Four more hilarious episodes of the groundbreaking BBC radio comedy starring Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe. Forog – Series 5, Episode 13 (21 December 1954) The Six Ingots of Leadenhall Street (aka The Terrible Blasting of Moreton’s Bank) – Series 5, Episode 23 (1 March 1955) The Tale of Men’s Shirts – Series 10, Episode 2 (31 December 1959)The Scarlet Capsule – Series 9, Episode 14 (2 February 1959) Goon but not forgotten! Here is a chance to enjoy more anarchic clowning from one of the greatest ever radio comedy teams. The Goon Show ran on the BBC Home Service from 1951 to 1960, and influenced an entire generation of subsequent comedians. Its legacy has lasted over sixty years, with classic episodes continuing to divert and delight audiences worldwide. In these four digitally-remastered episodes, written by Spike Milligan and Eric Sykes, Ned tracks down the terrorists responsible for producing the artificial foreign fog that is blanketing London; Inspector Seagoon investigates a bank robbery; Neddie Seagoon stars in a tale of spies, counter-spies and exploding shirt-tails and Professor Ned Quatermass unravels a mystery around an unexplained Thing discovered deep below London. Duration: 1 hour 55 mins approx.
Four episodes of the groundbreaking BBC radio comedy starring Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe. Goon but not forgotten! Here is a chance to enjoy more surreal clowning from one of the greatest comedy teams on radio. During the course of these four digitally-remastered episodes, London is beseiged by birds and Winston Seagoon battles the Big Brother Corporation. The episodes included are: The Starlings - Series 4 Special (31 August 1954), The Missing Scroll - Series 5, Episode 19 (1 February 1955), Nineteen Eighty-Five - Series 5, Episode 20 (8 February 1955), and The Man Who Won the War (AKA Seagoon MCC) - Series 6, Episode 1 (20 September 1955).Please note: Nineteen Eighty-Five is a remake of the same titled episode from 4 January 1955, previously available on The Goon Show Volume 5.