Discover the amazing partnership of tarot and mindfulness with this comprehensive book by European tarot authorities Johannes Fiebig and Evelin Bürger. Featuring spreads, charts, and card-by-card breakdowns with color illustrations of each, this guide is the ultimate resource for finding peace and balance through your tarot practice.
Cartomancy is like wakeful dreaming-meditating on images that produce a sense of invigorating relaxation. That's why tarot and mindfulness go hand in hand, and this book makes it simple for you to unite these practices in fun and effective ways. Fiebig and Bürger guide you through the entire deck, introducing you to the symbolic language of tarot and providing many spread suggestions. They also teach you how to best use the cards for special occasions, for answering mindfulness-related questions, and for overcoming challenges.
Discover everything you ever wanted to know about the world's most popular tarot deck. The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot details the ten most important symbols on each and every card in the deck. In addition to an explanation of the symbols, each card is given a brief interpretation by topic: primary meaning; prognosis or tendency; spiritual meaning; love and relationship meaning; daily meaning; and success and happiness meaning.
Writing in a convenient format designed for quick reference, European tarot authorities Johannes Fiebig and Evelin Bürger also provide tips, hints, facts, and lore to improve your reading right away. In this book, you will find the top ten most important: ways of using a single card; tips and rules for interpretation; facts about the tarot; interpretations for each suit; and spread layout techniques.