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[Italian] - Nuove storielle a Ninetta
NOTA: I proventi di questo audiolibro saranno interamente destinati a opere benefiche e ad associazioni culturali o umanitarie del terzo settore. Te ne ricordi, Ninetta? Il ricordo è oggi l’unica gioia, nella quale il mio cuore si riposa. Fino a vent’anni, noi abbiamo fatta insieme la stessa strada. Io sento i tuoi piedini sul duro terreno; io scorgo il lembo della tua bianca gonnella sul raso delle erbe avveniticcie; io sento il tuo alito fra gli odori della salvia che mi giungono da lontano come soffi di giovinezza. E le ore beate mi si fanno distinte. Era una mattina, in barchetto, sulla riva dell’acqua rinnovatasi appena, tutta pura, tutta rosea delle prime porpore del cielo; – era un mezzodì, sotto gli alberi, in un bugigattolo di foglie, colla campagna oppressa dal caldo, dormente intorno a noi, senza un brivido; – era una sera, in mezzo a un prato, lentamente inondato dal ceruleo del crepuscolo, che pioveva dalle colline; – era una notte, camminando lungo una via interminabile, andanti tutti e due all’ignoto, noncuranti delle stelle, col solo gaudio di lasciare la città, di smarrirci lontani, assai lontani, nel fondo dell’ombra discreta… Te ne ricordi, Ninetta?
émile Zola (Author), Francesco Tommaso (Narrator)
Me permettez-vous, dans ma gratitude pour le bienveillant accueil que vous m’avez fait un jour, d’avoir le souci de votre juste gloire et de vous dire que votre étoile, si heureuse jusqu’ici, est menacée de la plus honteuse, de la plus ineffaçable des taches ? Vous êtes sorti sain et sauf des basses calomnies, vous avez conquis les coeurs. Vous apparaissez rayonnant dans l’apothéose de cette fête patriotique que l’alliance russe a été pour la France, et vous vous préparez à présider au solennel triomphe de notre Exposition Universelle, qui couronnera notre grand siècle de travail, de vérité et de liberté. Mais quelle tache de boue sur votre nom - j’allais dire sur votre règne - que cette abominable affaire Dreyfus ! Un conseil de guerre vient, par ordre, d’oser acquitter un Esterhazy, soufflet suprême à toute vérité, à toute justice. Et c’est fini,
émile Zola (Author), Lecteur Inconnu (Narrator)
Das Paradies der Damen - Erzählbuch, Band 3 (Ungekürzt)
Meike Rötzer nach Émile Zola. Das Erzählbuch - Theater für die Ohren und Schlüssel zu den Stoffen, die zu Weltliteratur wurden. Bislang werden Bücher vor- und durchgelesen, jetzt wird erzählt. Als die junge, schöne und lebenskluge Denise in dem aufstrebenden Pariser Kaufhaus 'Paradies der Damen' als Verkäuferin zu arbeiten beginnt, erlebt sie nicht nur die Härten des Angestelltendaseins, sondern auch die Mechanismen des Kapitalismus und eines gnadenlosen Marketings. Dass der Chef des Kaufhauses sich in sie, die Tochter eines verarmten Schneiders, verliebt, macht ihre Situation nicht einfacher. Émile Zola zeichnet das drastische Bild einer prekären Arbeitswelt und der skrupellosen Machenschaften der Finanzwirtschaft, die der heutigen in nichts nachsteht. Diese packende Geschichte um die charakterstarke Denis wird hier mit einer Leichtigkeit erzählt, die alle Figuren lebendig werden lässt und das Gnadenlose der modernen Arbeitswelt greifbar macht. Der Bildhauer und Bühnenbildner Alexander Polzin hat das Portrait von Èmile Zola für den Erzählbuchverlag gemalt.
Meike Rötzer, émile Zola (Author), Meike Rötzer (Narrator)
Il finanziere Saccard è quasi ridotto in miseria, ma ha un'idea straordinaria: fondare una banca che finanzi grandi opere in Medio Oriente (sono gli anni della costruzione del Canale di Suez). Si chiamerà Banca Universale. Il valore delle azioni cresce un po' troppo rapidamente, ma la scommessa può lo stesso funzionare se tutti cooperano. L'importante è che nessuno inizi a vendere. Zola scrive il Denaro nel 1882 ispirandosi a fatti realmente accaduti poco tempo prima, ma lo ambienta tra il 1864 e il 1867, sotto Napoleone III, quando la Borsa di Parigi sta diventando uno dei principali mercati finanziari del mondo. Sullo sfondo le ambizioni imperialistiche della Francia, l'ostilità, in difesa del papa, nei confronti del Regno d'Italia, desiderosa di conquistare Roma, e la minaccia di una guerra con la Prussia. © 2021 (per la traduzione Sellerio editore)
Fabio Grassi, Leonardo Martinelli, émile Zola (Author), Riccardo Bocci (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. Considered by André Gide to be one of the ten greatest novels in the French language, Germinal is a brutal depiction of the poverty and wretchedness of a mining community in northern France under the second empire. At the centre of the novel is Etienne Lantier, a handsome 21 year-old mechanic, intelligent but with little education and a dangerous predisposition to murderous, alcoholic rage. Germinal tells the parallel story of Etienne's refusal to accept what he appears destined to become, and of the miners' difficult decision to strike in order to fight for a better standard of life. (c) 1885, Émile Zola (P) 2019 Penguin Audio
émile Zola (Author), Josh Dylan (Narrator)
Perhaps the most autobiographical of Zola’s Rougon-Macquart cycle of novels, The Masterpiece is a hard, bleak and raw portrait of unrecognised artistic genius. Claude Lantier, brother to Nana and son of Gervaise, is a struggling painter who dreams of conquering Paris’s art scene with his revolutionary ‘open air’ style of painting. Discouraged and mocked, Claude retreats to the countryside with a young woman from Clermont, with whom he has fallen in love, before returning to Paris, where he continues to experience rejection at every turn. Zola’s depiction of a frustrated artist is said to have drawn heavily on the real-life experiences of Édouard Manet and Paul Cézanne, the latter of whom broke off his friendship with the author upon reading the novel.
émile Zola (Author), Leighton Pugh (Narrator)
Against the backdrop of political and legal corruption in Second Empire France, La Bête Humaine (1890) contrasts the technological advancements of the Machine Age with the primitive and timeless human impulse to possess through killing and to kill through possession. The lives of two railwaymen on the Paris to Le Havre line are fatally entwined by their love for the same woman in this shocking account of brutal violence, greed, revenge and repression. In the wider cast of Zola's characters, too, we see just how close to the surface of civilisation the beast within us lurks.
émile Zola (Author), Leighton Pugh (Narrator)
Brutal, gripping and heart wrenching, L'Assommoir (also known as The Drinking Den) chronicles the tragic downward spiral of Gervaise Macquart, a good-natured and hardworking laundress who slides into alcoholism and despair. After her lover abandons her and their two children, Gervaise marries a tin worker, Coupeau, who helps her rebuild her life. She starts her own business and the two have a daughter, Anna (the protagonist of Zola's later novel, Nana). But their happiness is short-lived as a freak accident leaves Coupeau seriously injured, beginning the family's fall into alcohol, desperation and violence. Disturbingly realistic, L'Assommoir is a vivid portrayal of life in late 19th-century Paris. **Contact Customer Service for Additional Content**
émile Zola (Author), Leighton Pugh (Narrator)
The Markets of Paris is a remarkable work, and is the one which Zola calls his very best novel, and of which he is far more proud than of any others in his Rougon-Marquart series – prouder than of L'Assommoir. It must have been in his early manhood, when poor and friendless, he lived among the people, that much of the information which makes these pages so startlingly vivid, was acquired. How many mornings, long before dawn, must he have visited these markets – how many hours and days must he have spent there, to have mastered the habits, manners and ways of these people, who are a class by themselves, and of whom we do not lose sight, from the beginning to the end of the book. He introduces us to the Parisian charcutier – the cook shop – and in La Belle Lina, the mistress of the establishment, we find the sister of Gervaise, the woman who stirred the depths of our hearts with pity, in L'Assommoir. In truth The Markets of Paris stands as utterly alone in modern French literature, as it is distinct and apart, from any other work even by Zola himself. It is a book for all to read
émile Zola (Author), Chloe Boyle (Narrator)
The elopement of Philippe Cayol, an aspiring liberal, poor and untitled with Blanche De Cazalis, niece of a powerful millionaire and politician sets the stage in this novel full of twists and turns with villains a plenty. Philippe's brother Marius strives to protect the two lovers from the De Cazalis' uncontrolled fury. Although written in his youth Zola's signature style, his indignation about injustice and his vivid characterization of the noble, the wealthy and common man is very evident in this non stop adventure.
émile Zola (Author), Chloe Boyle (Narrator)
Nana Coupeau is a beautiful woman, able to attract men of enormous wealth with the crook of her finger. Part-time prostitute, part-time actress, she makes her debut in a mediocre operetta The Blonde Venus at the bustling Paris World's Fair of 1867. She can't sing, act or dance, yet she is stunning. Nana soon rockets through elite Parisian society, and, blinded by desire, men crawl to her feet, yielding to her every demand. Affections are manipulated, hearts are broken; fortunes are gutted and inheritances squandered. The poverty and violence of Nana's upbringing have led her to a cold and profligate life - a metaphoric indictment of the excesses of France's Second Empire, and a striking example of Zola's Naturalism.
émile Zola (Author), Leighton Pugh (Narrator)
Die Muscheln des Monsieur Chabre (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Monsieur Chabre und seine junge Gattin verbringen den Sommer am Meer. Da die Ehe der beiden bisher kinderlos blieb, erhält Monsieur Chabre den ärztlichen Rat, eine strenge Muscheldiät zu halten. Doch Madame Chabre verfolgt ganz andere Pläne, um sich ihren Kinderwunsch zu erfüllen ... Eine der charmantesten Erzählungen des berühmten französischen Romanciers Emile Zola.
émile Zola (Author), Michael Rotschopf (Narrator)
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