effect the leader desires to achieve is taken as more important than any abstract ideal or ethical value that might prevent him from taking immoral action. We have selected for you 100 of the best quotes from The Prince, trusting that you will be able to use their efficiency and cleverness to direct your own affairs in a powerful way without falling into a moral trap.
Folktale (Author), Jonathan Waite (Narrator)
Indian stories: 5 famous tales
Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's best dramatist. His plays have been translated into every major language, and are the most performed ever. His work contains stunningly modern insight, witty jokes and soaring passion; it is an endless source of amazement and inspiration. Romeo and Juliet is perhaps his most famous and beloved; this heartbreaking tale of impossible love has marked every generation since its publication, and it is an essential part of Western culture. This lively adaptation is a convenient summary meant to bring to you Shakespeare's magic in an actual, clear and precise way; recorded by the greatest storytellers, it will bring to you the fundamentals of English culture in a most enjoyable format.
Folktale (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
Immanuel Kant is one of the most important figures of German philosophy. He is said to have affected a Copernican revolution in philosophy, akin to Copernicus' reversal of the age-old belief that the sun revolved around the earth, through his ground-breaking work on the structure of experience. He argued that human experience couldn't be not affected by the features of our minds; the consequence is that we can only experience a phenomenal world, as conveyed by our senses, and never the reality itself, which nobody has ever seen. He published important treatises on ethics, religion, law, aesthetics, and history. From his huge body of work, we have selected 100 of the most interesting quotes, taken from the Critique of Practical Reason, the Metaphysics of Morals, the Critique of Judgment, and many others. Discover the world of one of the most influential philosophers, and question with him the illusions of experience, morals, and art.
Folktale (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
Wisdom is a much-needed quality these days. We have selected for you 100 of the wisest sayings ever pronounced. They are taken from various cultural backgrounds to demonstrate that wisdom transcends frontiers. Let yourself be led with them into a journey around the world, across cultures and continents: you will find here deep quotes from the Talmud, efficient ones from Ancient Greek masters like Plato or Sophocles, poetic wise sayings by Indian sages, and numerous examples of Persian and Ancient Chinese Wisdom. Let the thoughts of these ancient masters inspire and guide you in your daily life, for a better understanding of yourself and the world around.
Folktale (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
9 myths and stories from Japan
We have selected for you 9 of the best Japanese myths and fairy tales. Not unlike the western folk tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm, these stories faithfully preserve the spirit of medieval Japan, while rendered in a translation accessible to all ages. Here is a wonderful collection of short stories: The Battle of the Monkey and the Crab; Momotaro, or Little Peachling; Urashimataro and the Turtle; The Tongue-cut Sparrow; The Vision of Tsunu; The Star-Lovers; The Old man and the Devils; The Jellyfish and the Monkey; Autumn and Spring. These fairy tales and legends of old are a window into the Japanese imagination; it is a peculiar travel through space and time, which will delight children and adults alike.
Folktale (Author), Katie Haigh (Narrator)
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