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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a fantastical tale with some Poe-like overtones. It's about a baby born at age 70 who then lives life in reverse, with his hair turning from white to iron-gray over the dozen years of his life and the network of wrinkles on his face becoming less pronounced. The ramifications of this create fantastical situations in Benjamin's relationships with his father, his wife, and his son.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Brian Mitchell (Narrator)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Audiobook for Sleep
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' by F. Scott Fitzgerald, beautifully narrated by Elizabeth Grace and produced by Slumber Studios. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, whether due to insomnia or a restless mind, this audiobook is designed to gently guide you into a deep, peaceful sleep. So close your eyes, unwind, and let Elizabeth Grace's calming voice lead you through the extraordinary life of Benjamin Button. Experience the wonder, intrigue, and poignancy of Fitzgerald's timeless tale, as Benjamin lives his life in reverse, encountering the joys and challenges of aging in a most unusual way. At Slumber Studios, we specialize in creating soothing content to help you relax and drift off to sleep. This audiobook features a slow, gentle narration combined with calming background music, ensuring a serene journey into dreamland. If you’re looking for a way to relax after a long day, this is the perfect solution. Simply press play, get comfortable, and let Elizabeth’s tranquil narration carry you through the curious and enchanting life of Benjamin Button. Wake up refreshed, ready to embrace the day ahead.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Elizabeth Grace (Narrator)
The Great Gatsby: The Original 1925 Edition
The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Set in the Jazz Age on Long Island, near New York City, the novel depicts first-person narrator Nick Carraway's interactions with mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby's obsession to reunite with his former lover, Daisy Buchanan. The novel was inspired by a youthful romance Fitzgerald had with socialite Ginevra King, and the riotous parties he attended on Long Island's North Shore in 1922. Following a move to the French Riviera, Fitzgerald completed a rough draft of the novel in 1924. He submitted it to editor Maxwell Perkins, who persuaded Fitzgerald to revise the work over the following winter. After making revisions, Fitzgerald was satisfied with the text, but remained ambivalent about the book's title and considered several alternatives. Painter Francis Cugat's cover art greatly impressed Fitzgerald, and he incorporated aspects of it into the novel. After its publication by Scribner's in April 1925, The Great Gatsby received generally favorable reviews, though some literary critics believed it did not equal Fitzgerald's previous efforts. Compared to his earlier novels, Gatsby was a commercial disappointment, selling fewer than 20,000 copies by October, and Fitzgerald's hopes of a monetary windfall from the novel were unrealized. When the author died in 1940, he believed himself to be a failure and his work forgotten.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Joseph Bayda (Narrator)
[German] - Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button
Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Button von F. Scott Fitzgerald, gelesen von Ingolf Kloss. Erzählt wird die Geschichte von Benjamin, dem Sohn von Roger Button, der als alter Mann geboren wird und im Laufe seines Lebens auf wundersame Weise rückwärts altert. Benjamin beginnt sein Leben als Achtzigjähriger in seiner Wiege und wird 'älter', während sein Körper umgekehrt sich mit jedem Geburtstag verjüngt. Die Geschichte führt uns durch Benjamins gesamtes Leben: seine schwierige Jugend, seine Ehe, sein Leben als Soldat und Vater und schließlich sein unvermeidlicher Abstieg ins Kindesalter. Es handelt sich also um eine biologische Kuriosität, vergleichbar wie die des Wechselbalgs in E.T.A. Hoffmanns Märchen 'Klein Zaches genannt Zinnober' oder mit Gregor Samsa in Franz Kafkas Erzählung 'Die Verwandlung', der eines Morgens im Körper eines Käfers aufwacht. Wie Hoffmann und Kafka entwickelt Fitzgerald aus der Spannung zwischen seinem aus der Art geschlagenen Helden und dessen sozialer Umgebung eine aberwitzige Gesellschaftssatire. Fitzgerald erinnerte sich später an die Entstehung seiner Kurzgeschichte: Diese Geschichte wurde von einer Bemerkung Mark Twains inspiriert, der sagte, es sei schade, dass der beste Teil des Lebens am Anfang und der schlimmste Teil am Ende stehe. Indem ich das Experiment an nur einem Mann in einer völlig normalen Welt ausprobierte, habe ich seiner Idee kaum eine faire Chance gegeben. Einige Wochen nach der Fertigstellung entdeckte ich eine fast identische Handlung in Samuel Butlers 'Notizbüchern'. Die Geschichte wurde letzten Sommer in 'Collier's' veröffentlicht und löste diesen verblüffenden Brief eines anonymen Bewunderers aus Cincinnati aus: 'Sir! Ich habe die Geschichte Benjamin Button in Colliers gelesen und möchte sagen, dass Sie als Autor von Kurzgeschichten einen guten Verrückten abgeben würden. Ich habe in meinem Leben schon viele Stückchen Käse gesehen, aber von allen Stückchen Käse, die ich je gesehen habe, sind Sie das größte Stück. Ich hasse es, ein Stück Papier an Sie zu verschwenden, aber ich tue es dennoch.' Fitzgeralds wunderbare Erzählung, die gleichzeitig lustig, erschreckend und satirisch ist, wurde sowohl für die Bühne als auch für die Leinwand mehrfach adaptiert und wird hier in ihrer ursprünglichen, ungekürzten Fassung als Hörbuch präsentiert. Sie wurde erstmals am 27. Mai 1922 im Collier's Magazine veröffentlicht. Später wurde sie in Fitzgeralds Geschichtensammlung 'Tales of the Jazz Age' mit aufgenommen. Für dieses Hörbuch wurde der Originaltext aus dem Amerikanischen von Ingolf Kloss neu übersetzt. Coverabbildung unter Verwendung einer Grafik von Nicholas Remisoff: 'A Man in a Tuxedo'/ Vanity Fair, März 1923. Coverschrift gesetzt aus der Better Book. Schlussmusik: Edith Wilson / 1922: 'What do you care'. Über den Sprecher: Ingolf Kloss, geb. 1973, kam 1994 als Co-Moderator zu Radio Leipzig, später Moderator und Produzent bei Radio Energy; seit 2000 ist er fest angestellter Moderator, Produzent und Musikredakteur bei Radio SAW, dort auch für alle Künstler-Interviews verantwortlich (u. a. Paul McCartney, Depeche Mode, Lenny Kravitz, Herbert Grönemeyer), seit 2003 hat er seine eigene tägliche Nachmittagsshow. Er lebt in Leipzig und Magdeburg. Nach seinen umfangreichen Romanlesungen 'Der große Gatsby' und 'Zärtlich ist die Nacht' und den gesammelten Erzählungen von F. Scott Fitzgerald folgten etliche weitere Literaturinterpretationen unterschiedlicher Werke von diversen Autoren.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Ingolf Kloss (Narrator)
A Rare Recording of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 - December 21, 1940) was an American novelist, essayist, and short story writer. He is best known for his four novels—This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby, and Tender Is The Night—depicting the flamboyance and excess of the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. In this recording, Fitgerald reads from Shakespeare's Othello, John Keats' Ode to a Nightingale, and John Masefield's On Growing Old.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), F. Scott Fitzgerald (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El extraño caso de Benjamin Button (Completo)
La historia de Benjamin Button, un hombre que nace viejo y, a medida que pasan los años, recupera la juventud, lo que le permite ver la sociedad que lo rodea con ojos distintos y críticos. Otros relatos hablan de novios imposibles y padres incómodos con su condición, de jóvenes y ricos herederos que envejecen prematuramente un mundo de luces y sombras que deja un sabor amargo en los labios. Este audiolibro constituye la quintaesencia del mundo narrativo de Scott Fitzgerald, quizá el narrador más dotado que dio la literatura norteamericana del siglo XX. En todos y cada uno de estos relatos se abordan sus obsesiones recurrentes: la melancolía por el final de una época, los claroscuros de la pareja, el fracaso o la fascinación por el lujo y la riqueza.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Franco Patiño (Narrator)
[Spanish] - A este lado del paraíso (Completo)
En Doce historias y un sueño, el lector se encontrará con un Wells sorprendente que extiende su búsqueda hacia la recreación fantástica y humorística de personajes variopintos a los que une un lazo común: la irrupción en sus vidas de un suceso insólito, extraño, que los conduce a las situaciones más insospechadas y delirantes... el pícaro que se convierte en el dios de una tribu de salvajes, el flemático caballero inglés sorprendido por un fantasma en prácticas de 'ronda', el investigador psíquico cuyo cuerpo es secuestrado por un ser de otra dimensión, los sorprendentes efectos de una droga denominada el 'nuevo acelerador' o los denodados esfuerzos del obeso Mr. Pyecraft para perder peso.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Catriel Oliva (Narrator)
[German] - Die großen Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur
Die großen Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur Mit Erzählungen von Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne und F. Scott Fitzgerald. gelesen von Dána M. Deverny, Werner Wilkening, Ingolf Kloss, u.a. -Herman Melville: Bartleby -Edgar Allan Poe: Das Manuskript in der Flasche -Nathaniel Hawthorne: Rappaccinis Tochter -Mark Twain: Die Eine-Million-Pfund-Note -Edgar Allan Poe: Hopp-Frosch -F. Scott Fitzgerald: Der Gast in Zimmer Neunzehn In der Weltliteratur haben amerikanische Autoren und ihre Werke schon immer einen besonderen Rang eingenommen. Berühmte Namen wie Melville, Fitzgerald, Twain, Poe - sie alle beeinflussten die Literaturgeschichte und wurden so zu den großen Legenden in der fantastischen Welt der Bücher. Wenn ihr aber wissen wollt, welche Klassiker der amerikanischen Weltliteratur wirklich anhörenswert sind, seid ihr hier genau richtig! Coverabbildung: Unter Verwendung einer Vectografie von Patriotic Wallpapers. Coverschrift gesetzt aus der Impact. Schlussmusik: produced by Jason Shaw on Audionautix is released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Edgar Allan Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Author), Div., Dána M. Deverny, Ingolf Kloss, Werner Wilkening (Narrator)
Discover a classic 20th-century American fiction novel by literary master Scott F. Fitzgerald. Artfully republished for the contemporary listener, this beautiful rendition of Scott F. Fitzgerald’s classic work The Great Gatsby is a timeless homage to the grand classics of old, providing modern book lovers with a gripping listen that sheds light on the fascinating culture and social issues of the 1920s. Recounting the story of salesman Nick Carraway and his interactions with the enigmatic and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby, this classic work grapples with themes of social inequality, self-made and inherited wealth, and the lives of the upper-class socialites during the height of the Jazz Age and the prohibition era. As Gatsby become increasingly infatuated with his past lover – Nick’s distant relative Daisy Buchanan – a rich and intriguing plot unfolds as he attempts to win her heart and fulfil his obsession. As a must-listen for lovers of classical fiction, as well as anybody who wants to gain a deeper appreciation of this timeless piece of classic American fiction, this edition of The Great Gatsby is a testament to this novel's enduring popularity. Listeners will discover a compelling read that’s brimming with larger-than-life characters and flowing prose that has solidified Scott F. Fitzgerald as a classic literary master.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Kevin Collins (Narrator)
Long considered one of America’s greatest novels, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, has remained the quintessential look at the “Roaring Twenties.” This new audio edition includes a nearly 2-hour study guide to The Great Gatsby, including a chapter-by-chapter analysis, descriptions of the key characters, and an overview of the important themes and symbols in the book. The novel unfolds as a memoir in the voice of Nick Carraway, a young man from the Midwest who travels to New York to try his hand at the bond business. By chance, Nick rents a house next door to the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby. Nick eventually befriends his neighbor, and learns that Gatsby had a relationship with his now-married cousin, Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby’s guiding purpose in life is to rekindle that relationship with Daisy. Through illicit means, he has transformed himself from the penniless soldier who wooed Daisy into a millionaire who believes the past can be repeated. He enlists a somewhat naive Nick in his quest. Gatsby learns too late that money can’t buy social standing, which in part destroys his hopeless desire to reunite with Daisy. Beyond being a simple story of a love lost and perhaps again found, this iconic masterpiece is a study of the very tenets of the American Dream. Fitzgerald penned a stylish and engaging novel that explores not only the interrelationships of the key characters, but the social stigmas and opulent lifestyles of the so-called Jazz Age.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Gary D. Macfadden (Narrator)
The Great Gatsby is a 1925 novel by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Set in the Jazz Age on Long Island, near New York City, the novel depicts first-person narrator Nick Carraway's interactions with mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and Gatsby's obsession to reunite with his former lover, Daisy Buchanan. The novel was inspired by a youthful romance Fitzgerald had with socialite Ginevra King, and the riotous parties he attended on Long Island's North Shore in 1922. Following a move to the French Riviera, Fitzgerald completed a rough draft of the novel in 1924. He submitted it to editor Maxwell Perkins, who persuaded Fitzgerald to revise the work over the following winter. After making revisions, Fitzgerald was satisfied with the text, but remained ambivalent about the book's title and considered several alternatives. Painter Francis Cugat's cover art greatly impressed Fitzgerald, and he incorporated aspects of it into the novel. After its publication by Scribner's in April 1925, The Great Gatsby received generally favorable reviews, though some literary critics believed it did not equal Fitzgerald's previous efforts. Compared to his earlier novels, Gatsby was a commercial disappointment, selling fewer than 20,000 copies by October, and Fitzgerald's hopes of a monetary windfall from the novel were unrealized. Gatsby continues to attract popular and scholarly attention. Contemporary scholars emphasize the novel's treatment of social class, inherited versus self-made wealth, race, and environmentalism, and its cynical attitude towards the American dream. One persistent item of criticism is an allegation of antisemitic stereotyping. The Great Gatsby is widely considered to be a literary masterwork and a contender for the title of the Great American Novel. -Wikipedia
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Roy Young (Narrator)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Unabridged
F. Scott Fitzgerald created the novella 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' as a short story, originally published in Collier's magazine in 1922. It tells the tale of Benjamin, son of Roger Button, who was born as an old man and who, over the course of his life, miraculously ages backwards. Beginning life as an octogenarian in his crib, Benjamin grows 'older' while his body, conversely, appears younger and younger with each passing birthday. The story takes us through Benjamin's entire life; his difficult adolescence, his marriage, life as a soldier and father and, ultimately, his inevitable descent into infanthood. At once hilarious, frightening and satiric, Fitzgerald's wonderful story has been adapted for both the stage and screen and is presented here in its original, unabridged format.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (Author), Joseph Wycoff (Narrator)
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